Peace Serum

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*Tris Pov*

I wake up on a Tuesday at 7:05 alarm blaring and the sun directly in my face. We all groan and I stand up closing the blinds and plop back on the make shift bed.

"Kids it's time to get up and get ready" My mother says in her soothing, but annoying voice in the morning that I have grown accustomed too..That is the only reason why it is annoying because she only uses it when it's time to get up (This is based on me and her mother in the morning)

We all groan and I clutch my spinning head. I like to drink or whatever but I hate the outcome.

I use my moving powers to hit each and everyone in the face with a pillow.

"Wake up!!" I throw the covers off of everyone letting the cold air hit their legs.

They groan and I stand up running a finger through my messy hair and I stand up and stalk up the stairs.

I crawl into my bathroom and take a long hot shower. When I am finished I smell like Endless Weekend by Bath and Body Works. Sometimes I wish there was an endless weekend.

I get out and dry off and I put on a black Calvin Klein bra set and the undies are boxer booty short kind.

I brush a comb through my curly wavy hair and then I plug up the blow drier.

I set out my clothes and then I go brush my teeth and gargle some mouth wash. I start to blow dry my hair while moisturizing it. After it is dry and somewhat straight. I start to do my make up. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss with a burgundy tint and then I hurry and paint my nails silver and let them dry to the help of my heating powers.

I slide on some vintage high waist shorts, A burgundy long sleeve crop top, and my white chuck Taylor high tops.

I put on some black rose earrings, matching belly button ring and tongue ring. I part my hair in the middle and I grab a side of pink/ purple hair and I put it in a bun and then the other side so they are space buns and I put on a black bandana.

I grab my bag with my things in there and I take a couple of Advil and I go downstairs watching my feet skip certain steps.

That's when I hear it. A HUGE roar of laughter.

I groan and swing my arms around immaturely and trudge into the kitchen where I see everyone gathered around the island standing up and Caleb, and Megan are both blushing red.

Since I am so short and everyone in the kitchen is taller than me I can't see anything.

I jump up and I catch a glimpse of a photo book.

Tobias chuckles turns around and his smile drops when he see's me glaring at him.

"What's so funny?" I say

"Um...Your pictures" He pulls me and stands behind me so I can see and Mom and Dad are showing them pictures from back then.

"What year was this?" Christina chuckles seeing me only one years old in the bath tub with Megan who is 2 and Caleb who is also one.

"Andrew wasn't it 1998?" Mom smiles.

"Yeah they were born in 1997 so yeah around that time" Dad says

I groan and cover my eyes but Tobias forces them down so I can stare at the horror in front of me.

"Ahh the 90's those were the times" We all sigh

"'s over" Megan closes the book.

"Megan no seas tan grosero. Son sólo imágenes de bebés y admitió su bebé tush es tan adorable." Dad says making Shauna, Lynn, Myself and Caleb snort.

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