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*Tobias Pov*

"Becauuuseeee I'mmmm happppyyyy ccccllllaaaap alllongggg iiiiffff yyyyyooooouuuu feel like a room with out a roof!" Tris sings half laughing 

We all groan this has been going on since since and we are walking from P.E to combat class. 

"I am so happy....Four" Tris jumps on my back and kisses my neck and my cheek. I just stare annoyed ahead. 

We see Noah up ahead bullying Xavier. Tris jumps off of my back and runs up to them. We whine and Tris taps on Noah's back and he turns around his eyes lighting up. 

"Stop being happy" Tris says happily and kisses Noah and he kisses her back. I am so shocked I can't move. She backs away and kisses Xavier she turns around and runs back to us laughing and doing cartwheels. Noah just stands there still shocked. 

"I LOST MY KISSGINITY TO TRIS PRIOR!!!!" Xavier shouts. We all stare in shock of what just happened. Zeke and Uriah burst out laughing. Tris is now working on climbing on to me and hanging like a money on my shoulder, arms, and legs. 

"Tris...You can't kiss strangers..." I say slowly like I am talking to a child. 

"But why?" She asks

"Because 1. That's nasty and 2. I am your boyfriend you can only kiss me" I say 

"Yippie" She gets down and jumps on me wrapping her legs around my waist kissing me. I pull back and pull her off even though she has a 'death grip on me' but it's nothing and I set her down on the floor.

I really hate Mrs. Holland. 


"Man you stupid that you tried to climb mountain dew" Uriah says to Zeke. 

They have been talking about each other since we entered the training room. 

"You so ugly that Scorpion from Mortal Kombat said 'STAY OVER THERE'" Zeke says in Scorpion's voice.

Tris laughs out loud. 

"Yeah good one Zeke" She says "Wooh!" and jumps in the air and holds her hand out to high five it. Zeke just stands there laughing because Tris is still in the air. It kinda looks like the episode of spongebob when they were talking about Sandy and Spongebob did that and stayed in the air. 

Zeke high fives her and then she jumps down. How in the world did she do that. 

"Come on Tris lets go get changed for the fights" Marlene says steering Tris away from the guns and knives on the target side. They leave to go to the girls locker room and then we separate and go change. I change into sweatpants, and a V-neck and I put back on my Nike's. 

I go outside to see Tris is changed into women's Nike Black running shorts that I must say shows off her big butt, and a black Nike sports bra that has the white check matching her pants and her white Nike flaves. Her hair is out of the buns now falling in pink and purple waves down her shoulders and every single on of her tattoos is showing. All of the boys are staring at her. I know I shouldn't be checking her out in this state of mind she is in but hey. I am a teenage boy.

Tris is now sitting Cris Crossed Style on the floor smiling and laughing at nothing in particular. What is going on in that girls mind. 

"She keeps on thinking about Rainbows and Cotton Candy.... Now she thinks that if there could be a rainbow made of cotton candy and all the kings horse's and Kings horsemen could bring her and they devour the candy.....She is now stuck to the rainbow and laughing loudly." Lynn says reading my thoughts. 

Uriah gasps.

"I think of that all the time and I think about it too" Uriah says and he sits from across Tris and they start talking about it. 

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