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*Tris Pov*

I see someone running towards me and I raise my gun and shoot him in the chest and he falls limp.

I can see the rest of the class jump to the sudden movement of me shooting the gun. I run and take cover behind a broken down car. Wow this really reminds me of Call of Duty.

I look over the car and see a whole bunch of people hidden behind objects. So I use my powers. I use my hands as a flame thrower and catch all of the people and objects on fire. My hair starts to light up and move around. Now I'm pissed. I faintly see some people shooting at me and that is when I feel a searing pain in my shoulder.

I got shot in the shoulder. I start to run and find a place to hide. I climb on top of a car and the top of the roof and I lay down flat on my stomach. I look over and I see faceless men running up the steps of the building so I use my moving powers to lock the door.

I lift up my gun and my shoulder hurts but I grunt and move on. I use the little goggle piece on the gun and I start shoot them perfectly in the face and then I shot this one guy in the eye. There is banging on the door and then the door bursts open. Filing in with a whole bunch of men. They all crowd around me and I close my eyes briefly.

"This is a simulation." I breathe and when I open my eyes I start to go off. I shoot the first person in front of me and I turn around in a circle spraying all those botches. They all start fall like leaves in autumn. The sound of the gun excites and scares me. I love the sound of a gun bullet after bullet but also scared because I don't necessarily like to hurt anyone except those who I don't like.

Once they are all done another one who I thought died stands up and charges at me. I try to shoot him but guess what. I am all out of bullets. Great, just amazing.
One charges at me and tries to punch me in the face. I dodge it and stand up. Someone from behind me puts their arms around me tightly and the other one in front of me tries to punch me in the face so. I place my feet on his chest and do a backflip kicking him in the face. I land on my feet on the other side, my arms are locked the man's neck in a headlock.

People start shooting behind me and I turn around and use the struggling man's body as a shield. I throw flames over his shoulder burning everyone.

Men start flying down from zip wires and I think of a gun and I feel its cold metal against my leg. I look down and see the MP40 German gun. I pick it up and it is so heavy. I start to shoot and it pushes out bullets really quick and wow. It sounds amazing. They all fall off of the zip line. I smirk and continue shooting once again I run out of bullets.

Once I see that most people are gone. I sigh and lean against the ledge touching my shoulder breathing heavy. I think I am about done when a HUGE man runs towards me from the door and he is so big that I can't fight him. I think of my pocket knife and I throw it with perfect aim hitting him in his chest right where his heart is and he falls back.


A bald man with tattoo's and muscles walks up to me and punches me in my face and grabs my shoulders roughly. I wince from my 'bullet' wound. He slaps me across the face and I try to punch him and he blocks it. I try to kick him and he blocks it and when he tries to punch and kick me I block his blows too.

He grabs me roughly and I burn his hands his grip loosens and I do a jump up in the air and kick him in the face he stumbles and walks closer to me. I do a handstand and put my feet around his neck pushing them away cracking his neck, killing him.

He falls against the ground and I flip back up. The scene disappears and then I am back in the white glass room. Everyone stares at me with shock and amazement.

"Max that was more than 10 minutes." I wheeze placing my hands on my knees and put my head down breathing.

"I know" he says smugly. "I just pushed you until your breaking point."

"That was amazing babe." Tobias says lifting me off the ground and I laugh and then wince.

"Got shot in the shoulder." I say and he smirks and hug me the other way. I look down at my shoulder and run my hand over it. The pain is suddenly gone.

I move my shoulder. Still a bit sore.

"Freaking amazing." Uriah says smirking and I blush.

"Yeah Tris you looked so badass! Like in all leather or whatever then being in the rain and killing all those people then doing cartwheels and handstands when you burned those guys! Sweet!" Christina rushes out and I laugh.

"Alright I have Ms. Prior results!" Max shouts grabbing the paper but Nita and Cara continue talking.

We have read everyone's results now it is time for me.

"35 head shots, 104 killed, 30 burned, 1 knife throw and 2 fights." He says and I smirk proudly.

"So, like why was my last person was the hardest?" I ask

"Because I bumped it up a little bit you were doing too well." Max smiles. "100% A"
"How was school sweetie?" Mom asks

"Oh you know, thots, test, friends, laughing, Sims, getting shot in the shoulder, and poetry" I say

"Sounds like the usual."

"Yep, I am sad to say that it's just a regular day."

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