The Song

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I do not own divergent

*Tris Pov*

Today is friday and the party.

Today our teacher said that she was not going to be here just take care of the classroom for music.

I roll out of bed and take a shower. I throw on a red lace bra and hipsters.

I walk into my closet and put on some ripped black high waisted jeans.

I put on a red crop-top that has mickey mouse on the front. I put on my combat boots and my leather jacket and my leather gloves that has the fingers open.

Masscara, Eyeliner, Red lipstick with gloss.

I curl my hair and put my rings on.

I run down stairs and hop in my motorcycle I found it in the garage and I wanted to test it once.

I put on my helment and drive off.

~~Time Skip to school~~

I see my group standing waiting for me I get off and I take off my helmet and swish my hair around like those dramatic movies.

I run my hair through my hands and walk up to my friends I see Four and his group standing on the fountain once again staring at us.

"Whats with the motorcycle?" Shauna asks

"well I found it in my garage and decided to try it out" I say

"I didn't knew you had abs" Christina says as she opens up my jacket I blush and boys whistle.

"I swear to cheese If Four and his group don't stop staring at us I will roast them like a marshmellow" I say and we burst out laughing.

"You and me both" Lynn says and we high five then Mr.Worm walks up to us.

"Ladies yall are too loud on School property you now have detention" He says and hands out the slips.

"Thats Bs" Marlene says

"Hey Mr.Worm can you do the worm?" I ask as I make a wave movement wiith my hands.

"No Beatrice" he says

"For cry it out loud" I walk away a tad bit then walk back and stomp my foot.

"IT"S TRIS!" I say

"Next time ladies it will be worse" He says

"Ooo Im so scared" Christina says and he gives her a death glare.

"Lynn crea un campo de fuerza por lo que entra en ella,pero falso con un estornundo" I say (Lynn make a force field so he walks into it but fake it with a sneeze)

"Eso seria genial" Shauna says while laughing (That would be great)

The others are confused

"Ladies be in room 764 on Monday after school" He says and walks away and we turn to Lynn

And she makes a force field and he runs into it and falls and Lynn sneezes and he looks back and we all cough akwardly and the boys burst out laughing.

"Make that 2 days come tuesday aswell BOYS YOU DETENTION MONDAY AND TUESDAY AFTER SCHOOL" He yells to the boys who is still laughing. and I feel my hair light up.

"WHAT" I scream and walk up to him but I walk backwards and grab my stuff I rather not be suspened and I walk away walking past Mr.Worm and grabing the tickets

I walk to my locker and put my stuff and helment and walk to Music where everyone is and the same note the teacher gave to us.

*Tobias Pov*

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