Quick Filler

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So sorry for leaving you. Been having brainfarts about this story.

So if you have any ideas let me know.

On with the chapter.

*Tobias Pov*

Today is the day that we all leave to Monte Carlo.

Everyone is going. Even Caleb.

I hop out of bed and take a shower and when I finish I get out and dry off and put on Camouflage under knee length shorts and a red V-Neck with my leather jacket.

I quickly do my hair and put on my red Jordan's.

I grab my 2 suitcases and go downstairs and see Marcus and Caroline eating breakfast on there computers.

"And where do you think your going mister?" Caroline says not taking her eyes off her her laptop and still drinking her coffee.

"I told you to Monte Carlo. Maybe if you guys would listen then you would know Caroline" I say

"It's Mom to You" Marcus says

"No. It's Caroline to her and Marcus to you. Have a nice day" I say as I roll my eyes and get in my car and drive to school.

When I get out of the car I see Noah pushing Tris on her car flirting with her and leans in and gives her a kiss.

My hear drops in my stomach. Can this day get any worse.

She pulls back and slaps him so hard birds flew away.

"Ahh" He says slowly grabbing his cheek.

Tris hair that's curled flows everywhere. That will never stop being hot.

Tris rolls her eyes and grabs her bags and walks into the school with a pissed expression.

I walk over to Noah who's leaning on Tris car still clutching his cheek. I fight the urge to laugh.

"Look Stay away from Tris. She's mine. Last time I check she doesn't say I love you to you, make out with you, invite you over to her house, and she defiantly did not do that duet with you so stay away from Tris" I say sternly.

I punch him in the jaw where Tris slapped him but I don't use my strength power because I'm not the cruel like Marcus to break the boys jaw. That I so easily could do like Snapping my fingers.

I walk inside raging trying to find Tris ignoring all the 'Hey Fours' or 'Four my man' or 'Hey babe'

I see Tris getting something's out her locker for Today and when I get to her I turn her around and crash my lips on her red lips not caring if I get the lipstick on mine.

I kiss her with all the anger this morning. Caroline, Marcus, and Noah.

*Noah Pov*

I feel my power of being a werewolf kicking in. I start breathing heavy but I get it under control.

I walk inside and go to the nurse and see a whole bunch of Nerds getting there inhalers and meds for the trip today

"Give me a ice pack" I say

"Are you asking or telling me" Nurse Jackie says.

We all know not to get on her bad side.

"Asking" I say

"Not that's better. Now what happened?" she asks as she gets up and gets one.

"I got punched in the jaw"

"No dip. By who? why?"

"Four. I was flirting with his girlfriend and kissed her. She slapped me then Four punched me"

"Oh. Well. I advise you to stop. Four is the strongest at school"

"Four is the strongest at school" I mock her and she tries not to laugh when in dead serious.

Once I get the pac I start walking through the halls and see Tris and Four making out.

My blood starts boiling and veins start showing and breathing increases

I find Mr. Worm and show him.

"Stop kissing or you will get a

detention" Mr.Worm says

They both ignore him and he pulls them away.

I smirk with victory.

"Okay. Jeez. Chill" Tris says

I would kill to be with her. I don't care about her personality. Well 15% I like her attitude. But I love her body and powers. So hot. Sometimes literally.

Mr. Worm walks away and they go back to kissing hungrily and kinda. Kinda. sloppily then ever.

I groan in frustration and walk into Homeroom. We don't leave for another hour or so.

I plop in my seat and start icing my swollen jaw

"Aye! Where's Tris and Four?" Zeke asks

"In the hallway" I say

Zeke gets up and peaks his head out the door and yells 'STOP MAKING OUT!' and they respond by saying 'SHUT UP'

There group laughs. I roll my eyes.

What does it take to get that girl to be mine.

*Tobias Pov*

After awhile of kissing I knock my forehead against Tris'

"What was that for?" she asks breathing heavy

"I had to show these people around here that I am yours and you are mine" I say

"I love you" she says

"I love you too" I say

I just notice that we are matching. But she has on skinny jeans instead of shorts.

"Oh look we are matching" I say smiling.

"That's so adorable" She says smiling.

Once she gets her stuff we go to Homeroom and sit down.

"Took you long enough" Trent says

"Awe. Your matching. Will! why don't you do things like that with me!"Christina shouts zapping his leg.

"Because I'm not wearing hot pink" Will says spraying webs on her.

Tris laughs.

Gosh I love her laugh.

After a while of talking Tori appears and talks some ground rules.

"Alright guys. Let's get this show on the road" She says clasping her hands together.

Here goes nothing.

Did you like Tobias Pov? And Noah?

Just a change

Sorry for leaving you........again.

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