Candor or Dauntless EXTREME

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•Tris Pov•
~2 Days Later~
I wake the next morning and take a shower.

When I'm finished I put on Vintage high waisted shorts with a cropped red and white baseball top.

I put my hair in a high ponytail with a red bow.

I brush my teeth a second time and put on make up and lip gloss.

I put on my red and white socks and let Tobias go in.

Once he's finished we go into the living room and decide to play truth or dare with everyone. Extreme powers.

We all get into a circle.

"Okay me first. Caleb?"Shauna says


"Okay. I dare you to transport to The jones' and steal Cara's underwear."


He transports and less than 5 mins later he comes back with her underwear and a black eye.

Al throws some water in the air and Selena freezes it and Caleb puts it on his eye.

He throws a pair of surprisingly baggy Green underwear.

"Ewwww!" we all yell.

I light it on fire and it burns

"What happened?"I ask

"I went inside and stole her underwear when She came in and punched me in the face"She says and we laugh.

"Okay. Christina?"


"I dare you to Shock Will down there"


She grabs a hold of his junk and his eyes widen. Her hand lights up and he screams in pain. She pulls her hand back and apologizes.



"Okay. I dare you to slap Four with fire on your hand"


Everyone looks at me crazily.

"Healing powers"Tobias says in a 'duh' voice they make 'o' shaped mouths.

I light my hand on fire and slap him.

He winces and a burn Mark was on his face but changes to normal.

"Sweet"Everyone sings.



"I dare you to walk through the walls"

He gets up and walk through them and spider webs and dust collects on him.

Everyone laughs and he screams like a little girl.

He glares at me.


"I dare you to change into A box of cereal"

"Wierdo"she says and changes into one.

Uriah puts his hand in there and pulls some cereal out all while Mar is squealing.

He eats some.

"Eww"we whine

"What? I've done worst"he says

We gag like the rat of off ratatouille.

Mar comes back with no shirt.


Al makes her shirt appear and she puts it on.

She deadly glares at him and he smirks.



"There are no Pansycakes tonight"Uri says with pure respect and approval in his voice.

We roll our eyes at him.

"Okay. I dare you to go to 5 random places in the world and bring us something back and put it in a big bag"

"Cool"Shauna says and takes off.

When she comes back and shows us things. She went to

Brazil and brung us girls tight clothing
China and brung all of us food.
Paris and got us designer stuff and food.
India and brung us food and jewelry.
Hawaii and brung us food and clothes with surf boards.

Then Christina used her stretching powers and brung us all drinks without moving.

Not to be mean but that's kinda scary.

"Ew"Zeke and Uri whines

She stretches her arm over to them and slap them.

Once we get everything straight we start again.



"Okay. I dare you to make a apple tree and a money tree and see if it works"

He makes the apple tree but the money tree didn't turn out right.



"Okay" he says with a smirk. They are actually dating. "I dare you to freeze your bra and wear it"

She takes off her shirt shaking her head.



"PANSYCAKE!"uri calls

We have grown to just ignore him.

"Okay. Who do you like?"

"Tris"he mumbles my face burns with Anger.

He tells me this now? Not that I would go with him but Now!?

My hair must be moving because everyone stares at me.

I shrug it off.


"Thank goodness Dare"

"Okay. I dare you to mind read Four"

Okay. Her eyes widen and she stares at me and laugh. Four blushes.

"What was it?" Chris asks

"You don't want to know"Lynn says through laughter

•Lynn Pov•
I look at Four and listen to what he or thinking

He is thinking about how Tris would look naked and in bed.


He is a teenager and he does have hormones.

•Tris Pov•

Tobias still blushes this is not like him.

"One word. Tris" Lynn says making everyone yell 'ew' and me blush.

"Moving on!"Tobias shouts

"Okay. Geez. Zeke?"

"Yes! Dare!"

"I dare you too...Make a mini tornado on the water"

He does and the Jones family almost passes out.

"Will. Buddy you have not went at all"

"Thank you! Dare"

"I dare you to act like Spider-Man"

Will gets up and starts doing flips and all that stuff with his web powers. That was freaking awesome!

There! sorry I kept you waiting!
For those who wanted more power I did it. Sorry.

I also found out that Shailene Woodley and Cast Boyfriend Theo James' Join 'Divergent' Movie Costars Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller in Dangerous Behind the Scenes DVD VIDEO Footage Following Dating Rumors.

Yippee. The ship has sailed. 😄

You know the drill. Love y'all and stay Dauntless

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