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*Tris Pov*

"Why were they there anyway?" Shauna says through laughter.

"Right. And what the hell was Jarred doing there"Christina adds.

We just came from GForce. We played lazer tag, Go Karts, and we went in the arcade.

We also decided to go to the movies to see Neighbors with Zac Effron. It was hilarious.

Now we are eating at a Bar.

"Because they clamied that they wanted to 'see me' but it was T-Four who was the first person that came over and the others tagged along" I say biting my fries.

"I think that we should go camping next weekend" Marlene says after awhile.

"Yeah" We all agree but Christina.

"Ew. There is bugs and dirt" She says as she grimaces.

"Yeah, We know, Its outdoors, Duh"Lynn says

Christina rolls her eyes.

"Oh no. Selena and Trent arent here because of vacation. Awe" Shauna says.

"Yup then it would be like old times when it was just us. Minus Trent" I say

After eating and all we go home grabbing our leftovers.

Once we get to my house I open the door and see......

The boys playing Black Ops and wrappers and bottles on the coffee table and there is this stench of feet and corn chips even though there is really no difference. 

Luckily thats the only things thats out of place. The rest is fine.

I look at Tobias and see he has my bra on his head.

I gasp and they girls burst into laughter.

"What are you doing?" I say

They look at me with scared expressions.

"Omg" Lynn says clutching her stomach.

Christina walks out the door still laughing and comes back in clutching her stomach.

"Clean this mess up"I say walking by and snatching my bra off of Tobias' head.


"That was hilarious" Christina says

They boys just left not even a minute ago and now we are in my room chilling trying to go to sleep since tomorrow we are all going to starbucks to talk about the mini vacation.

"Eh" I say shruging.

"Face it, he looked like mickey mouse" Shauna says

"So Tris? How does it feel to do the do with Four since he has strength powers. It must feel awesome"Christina says

"At first 'I mean like our first time' It kinda hurt when he went fast but now im kinda used to it. Sometimes its annoying. Because you think the bed is going to break. Sometimes it evens slides off the wall" I say 

"OOOH KILL EM!" The girls shout and I roll my eyes and Mar breaks into fake tears.

"They grow up so fast, and, like, I'm so happy, You guys were the last virgins in the group. Even Trent and Selena did it" Mar says and everyone nods.

"How do you guys know this stuff?" I ask


"Pervs"I throw my pillows at them.

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