Short Legs

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*Tris Pov*

"Heyyy.......That's not fair. She has short legs" Lynn whines.

We are at cheerleading practie and we are getting ready for the big game next Friday. The first one to be exact.

I am wearing a tank top that shows a peak of my stomach, cheerleading shorts, and black nike flaves.

I push back the strands of my ponytail behind my ears and smile smugly at Lynn. 

"YEAH!" Shauna agrees. I think that statement is wrong. But Hey.

"Roundoff backhand spring again ladies." Coach T says. We all groan and do it again. 

"We need to work on long distance flips, and stretching out those legs by running." She says 

We stretch out before we run and we take off outside.....walking. 

"Go ahead ladies 5 minutes 5 laps" She says

"You know we aren't on the football team right. We don't need to be running..." Tatiana says picking at her fake acrylic nails.  

"You still need to stretch" 


"You know you can quit right?" Coach T says and we all 'Ohh' while she just rolls her eyes. 

We start on the track and start running trying to avoid the boys who are smirking throwing the ball Tobias is not even paying attention when he throws the ball roughly and hits the water boy in the face and practically making him break his nose. 

"NICE GOING FOUR!" Shauna and Christina yell in unison and then high fives. 

"Oh my goodness are you going to be okay?" I ask the bloody boy. 

I snatch the towel off of his shoulder and help clean him up. 

"Thanks" He tilts his head back up and the water boy is Xavier. The world biggest nerd and he is so wierd. The most cliche nerd boy there can be. Pimples, Braces......still, Glasses, Annoying, always trying to prove a point and even smart at the mouth....both ways. 

I roll my eyes and keep working on him. 

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you are the only ten I see" He wiggles his eyebrows and I hold down my puke. 

"Ew..." I say

"Oh come on babe we can make it work" He says 

The whole Football team including Tobias burst into laughter while the girls on the cheerleading team fight to stay on their feet from laughing so much. 

I turn around and keep walking glaring at the girls and I start to chase after Christina who is laughing the hardest and I walk up to her and pants her. 

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