chapter 46

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~ Wednesday ~

 Jungkook and Taehyung were on the football field that afternoon, they were sitting on the bleachers, taking a break from the thousands of strenuous drills Namjoon had them running through for the past several hours. Jungkook was resting back on the metal seats, covering his flushed face from the sun above him with a damp cold towel to cool himself off.

There were two days until the next football game and now that all the other opponents found out about their victory they were planning on destroying them. "Those fuckers are gonna be gunning for you especially Jeon. Word is going around that you're on a professional level, so all eyes will be on your next game. Watch yourself carefully, but just note that I always got your back my dude." Taehyung told Jungkook.

Taehyung was emptying out the cold water from his bottle into his mouth, frowning when there was nothing left to quench his thirst but his focus was shifted to Jungkook who released a breathless chuckle and sat up along the bleacher. The other football player was clutching his abdomen from the pain of the vigorous exercise and from hunger and Taehyung could relate to hard to that feeling right now.

"Ah, I'm not worried about them. Namjoon said that my time is getting faster, so we'll be fine Tae. I don't even know why you listen to people's opinions, they're just trying to get us frazzled, it's a trick to get us thrown off our game." Jungkook said. He's very aware that he is the most valuable player on the team, a role model to the others because Namjoon didn't have to worry about him getting into trouble, he wasn't cocky or full of himself and was responsible with his health and his studies.

Taehyung agreed and began grumbling about how hungry he was getting Jungkook to recall that Jimin had given him some granola bars yesterday. He reached into his duffel bag to grab the light snack, tossing one at Taehyung who was bowing down to him and digging into the healthy yet satisfying oatmeal with fruit flavor. "Something wrong?" Taehyung questioned Jungkook when he noticed him chewing with a concerned expression over his face.

Jungkook was lost thinking about his boyfriend, his mind was hundred miles away because Jimin had been very off lately, acting different and seeming paranoid and he hated witnessing him keeping all his distressed thoughts to himself. Jimin had still refused to tell Jungkook about what happened with Hyunwoo, not because he didn't trust him but because he genuinely thought that he could figure it out on his own.

"Jimin is hiding something from me. He says that he's not but I can sense that something is wrong. Has Yoongi told you anything out of the ordinary going on between them?" Jungkook asked. He moved his gaze from the ground to Taehyung, showing off his worried doe eyes that were filled with hope that he would know some information pertaining to Jimin's troubles.

Taehyung thought for a second then shook his head, "Nah, Yoongi hasn't mentioned anything but then again most of the time he's being hostile towards me. He's not cutting me any damn slack and I so foolishly adore him for it." Taehyung expressed with a chuckle, getting lost in his own dilemmas with his cute little cheerleader that was making him work extra hard to get back on his good side and into his pants.

"Wow, trouble in paradise? No, don't answer I don't care. When we're on the football field, the entire team needs your entire focus, on the practice, on improving and on the game coming up. Right now, winning is all that matters, no your little boyfriends, you can see them later now come on. Hurry up and get your gear on." Namjoon exclaimed to the two but staring more at Jungkook who was sulking, looking pitiful during precious practice hours.

"Damn, okay take it easy on us less fortunate. You're so quick to say that because you and Seokjin are doing great apparently. Wait, don't tell me, did he buy you a car yet? Must be nice having a sugar daddy." Taehyung snickered, teasing his captain. Namjoon scoffed and pulled Taehyung by his helmet that was over his head now and dragged him towards the field, explaining the key to his good relationship, proper communication.

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