The Tutorer and More

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*Tris Pov*

After 2 more hours of actually fun on the down low we got to go home.

As I'm walking my keys drop and before I can do anything Cara walks by and freezes them to the ground

"Stay away from Four he's mine" She Says

"Umm..." I start and use my fire powers to melt it and picking it up

"Actually he isn't nobody's 'person' I hang out with him more than you ever could. And there is a little something I know about Four that you obviously don't know about him. He doesn't like Clowns" I say and walk away to my car

I roll my eyes and get into my car

I hear a noise on my window and when I look up I see Four standing there

I roll down my window

"Yeah umm can you help me with some homework tonight it's Science" he says while rubbing the back of his neck

"Okay umm sure" I say stop studdering Tris.

"I live on 6034 Fire Lane come at 5:00" I say

"Really? well my me and my dad lives on Heal Rd like 4 houses down with my 'mom'" He says

"Okay Cool See you then" I say

"See you then" he says and walks away

I drive home and go inside to find a note taped on the table I pick it up and read it

Dear Caleb and Tris

Me and your mother went to the Doctors appointment then we are going grocery shopping Don't Worry
Ps:Caleb is at some nerd meeting

-Dad and Mom

Wow dad way to be mature 'nerd meeting'

Yes! I got the house to my self

I do a victory dance until I look at the clock it says 4:56

I scream and realize that Four lives like 4 houses down and I need to change.

I run upstairs and take off my make up and add mascara and eyeliner.

I brush my hair out and I put some Black socks on with a black sweatpants and a black tanktop and I put on my Jordan Jacket

I put my hair in a ponytail just as I do that I hear the doorbell

I walk downstairs and open the door in black sweatpants and a black V-neck

"Twinses" Four says in a high pitched girl tone and I laugh and move out the way so we can start.

~~Time Skip~~

"So you add the Vinegar in the baking soda to get a chemical reaction" he says

(I made that so ya that's not true I think)

"Correct again" I say

We have been studying for a good hour now and he is doing perfect.

"Thank you so much I had a great time" He says as he packs up his things we both reach for the pencil and I feel that same spark

*Fours Pov*

I feel so different when I am around her like I can tell her anything so I might just do that

"Tris Can I tell you a Secret?" I say and she nods

"Okay well um I feel like you are my best friend a very close one and I want to tell you something. when I was little I didn't know I had healing powers and nor did I know I could or know how to use it and my father used to beat me with his belt to take anger out on me. He beat my mother to death. One day I was walking off my anger and I punch a stop light sign and it fell over. That's how I learned I had strength. then my father hit me with his belt really bad and then I healed instantly. he is practically afraid of me. He also married this other woman and she is my 'mom' So now you can use my last name from school Eaton and add my first name Tobias. My name is Tobias Eaton." I say as I show her my back she gasps and traces the scars I feel all tingly and then I turn around and look at her

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