Going Back To School W/Him!

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*Tris Pov*

Today I have to go to school sadly with Tobias. Ugh.

I just can't even look at him without wanting to burst into flames. The angry way not the way he kisses me.

I just.....Ugh!

He didn't even move his arm like it was okay for her to do it.

Now when Noah or other boys flirt with me it's such a big deal and he wants to kill them.

When I wake the next the morning I shower and put on a coral crop top, Coral leggings with black Aztec, black combat boots with flaps.

I do my make up simple with coral lipstick.

I curl my hair and run a finger through them.

I change my belly piercing black and I grab my black cardigan and spongebob book bag and I go downstairs.

"Bye guys" I say as I pop some toast in my mouth.

"Bye. I'm going to take Jade to her grandparents house because me and your mother is going on a 'mini' vacation so you guys have the house to yourself." dad says

"Okay"All 3 of us say. Jade tries to copy.But it comes out more like an 'Otay'

When we finish eating I head to school.


When I get to school I head straight to my locker. I leave everything except my Mechanical pencil, folder, and notebook.

Since it's a new semester we have a different schedule.

Mines is:





Social Studies

Fire Controlling

Study Hall.

When I get into English I see Christina, and Four are the only ones in my English class.

Most likely I will have almost all my classes with my friends because Shauna turned invisible and hacked into the computer. Pros of having powers.

I see a seat beside Christina but behind me is Four and in front of me is Jarred. One of the school biggest clowns like close to Zeke and Uriah. Me and him are close but not like amazingly tight.

I slide into my seat and ignore four.

Me and Christina automatically start talking.

When Class starts we start taking notes on 'proper grammar'.

I then run out of lead I look around and see everyone with wooden pencils. Really?

I look up and see Jarred is the only one who has a mechanical pencil.

I poke him and he ignores me.

I poke him again and he turns around with a smile.

"Give me a piece of lead" I whisper

"Are you asking me or telling me?" he says smirking

"Telling" I say lighting my eyes up

"Oh really" he says lighting his eyes up as well but electrical. I think I'm the only one in the school with fire powers. It's not rare. It's just not a crazy amount like being able to have strength and healing at the same time.

I smirk and roll my eyes.

"Can I have some lead.....please" I say

He hands me some and I put it in my pencil.

Just to mess with him I put my foot up on his desk right beside his arm. All while feeling Four keep moving his foot up and down on my metal bar under my seat.

He knocks my foot down and I put my foot back up and he knocks it down and I start laughing.

"Is there something funny?"The teacher says

"Nope. Not at all" We say in unison.

During the rest of the class he kept Tossing paper balls behind him landing everywhere. Between that and Tobias annoyed sighs I think Jarred won.

Finally when the bell rings I stand up and dash out trying to get away from Jarred.

I run around the school trying to get away and when I look at a clock as I run by it says 11:34. I minute before the bell ring.

We both scream and dash for our next class.

As I get closer to Science I see Mrs.Henderson about to shut the door.

But luckily being as skinny as I am I run up and slide through the door.

"Your late"She says

I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath then I look at my watch 2 seconds until the bell rings.

I take a seat beside Shauna.

And as I do the bell rings.

"Now. I would technically would be late. But according to the rules. I am not. I am sitting in my chair. Before the bell. Prepared. So no I am not late." I state.

She just scoffs.

Lynn holds out her hand and I dap her.

I look around and see I'm with all my friends. And Four. Then I realize that I'm in the back with Dumb and Dumber. Aka. Zeke and Uriah. Al and Four. Shoot. Me. Now.

"Okay Class today we are just going to keep it simple. As you know Mrs. Mathews is out sick" She starts and we all mutter 'yes'.

She glares at us.

"Anyways we are going to make a feel better card- Yes Tris?"

I raise my hand.

"Um what if you hypothetically hate her and you hypothetically don't want to do it" I say

"Then those who don't want to do it will hypothetically be doing a 10 page front and back packet" She says

"Naah" Me, Zeke, Uriah, and Lynn shake our head rapidly then say.

"We good"

"Okay then"


"Freedom!" We shout as we leave Social Studies.

It's been so boring for the past couple of classes. Now we are inline with Mrs. Browning heading to Lunch.

Yes. We now have to be in lines. That's how bad we are.

As we are walking. We walk past I see Jared and his class walking by. He has Mr.Aldrich. He is so mean and strict. Wrong person for him.

When he sees me he grins evilly and I roll my eyes.

He throws a ball of paper at me hitting Christina. We both laugh.


(This is really someone at my school who acts like this)

"Stupid" I mouth to him

"You stupid!" he yells mistakingly

"WHY IS THERE TALKING!"He yells in Jarred's face who looks like he wants to burst with laughter making me laugh.


"Nah. You see. It's just turning spring and I'm *Cough* having allergies so I was trying to clear my throat"I say trying to hold in my laughter.

"You want some zertec. Need to go to the clinic" he says annoyed.

"Nah. I'm good" I say trying to annoy him.

His class and mines burst with laughter.

Soon it's time to go.

As I'm about to go to the line someone grabs me and pulls me into the closet.

Before I scream I light my hair up and when I see those Dark blue eyes staring at me. I immediately know it's Tobias.

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