Plane Ride

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*Tris Pov*

Tears start to uncontrollably fall out of my eyes and dad pulls me into a hug. I sob into his shirt and I cry harder at the thought of my best-friend is dead. That's like someone is telling me Christina, Tobias, Zeke, Will, Al, Marlene, Shauna, Lynn, Peter, Uriah and Trent died. Any one of them is dead.

Trent, how is he taking it? Oh man,

I literally had just called Selena last week and she was telling me and the gang that
Trent proposed to her and she really doesn't care about being young and they were going to move in a house. Finish school, continue with her singing and maybe start a family.

"Sweetie we are leaving Friday to go Texas. All of us, Hana and the rest of the parents are devastated." Mom says as Megan gets up and storms into the bathroom shutting the door and we can hear her soft cries.

"When's her funeral?" Caleb asks wiping his eyes.

"We don't know, that is why we are going down to Texas Friday after you get out of school and I doubt that any of you will go Monday." Dad says and I simply move away from him.

"I'm going upstairs to go take a nap." I glumly say and walk up the stairs where I take off my clothes and put on a loose sweatshirt and I cry myself to sleep.

When I wake up my phone is buzzing like crazy. I look at the time and see that it is 2 in the morning.

I see a group chat from the gang and they are talking about Selena.

Let's meet somewhere: T

The park: F

Be there in 5: U, Z, S, C, W, P, L, M, A

I get out of bed and I put on a pair of joggers and socks with my Nike slides. I put my hair in a messy bun and wipe the left over tears from my face.

I grab my phone and I walk out in the hallway where I peak through every door and everyone is asleep.

I was going to wake up Caleb and Megan but never mind. I tip toe downstairs and I use my moving powers to open the door and I shut it and walk down the street where the cool wind blows.

I reach the park and I see most of the gang sitting on the equipment. So I sit on the slide beside Tobias.

We sit there in silence just wanting to be in everyone's presence and snuggle up closer to our boyfriends.

"I can't believe she is really gone." Christina says wiping her eyes.

"I know." We all agree.

"Suzette and A.B texted me before I took a nap. I just couldn't believe that our best friend died." Marlene says and the rest nod except me.

"Suzette said that she couldn't text you because she couldn't bare talking to you, it hurt so much because she knew how close you too were and it would only make Suzette cry harder." Tobias says beside me.

"She's true. Talking to her is like talking to Selena. I probably couldn't text back." I say shaking my head and we just sit there at the park at 2 in the morning dressed in pajamas talking about our dead best friend.

Today is Friday and the whole week has been boring and quiet. For the first time this week I didn't get in any trouble because we were all so down in the dumps. Even Uriah and Zeke.

Once I come home from school I jump in the shower and come out and start to get dressed for the plane ride. We are taking a plane since it would be quicker.

I use my moving powers to do my hair, make up, and dress myself. I have been doing that all week. Using my moving powers to do any and everything.

I look in the mirror and I look decent, this is the first time where I actually look good during this week.

I am wearing a pair of high waist shorts, a low cut tank top and a rugrats hoody. My shoes are aqua, black, and purple Jordan's.

I have on gold hoops and a bit of mascara, eyeliner, and pink lip gloss.

I had just brush my hair down and put on a black floral bucket hat. I don't feel like looking spectacular this week. I bring my two bags downstairs along with my pocketbook using my dun dun dun! My moving powers.

I collapse on the couch and wait for everyone to leave. We get in the taxi that my dad 'rented' and we head towards the airport. When we get in and get our bags weighed and get our tickets and go in the back. We sit down with the rest of the gang and I cuddle up to Tobias and watch Zeke and Uri devour some apple-bee's appetizers.

Even with them being sad this week they never really stopped eating. Where do they put it because they both have abs like wtf.

I place my head on Tobias' shoulder and Caroline glares at me.

"Why is she even here?" I whisper to Tobias and he shrugs his shoulders like to say. I don't know why she is here I don't understand why she is here.

They call our plane number through the loudspeaker and we stand up heading towards the plane.

I sit down in the window seat and Tobias sits beside me. I place my head on his shoulder staring out the window almost crying.

My best friend is dead.

NEXT CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE THE FUNERAL AND THEN SOME STUFF! Sorry for it being suckish. I am very sleepy and I took a shower when I came home from school, when I take my showers I get tired and I'm hungry but too lazy to go downstairs to get some food, and I have to work on some other story updates. Ps: Sorry to tell you this now but I think that sooner is better, this story is sadly coming to an end. A couple more chapters and it's the end plus the epilogue.
~Luv yall and Stay Dauntless.

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