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•Tris Pov•
We start walking around going around the halls and we find

Eric and his girlfriend thanks to me Ashley

Of course my group

The girls and boys +Peter.

"Alright everyone we should......Go to the teachers lounge and eat out there and chill then when we get hungry go to the cafeteria and just hang around here" Trent says and we all head there. With Caleb

"Al can you make some some wood appear please" I say he nods and some wood with a little fence appears with a little thing for the smoke.

I bend over and the boys whistle and I throw flames at them.

I snap my fingers and a flame comes out from my thumb like a cigarette lighter

I put my thumb on the wood and it lights up

"That is so hot" Tobias mumbles and I give him a death glare

I sit on the table and then Uri finds a boom box and plugs in his phone and Love Song by Rihanna comes on

"Let's play......Would You Rather" Selena says

"Alright. I start Selena would you rather tell your crush you like them or kiss your crush" I say she blushes and gives me a death glare.

"Su ahora o nunca decirle niña no sea a pansycake" I say

Translation:its now or never tell him girl dont be a pansycake

"I herd my word!" Uri says happily

"Am not" Selena says then out of nowhere me, Lynn, Christina, Mar, Shauna Burst out singing

"B*tch who do you love?"

We look at each other and start laughing

"I like Trent" she mumbles and Trent Turns bright red and she does too.

"Okay...Tris would you rather run around the school in your undergarments or kiss Eric" Selena says

"Ewwwwwww" I say

She smirks

"I hate you" I say

I take off my shirt and pants and shirt and the boys whistle.

I run around and come back and put my clothes on and my hair lights up

I take it out of its bun and it flows everywhere

"You guys just don't know how annoying this is" I say as I move my hair around

Paranoid comes in and we give uri weird looks he shrugs.

"Okay....Mmmmh Caleb would you rather not read books for the next 2 weeks or not do homework so you can get b's" I say

He rips his shirt off I laugh

Dance for you comes on next

"What? this is on pandora" Uri says

"Okay Cara would you rather play 7mins in Heaven with someone of your choice or kiss your crush if he is here" Caleb says and she smirks evilly and looks at me

My hair burst into flames everyone scoots back.

My hair never did this only when I am seriously mad

She takes Tobias hand and pulls him into the Closet.

More intense flames come and people stare at me.

Al throws some water from his hands at my hair and it calms down.

"Thanks Al" I say

I run a finger thru my hair and it's warm but not on fire.

7 mins finally end I jump up and open the closet and see Tobias pushed up on the wall looking very uncomfortable with his eyes open and Cara pushing him on the wall and have her lips on his

I pull her back from her hair and slap her soooooooooo hard you could hear it in Australia.

Rich as F*ck comes on and we just roll our eyes

"es lo que quiere morir! porque en este momento estoy a punto de meter la pata hasta el momento en el culo que va a tener los pies para los dientes ¿Quién se cree que es. ahora mismo tengo muchas ganas de matarla, pero yo preferiría not" I start talking really fast while walking pacing around

Everyone cocks an eyebrow and Selena, Caleb, Lynn, and Shaun try not to laugh.

Translation:does she want to die! because right now i am about to stick my foot so far up her ass she is going to have toes for teeth who does she think she is. right now i really want to kill her but i rather not

"What is she saying" Christina says

"You don't want to know" Shauna says

I sit back down and let out a breath.

I put my flaming hair back in a ponytail

Big poppa comes on

"Remember back then when we were young like 1998 we were about 5 and this song came out" Will says smiling

"Yeah. Good times. Good times." Zeke says the we have an awkward silence

"Okay. Four would you rather tell me who kisses better Tris or me or Kiss me again" Cara says

"Tris with out a doubt" Tobias says as soon as she finishes not even a millisecond later she looks mad and let's out a breath and cool vapor comes out since she is a snower.

I look at Tobias and smile I kiss him and he kisses back but I pull away

"Okay umm..... Shauna would you rather......Put on a song that you think about you and the girls or Go outside in your undergarments" Tobias says

She gets up and puts on Boss A** B*tch

Me and the girls burst out laughing really really hard.

I try to give Shauna a high five but I end up falling because I am laughing so hard

Us girls have tears coming out of our eyes.

I lean on Tobias and start laughing again

'I think you know where this about to go. We too turned up. For you. B*tch I thought you knew' we sing while laughing

Then the song goes off and Holy Grail comes on

"Well" I say while wiping my eyes

"Who the heck made that song?" Peter says

"Pfta" Lynn says

"That was inappropriate" Caleb says shaking his head and we just laugh again

"Okay...Guys I'm hungry" Uri says

"Let's go to the cafeteria" I say

__Time Skip__
Well there was no food there they put it all up so we got Uriah to walk through the vending machine and Soda Machine and get us some food we ate that

Then we looked out the windows and see it's about 6 inches then the craziest things happens the wind picks up and the lights black out.

Sooooooooo sooooorrrrryyyy for being short
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