Out In Wilderness

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*Tris Pov*

Once we get Uriah to stop having a panic attack we set up our tent.

All of our tents are like a good 25 feet away from each other for special.....reasons.

I'm sure no one here are virgins.

Then we hear an engine.

I look up and see that it is Al with two people in there.

A boy and Girl.

They get out of the car and the first person to say something is Lynn.

"Who are they?" 

"Um, This is my friend Duke, and his girlfriend Aurdrey" (Fabulousfangirl04) He gestures to the boy and the girl with brown eyes and blondish brown hair.

They both wave but something seems to familar with Aurdrey.

"Ok, Well, Um, I like your Hat Tris"Al says akwardly and scratches the back of his neck.

"Really?"Tobias questions.

"Really."Al says.

"You hate the Ravens, and you have to comment on only her outfit."

"Fine, Then Christina I love your shoes"He says pointing to her Jordans.

She stiffles a laugh.

"Are you trying to be smart?"Tobias says clenching his jaw.

"No, You said that I only commented on her outfit, So why not compliment everyones outfit" He says smartly.

"I-" Tobias starts but I cover my mouth with my hand.

"Are they like this all the time?" Aurdrey says.

Shauna whispers something into her ear and Dukes their eyes both grow wide and they look to me.

They howl in laughter and I blush.

"Omg! TRIS! YOUR EYES ARE PINK!!!"Christina shouts.

"What?"I ask worriedly

Al makes a mirror appear and he hands it to me.

I look in the mirror and sure enough my eyes are pink.

"THE HELL!" I shout.



I call my dad.


"Hey Dad"

"Hey Tris"

"Um, I have a question, Erm, My eyes are pink and I dont know why they are" I say pacing back and fourth.

"Were you blushing?"

"Erm, Yeah"

"That's why, When You blush thats when it changes, and your nails should be pink too"

I look at my nails and they are pink too.

"Ew, I hate pink"I roll my eyes and people start to laugh and then covers it up with coughing..

I flick them off and Tobias wiggles his eyebrows.

"But, Why am I getting it now?"I ask

"Because, Sometimes it takes longer for people to devlop it"He says.

"Oh, iight"I nod.

After ending the call I turn back to the group and I look at myself in the mirror and my eyes are back to their normal blue-grey.

"Okay"Uriah claps his hands."After, that scary moment, its....6:30, Lets....Play, Truth, or, DARE!!!!"

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