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*Tris Pov*

It's been a week since my family left and yesterday Meg left to go to Mississppi to visit her boyfriend. Once again.

I also haven't seen Tobias in 2 days, Something about catching up with Zeke and Jarred.

Tobias has been nicer to Jarred..Its just a process.

Its around 5:00 and all day I have been watching televsion sitting infront of the fan.

Just then I get a text from Lynn.

Hey guys...Lets go to GForce and then 2 a bar...Im so freaking bored..Shauna is getting on my nerves: L


Fine..B there in 30mins: T, M, C

Selena is on vacation with her family.

Alright b there: T, S, M, C

I go take a shower and when I get out I put on my push up undergarments and my mid-thigh silk robe and I do my make up and curl my hair.

My make up is simple and Red lipstick.

Thats when I get a phone call from my mother.

*Tobias Pov*

Ugh.. I am so freaking bored.

Maybe I can go to Tris' and get a blowjob.


I get dressed in some comfy clothes and just as im walking out the door. Zeke, Uriah, and Jarred runs up to me from who know' where.

"Hey Dude where are you heading?"Jarred asks.

"To Tris'" I say

"Ooo"The all say and wiggle their eyebrows.

"Not for that guys" I say

"I wanna go too. I know she has all the hottest games ever"Uriah says

As much as I try to make them leave they dont.

Uriah walks through the door and then opens it from the other side.

We hear faint music I think it's Mississippi Queen.

We climb the steps and open the door. We lounge in her room while Jarred looks around since this is his first time here.

We hear her in the bathroom and the plan is to scare her when she comes out the bathroom.

But when she comes out of her bathroom I think all 3 of us had a boner.

Tris hair is curled and falls down her back thats flowing around and glowing, She has on deep red undergarments thats making her boobs pop out and a silk robe thats mid thigh and open. Her red lipstick is making her lips also pop out and her mascara, and eyeliner is stunning with her blush.

"Rawr??"Jarred and Uriah says like a question.

Her eyes and our eyes widen and she rushes back into the bathroom.She finishes talking into the phone to who ever and we all look at each other with our wide mouths and eyes.

She steps out the bathroom with her hair on fire and this time a closed robe.

"Why are you here?" She snaps.

"I-Uh..Uhh..Um..Ummm....I dont know" Zeke says studdering.

"How did you get in?" 

We turn our heads to Uriah who still have his mouth open.

She groans out of anger.

"Get out" She says pointing with her finger thats on fire to her door.

"Now..Four you stay" She says as she notices that we are still sitting there.

*Tris Pov*

The boys stare at Tobias with Pity in their eyes.

They scramble out the room and I use my moving powers to slam the door. I snap my head to Tobias who is pale.

"You could have told me that you were coming..I was basically naked!" She shouts

"I'm sorry.. I was coming her by myself but they came from who knows where and just tagged along." he says.

I roll my eyes and sigh. I can never stay mad at Tobias.

I lean in and kiss him and then pull back quickly as he tries to deepen it.

He groans.

"Where are you going?" He ask.

"GNO with the girls tonight..and no you guys can not come it only for girls"She says answering both of my questions.

"I'm going to miss you" I say as he hugs me.

I smile and peck him.

"You can stay here and do whatever. Just dont eat up all my food and break anything" I say

"Ok. Who was that on the phone?" 

"My mom.She kept prodding me with stuipd questions" I say as I open the door and usher him out.

After getting dressed in something for the cool night I end up wearing: Black super skinny jeans, A white muscle tank crop top that says 'Boss' in black, A joyrich usa all star Nfl varasity jacket thats black and has peach like pink sleeves and has black big writing on it, and My timberlands.

I put a black bandana on and grab my purse and go downstairs and the boys look at me and Jarred uses this adavntage to beat Tobias up in Mortal Kombat.

But once he looks up he drops the remote.

"Ground rules" I start using my powers to pause the game and placing my hands on my hips and pacing back and fourth.

"1.No leaving this place a mess. 2.No breaking things 3. Call if there is no emergency. 4.Nobody goes in anyones stuff in this house 5.Dont eat all my food and drink all my drinks. Those are the top 5 ground rules, break any of them I will burn you alive Got it?" I say lighting my eyes up. 

They all nod.

"Good. Goodbye" I say as I kiss the boys foreheads like a mom who is leaving their kids at home. Then I kiss Tobias' lips.

I hope when I come home this place is in top shape.

Part 2 coming soon

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