Fred Weasley: Starving

Start from the beginning

Harry had heard you. He had heard your soft cries to yourself as you sat in front of the fire in the common room. You thought you were alone. Harry, being the big brother he is, was always watching over you. It breaks his heart seeing you hate yourself the way you do.

Fred's sacrificed the most. Nights you'd go to bed early instead of staying up with him for a tea and a cuddle in front of the fire. You just needed to get to sleep before your body forced itself to get sick.

Or the times you'd skip out on Hogsmeade dates or meals with him just because you know he'd either endlessly encourage you to eat something or it would be very awkward.

He missed you. He missed the girl he fell in love with.

The one who loved to read books and hang out with her friends. The one who was inseparably close to her older brother and treated Hermione like her sister. The one who would snatch every second alone with him that she could because she craved time with him desperately.

So when Pomfrey asked them if you had expressed any strange behavioral traits lately, your brother and best friend and boyfriend had been quick to explain. They told her everything.

Pomfrey told them that they all needed to not only encourage you to get back to a normal meal schedule, but to be there for you and to ask you genuinely what was wrong and how you honestly felt.

The gang had all settled around your bed and waited for you. Ron eventually showed up and brought food for everyone. Including you. For when you woke up, he had explained to everyone else.

Fred's knee was bouncing. Anxiety gripped him like a glove and it showed. Short, sharp sighs slipped past his lips as he bit his lower lip nervously between his teeth. George's brotherly shoulder pats and words of support did little to calm him.

All Fred could see was his precious girl lying ill in the cot and he was worried beyond belief. He hadn't ever been this anxious in his life.

When your eyes finally opened, and a weak mutter of Fred's name caught everyone's attention, they watched as Fred leaned forward and kissed your forehead.

"Hello, there, lovely," He tried his hardest at a convincing smile but even you weren't fooled. "Are you feeling alright?"

You didn't answer. You didn't really need to. Overwhelming guilt washed over you because you knew they all knew why this happened. And it's your fault. You were fully prepared for anyone to yell or argue. You deserved it anyway, right?

"I'm not sure how someone could make lying in a cot attractive, but you've surely mastered that art in the last hour or so," George complimented. Your cheeks burned.

Fred only grinned at his brother's complimentary words towards your newly and barely conscious self.

"I'm sorry," You faintly whispered to everyone. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, darling, it's partly on us for not giving you enough support," Fred said. "We're gonna step it up but we need you to be honest with us, yeah?"

You nodded at your boyfriend's request.

"You need to tell us, any of us, when you don't feel beautiful," Hermione smiled supportively. "Because we will gladly supply you with a mirror and enough compliments to keep those cheeks of yours red all year."

"Well said," Harry told Hermione before turning back to you. "And hey, I'll give you a while to get back into the loop of things, but I will start being your advocate against yourself. You will be eating more. I will endlessly annoy you with it if I must."

You giggled a little. What your brother had playfully threatened you with wasn't a lie. He's been the most bothered about you doing this to yourself since you skipped that first meal.

"My darling, I think you are the most unexplainably, breathtakingly gorgeous woman I have ever seen. Inside and out," Fred kissed your hand, looking into your eyes as he said his next words.

"Don't skip out on me anymore. I want to help you. I miss you."

"I won't be... be able to d-do this on my own," You admitted, fighting tears at the fact of having all of their support. Regardless of whether or not you got yourself into this mess to begin with or not.

They saw their girl needing help. They saw a member of their beloved family weak and calling out for help. Of course they were gonna be right there to carry you.

"Who ever said you were doing anything alone?" Fred smirked. "I can assure you, I am going to be around you so much that you'll get tired of hearing my voice."

"Never," You admitted, blushing his direction.

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