Staying Warm

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•Tris Pov•
"Wait! this is my power!" I hear Eric calls then he starts glowing

He is a glower.

"Well let's go back to the room." Eric says and we start walking.

When we get back Caleb gets a brainstorm.

"Okay so I have teleporting powers. And Lynn has a force field. I know how to get us home!" he yells

Good because I really want to go home.

"Okay so. Tris,Me,Four and your friends will be put in a force field globe and I will be inside and teleport us back then I come back and teleport Eric and his girlfriend at his house then I come back and me and Lynn teleport home" Caleb says

"That's perfect!" I say.

Then Four, Me, Christina, Will, Al, Mar, Peter, Shauna, Trent, Will, Zeke, And Uri gets into a group.

"Wait. Caleb can you transfer me at my house" Selena says and he nods.

Lynn does a force field around us and Caleb teleports us there.

We ended up in front of my house.

The snow comes up to my knees.

We shiver and I get my key and unlock the door.

When we get in I see my neighbor sitting on the couch.

We get in and I lock the door.

"Where's mom and dad?" I ask while putting wood in our fireplace and using my power to fire it.

Her eyes widen. I forgot she doesn't know I have fire powers.

"I'm sorry" I say while giggling

She nods and pales.

"Your parents left to go to the school and get you Jade is upstairs sleep." She says while getting her coat.

"Thank you" I say she nods and leaves.

I text my parents just then Caleb comes in hugging Lynn because they had to teleport here.

"Okay. Well Julie our neighbor was here watching Jade and mom and dad left to go get us" I say

"Oh gosh that was dumb" he says

I nod and text mom.

Hey mom

Hey we are on the way but we are inside this store because the wind got bad

Mom stay there because we are at home with my friends Caleb used his teleportation powers

Cool! but yeah we might be here for a while take care of Jade for me!

Of course love u

Love u too

"Mom is in the store they had to stop because the wind got bad" I say as I walk upstairs.

I change into fluffy black pants and a black elbow length shirt with black socks.

I go into Jade's room and she starts to stir

I pick her up and go downstairs

"Aweeeee" the girls coo I roll my eyes.

"Are you hungry?" I ask as I look in the refrigerator for a bottle.

"Yes!" they say

"Oh we got that new pizza maker!" Caleb says

"Or I can make it appear" Al says in a 'duh' voice and makes it appear

Caleb rolls his eyes and I laugh.

As I warm the bottle the top goes under the refrigerator.

"T-Four can you lift up the fridge so I can get the top please?" I ask.

He nods and lifts it up

"How do you mange to keep under your fridge clean??!" Trent says

"Because my mom is a clean freak" Caleb says I agree.

I wash the bottle off in hot water and give It to Caleb and Jade he feeds her

And we all dig into the pizza at my island.

I sit on Fours lap

"Okay so Mar I haven't seen you change blue in a long time do it!!!" Uri says

She turns blue and Jade looks at her and starts to cry.

Mar does look scary

I burst out laughing along with the rest

"Sorry"Mar says walking toward Jade and she cries louder

"Mar your still blue" Shauna says

"Oh!" she says and turns back to normal

I laugh and Caleb calms her down.

Al then makes glasses appear and adds water in it

"Thanks" we say

"I wonder if we are going to school tomorrow?" Christina says

"I highly doubt that it's supposed to end tomorrow late afternoon" Will says

"Looks like we are having an extended sleep over" I say

I know that was absolutely nothing.... Something is better than nothing.......

I am running out of ideas except one idea.

Vote and Comment. Also Comment for ideas!

LUV y'all and stay dauntless!

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