Shrinking Clothes (Fourtris Fluff)

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*Tris Pov*

"Babe can you put my clothes in the drier? Please" I ask Tobias with a smile. We just came from school maybe about an hour ago. Megan is at work, Caleb is in his room, Jade is in here getting on my nerves, and My parents are at work. 

"Sure" Tobias pecks my lips and runs down the steps. I put up our homework and turn up Max and Ruby for jade so she can hear it. I lay down on the bed and hold Jade in my arms. Tobias walks into the room with a proud smirk and I furrow my eyebrows then shrug it off. 

He gets back in the bed and we cuddle up to his side. 


I wake the next morning to the sound of rain hitting the roof and windows. I get up and lay Jade flat on my bed making a wall of pillows so she does not fall off the side of the bed. Tobias left last night so it was only me and Jade.

I go into my bathroom and take a shower. When I am finished I wrap myself in a towel to dry off and then I put on some lotion and then some deoderant. I put on a black lace bra set and then I wrap myself in a towel and then I go downstairs and I go grab my clothes in the drier. 

I put them on the end of my bed not on Jade and then I sort through it and find a perfect outfit for this cold rainy weather. As I am sliding on my high waist jeans that are black they get stuck around my hips and butt. I takes a while to get them up and I finally do. I pick up my dark purple crewneck T-shirt with the ninja turtles on it. 

It looks 2 times smaller than it did yesterday before....TOBIAS SHRUNK MY CLOTHES. 

My hair bursts into flames and I start pacing back and fourth....THAT SON OF A-


I just slip on the shirt and now that my hair is dried and still flaming. I just use my hot hands to flatten iron it and then I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and some deep purple lipstick. I lace on some combat boots being careful to not bend down and rip my small, tight jeans. I slide on a black belt and then look in the mirror.

My shirt shrunk so much it looks like it is being tucked into my pants. I put on some black rose earings and some chains filling up the rest of my holes. Then I slide on multiple rings and a deep purple tonuge ring and belly button stud. I slide on a black cropped jean jacket and I grab Jade place her in her crib. Run down stairs yelling Bye and grabbing a bottle of water. 

I rush to school and I run up the steps ignoring the whistles and catcalls. I go to my locker and see Christina at hers as well. I take off my jacket throw it in there and grab my things for class. 

I walk over to Christina and her eyes widen. 

"Tris" She slams her locker shut. "Why are your pants so tight that you can see you Jennifer Lopez butt perfectly" She says

"Because I simply asked Four to throw my clothes in the drier and then this morning I take my clothes out of the dryer and I get dressed thaat is when I noticed that he shrunk my clothes" I say getting angry again .

"Tris don't worry...maybe he didn't do it on purpose. You know some boys don't know how to wash and dry clothes and plus you have that 2015 washing machine and dryer....high tect and maybe he didn't know how to work it." She says 

"Yeah maybe" I run a finger though my hair flipping the front to one side. I slide my phone in my back pocket. As we are walking to our class the morning announcements come on and we have to stand in the hallway for 5 freaking minutes. Pledge of alliegence, moment of silence, and then filling us in on bull crap. 

We finally get in the class room and let out an annoyed long sigh. 

I sit in the back. 

"Hey look nice" Tobias says with a smirk hugging my from behind. 


"Did you shrink my clothes?" I ask Tobias out of the blue as we walk from lunch to our next class. 

"Um....Maybe" He says pulling my close to him sticking his hand in my back pocket and I stick my hand in his and we walk to class.

"Why...why would you do that" I say

He smiles at me as we stop by his locker. He grabs his things for the next class and I just stand beside him glaring at him. 

"I don't know... I was being a hormonal teenage boy at the moment" He says and I scoff. 

"So what are you now?" I ask as he shuts his locker.

"A hormonal teenage boy" He says as he smushes his mouth on mine. I laugh through the kiss when he lifts me up and someone whistles. 

"COME ON GUYS NOT IN THE HALLWAY!" I hear Mr. Worm yell to us. We break away and I hug him and swing my legs back and forth and he laughs too. 


"Do you have any homework tonight?" Tobias asks through the door. I am in his bedroom changing and he is in the bathroom in the shower. 

"No!" I shout back using my moving powers to grab some clothing. I use my powers to brush out my hair and I change into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. 

Once I am finished he walks in to his bedroom with his towel wrapped around his waist glistening with water and you can see V line. I gulp and pack up my things sliding on some socks. 

"I'll be downstairs" I smile and he smiles too and starts to get dressed. 

I go down the steps and sit in his living room on the couch. He comes down stairs soon dressed and sits beside me. 

"Let's do this" I smile grabbing his playstation 4 remote control. He just brought Mortal Kombat X and we are about to play. 

He grabs me by my hips and sets me down on his lap so that I am straddling him but facing the televison. He wraps his arms around me and holds the remote in front of me. 

I pick Kitana and he picks Johnny Cage.

"You know you are kinda like Johnny Cage" I say as the game loads and he kisses my neck and I smile. 


We keep playing all day and it was fun until Marcus came home from work so we went upstairs hung out and then I went home. Words can't describe how much I love him. 

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