Lunch and The Party

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I do not own divergent

*Tris Pov*

I Just got home and my parents are watching televison.

"How was school?" Mom says as she cuts off the Tv.

"It was good I learned how to fight and showed everyone my powers and learned some from everyone esle." I say

"Thats my baby" Dad says as he makes a fireball and I do the same.


Just then Caleb walks into the room and teleports the remote to him and plops down on the couch.

"Shall we take this outdoors then?" Dad says as he inches closer to the edge of the couch because he knows whats going to happen.

"Race Ya!" I yell and we both take off and I end up winning when we reach the backyard I end up winning.

"I lost because i'm old" Dad says

"Yeah Yeah Yeah use that old trick considering you are 30 years old litterly" I say

We both burst out laughing.

"I thought it would work this time" Dad says "Here I brought this bulls eye so you can practice aiming with the fire" Dad says and brings out the target "Give it a shot kiddo" 

I breathe in and out I raise my hands are shoot the flames and they hit dead in the center then dad tries and hits the center we do that for about 30 more minutes but then we stopped when mom called us for dinner.

We walk in and wash our hands and go to the table we are eating pasta and salad with garlic bread.

While we are eating mom says

"Guys we have some good news...Me and your father both got a promotion today conincidence right? and you are going to be having a little sister! I am 8 Weeks pregnant!" Mom says and me and caleb drop our forks simutanesoulsy and look up to our parents who are smiling.

I cant belive OUR 30 year old parents did the nasty.

"BEATRICE!" my mom yells and Caleb shouts to me 


"I thought out loud didn't I"

I say and caleb nods I roll my eyes at myself.

"We leave every morning to go to our jobs at 5:00Am and come at 4:00pm

We talk some more and I clean the kitchen and I go to the room.

I undress and hop into the shower.

I brush my hair out and put in a messy ponytail and put on a long shirt thats mid-thigh and some boy shorts. Once my head hits the pillow I am out like a light.


I wake up fully rested and when I look to my right I see the clock it 8:32 I need to be at school at 8:40. I scream and jump up thank goodness I took a shower.

I run to the bathroom and wash my face. 

I put some masscara and eyeliner on and some coral lipstick different from yesterday. I flatten my hair and run to my closet. I am so happy I have fire powers because I lit up my iron in like 3 secconds.

I decide on: High waisted black shorts, Vero Moda white sweatshirt with a lion that is filled in with pink blue and green with black and It says RAWR in white on the lion.

I throw on some Air Jordan 13 GS Seaside jordans 

I put on a pom pom black beanie on. Luckly I got my nails in stlettios in black so they match.

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