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*Tris Pov*
It is a Sunday and that means it is our lazy day.

But first, we are going to do a Q&A video for vine at my house. It is going to be fun.

"Tris hurry up we are airing in twenty minutes." Will bangs on my door.

"Alright I am coming!" I shout back we are recording a live chat and also broadcasting it so whoever didn't see it will be able to search for it.

I get out of the shower and put on a pair of high waist shorts and a white crop top with the fire emoji.

I put on gold jewelry and piercings and to finish it off white chucks with gold studs on them.

I go put my hair in loose waves and I put on mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. I grab my phone to have access to the questions along with the group and I go downstairs.

I see the chairs set up outside under the tree and Will is using his brains with Caleb and their powers to set up the camera. I go sit in between Christina and Tobias.

"Hey babe." I say pecking Tobias lips and he smirks and kisses me.

"STOP KISSNG!" Lynn shouts and I roll my eyes and pull back pulling one of my legs up on the chair to my chest while leaning back.

"Alright we are starting in 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1." Will says and Caleb leaves going back inside.

"Hey guys!" We scream. We start out with the introduction and now the questions.

"Question from Big.Booty_Tris, Twitter." I say raising my eyebrows at the camera and the gang snorts. "Is your butt real?" I read out loud and blush.

"Yes, my butt is real." I say

"Yes it is." Tobias says and I glare at him.

"From Knives_Butter_Eyes." Peter says with a smirk "Are you happy in the relationship with Lynn?" He says reading off his phone.

"Yes." Peter says and kisses Lynn who pulls away and glares at him and we gag.

"Alright me next. From Aloha_Surf. Describe each one's relationship and how they are similar." Christina says

"Alright, First, Zeke and Shauna. They both love food and playful. Uriah and Marlene are childish and playful, Peter and Lynn is cruel and cold blooded, Tris and Four are mean and very sexually active lastly Will and I." She says and shrugs her shoulders.

"Romantic and Disgusting." Lynn says and we nod.

"Very lovey-dovey." I add

"Well we always don't get down and dirty." She says and I raise my eyebrows.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh you know what I mean." She says with a playful smile and I throw a warm ball at her. I don't want to burn her with Fire.

She tosses back a small ball of electricity.

"This is every day." Tobias groans to the camera and I roll my eyes.

"Alright from I_Hate_School_71" Shauna says "Instagram, How did you meet Zeke and how was your date with him for the first time Shauna?"

"Well, we actually really didn't like each other. In the beginning of the school year last year, we really didn't know each other or like each other. Let's just say that we didn't talk to each other. So while Tris and Four were picking with each other and being annoying. Zeke randomly came up to me when school was over and asked me on a date-"Shauna says

"Smooth." Tobias tease his best friend.

"Shut up!" Zeke says throwing some strong wind at Tobias who glares at him.

"Anyways! We went on a date, he took me to burger king where we ate and drank smoothies and then he took me to his house and then back out where we ate popsicles. Then we fell in love." Shauna says sounding like a teenager girl, well she is but you get my drift.

"Alright, that was so weird but cute at the same time now me!" Christina says scrolling through her phone.

"From _Fashion_Is__LIFE35" She says and smiles widely because she loves fashion.

"Christina, we both love fashion. So do you help dress up the gang for special events?"

"Yes," We all groan and Christina laughs.

"Yes. I do." She says
After a few more questions from people everyone has answered a question.

Will's was has he ever gotten a B on his report card and the answer was no.

Zeke's was why Four is his best friend and does he scare him sometimes. He answer was because they both act stupid together and Four was always there and they gave each other a bro hug which resulted in them wrestling in the lawn and of course Tobias won.

Uriah's was where he has gotten the word pansycake from and why is it called

His answer was. I made up the word Pansycake and a pansy is a flower. Soft and delicate. But what you need to do is man up and be strong. I love Cake so I just had to add that in as well. In other words STOP BEING A LITTLE B*TCH!

Tobias practically spit his drink out when he said the last part.

Lynn's was why she is so mean. She answered I don't care nor do I know I just am.

Al's was does he have a girlfriend, his answer. No.

I blushed and almost laughed. Sorry Al.

Tobias' was. Why is he so good looking, does he love me, are me and him playful, what is your real name, and do you ever work out?

This was all one question.

His answer, I really don't know, Yes of course I do are you crazy? Always, I am not telling you. And Yeah. You can have strong powers and look like a whimp. But I am Four, I am no whimp.

Or a pansycake. Uriah added

Which resulted in Tobias giving Uriah a high five almost breaking his hand.
Big Ego. I coughed at him and he stared at me for a long time and he put me in a head lock but not too hard and we started to wrestle.

"Last question." Uriah read. "From DauntlessAllTheWay17, Twitter. Do you ever see you guys hanging out forever or loosing contact?"

"I see us having a lifetime together, until we get old and crusty." I say and Tobias cuts me off.

"And dusty."

"Anyways, yeah. Forever and always. Because we are prodigies and we have the ability to help one another in life, so yes. I see a long bright future together what about you guys?" I say

"Yep, Forever and Always."

THE END!!! Next chapter is the epilogue and then the author's note!

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