Carnival la carcacha

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Tris Pov*
"Tris hurry up!" Tobias yells to me knocking on the door as I take a shower. We are about to leave in an hour to the carnival for Selena's performance.

"Oh Shoot!" Tobias says and I can hear the smile on his face. I start to smile and then my face falls. "That beat was kinda hot." He says and starts banging on the door dancing and I can hear 'AYE' on the other side of the door. The gang probably dancing.

"STOP BANGING ON THE DAMN DOOR!" I shout and the banging stops and I hear laughter.

I turn off the water and I dry off and put some lotion on. I slide on a pair of high waist vintage shorts, an Adidas floral shirt that only shows a peak of my belly, and my timberlands. I brush my hair and dry it off, I pull it into a bun and then put on some mascara, eyeliner, and pink lipstick.
I put on my gold chain with diamonds in it. I put diamonds in my ear and the rest of my earring holes. I put in a diamond stud in my tongue and I put a diamond dangly one for my belly button.

I make sure I have my things and I walk out the bathroom. I glare at Tobias when I walk out.

"Really?" I ask and I shake my head and roll my eyes. He just smiles and laughs.

"Come on let me see those dimples!" He pokes my cheeks and I roll my eyes. I am about to start smiling so I look behind him and see the gang not even paying attention to us.

"Let me see them" He says and I bite my lip from laughing. "Smile Tris, I know you want to" He says and I smile and cover my mouth. He laughs and bends down to kiss him. He claims that he loves my height because 'Every short girl needs a tall boy' and he is 6"7 and I am still 5"1.

I pull away and smile at him.
"I knew I could make those dimples come out!" He says and pokes my cheek.

"I don't even have dimples." I say holding one of my cheeks walking away. I hear him mutter something.

I'm sorry what was that?" I ask him
and he shakes his head.

"Oh!" I say

"Oh!" He says back

"Squad up!" I say walking up all in his personal space.

"Oh yeah!" He gets hype. "I have been wanting to do this for the longest time!" He says

We get in each other's space and start play wrestling. At some point of time he throws me over his shoulder and runs out the door.

"GUYS STOP FLIRTING AND GET IN BIG BERTHA!" Suzette says and I jump out of Tobias' arms and start running towards the huge tour bus.

Big Bertha

. I use my moving powers to hurry and open the doors and jump inside. He has long legs so he was right behind me.

I shut the door and now we are left alone on an empty tour bus. We are both panting and I look up at him through my eyelashes and he leans down and kisses me hard on the mouth. The pressure applied to my lips pushes me back a little bit. I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. He hands go around my waist and then slowly to my back pockets stuffing his hands in them.

This is the first time that me and Tobias have had together alone. Minus that night we snuck out to the lake in the backyard and went skinny dipping but that is another story for another time!

During some point of time of our make out session he pushes me down on the couch on top of me and my hair is completely out of my bun. We hear talking outside from the bus. We pull away when it starts to get closer.

"I love you" He knocks his forehead against mine and I smile. .

"I love you too" I peck him and the doors open.
"Okay! Let's do this! You three" Selena points to her brother and sister plus Trent. "On stage!"

"You three!" She points to Uriah, Zeke, and Will.
"Help with the instruments."

"You. You. You. And You have an amazing time" She points to Marlene, Lynn, Shauna and Christina.

"You and You" She points to Al and Peter. "Help with the tech stuff"

"And lastly you two." She points to me and Four. "Keep your tongues in your mouth"

We both blush and my eyes turn a shade of light pink and stand up we get off of the bus and sit in the crowd with the rest and my parents.

Jade runs to me and jumps in my arms and starts pulling on my hair.
I didn't bother to put my hair back in my bun and I also put on my round shades.

"Hey you! That hurts" I say pulling her hands away from mine. We hear the music start and I set Jade to her feet and she starts to dance.

Sel is wearing denim pants with boots with a black boostiere underneath and a black jean jacket that she is eventually going to take off
She is preforming La carcacha.

Uno, dos, tres, quatro

Que humader que nos viene ahogando
La gente se pregunta nadie sabe que es
Un carro viejo que viene pitando
Conllantas de triciclo y el motor al reves

En la esquina yo esperando
Como siempre su novia fiel
Mis amigas se estan burlando
Murmuran cosas de el

Carcacha, paso a pasito
No dejes de tambalear
Carcacha, poco a poquito
No nos vayas a dejar
Carcacha, paso a pasito
No dejes de tambalear
Carcacha, poco a poquito
No nos vayas a dejar

Miren muchachas que no me arrepiento
Y tampoco me averguenzo yo de mi galan
Aunque sea pobre y tenga un carro viejo
Me saca como reina
Un hombre de verdad

Y aunque tenga una carcacha
Lo que importa es que voy con el
Tampoco sera el mas quapo
Pero si es mi novio fiel

Carcacha, paso a pasito
No dejes de tambalear
Carcacha, poco a poquito
No nos vayas a dejar
Carcacha, paso a pasito
No dejes de tambalear
Carcacha, poco a poquito
No nos vayas a dejar
Carcacha, paso a pasito
No dejes de tambalear
Carcaha, poco a poquito
No nos vayas a dejar.

One, two, three, four Let us come drowning humader People wonder nobody knows it's an old car that comes whistling Conllantas tricycle and motor backwards I waiting on the corner As always his faithful girlfriend My girlfriends are teasing They whisper things in the Carcacha, step by step Be sure to shake Clunkers, little by little we are not going to leave Clunkers, step by step Be sure to shake Clunkers, little by little we are not going to let girls Look no regrets Nor I am ashamed of my gallant Although he is poor and has an old car I shows as queen A real man And although it has a clunker What matters is that going with the Nor will the most quapo But if my faithful boyfriend Clunkers, step pasito Be sure to shake Clunkers, little by little we are not going to leave Clunkers, step by step Be sure to shake Clunkers, little by little we are not going to leave Clunkers, step by step Be sure to shake Carcaha, little by little not us let you go.
Everyone went crazy. I really love this trip that we are on. Too bad that it is soon coming to an end and we have to go to school, poo 

*I have to go now because my computer is dying.

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