Are You Serious?

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Hey guys sorry for not being there but here is a chapter!!

•Tris Pov•
I wake up tied to a chair in an abandoned house and when I look up I see Eric hovering over me

"Why am I here" I say but it comes out groggily.

"I need your help" He says

"With?" I say getting annoyed.

"I need your fashion to give me a makeover. I like this girl and I need your help please" he said.

"Are you serious?" I say

"Look Stiff do you want to help me or not?!" He yells.

"I really don't know considered you kidnapped me to ask me a question a 'Hey Tris can you meet me in this abandoned building to help me dress better" I say

"Well I knew you wouldn't come" He says

There was an awkward silence of him staring at me

"Well untie me!" I yell

"Oh right" he says and unties me

"And you call me a stiff" I say

"Watch it" he mumbles

"Alright" I say pretending to be scared

"I brought some clothes here and some other stuff" He says

"Alright give them to me" I say sounding impatient holding out my hand.

He growls and gives me the bag

I look through it and pick him out some clothes and tell him to wear it tomorrow. Then I did his hear (like in the movie)

"I'm done" I say

"Alright one last thing I need help learning how to kiss" he says and I gag

"I'm not kissing you" I say

"Trust me I don't like you either but I need help" he says

"Use the back of your hand, A dog, A pillow I don't care just not me!" I yell

"Please no strings attached I don't even plan on talking to you anymore and I won't tell Four" He says I roll my eyes

"No" I say

"I promise" he says pleading.

"That's cheating" I say

"I. Promise. I. Won't. I. Swear." He says

My mom once told me another word for Selfless is Abnegation and she told me that's what I am sometimes. I fell that Abnegation kicking in

I huff and roll my eyes.

I grab the back of his head and pull it toward mines and kiss him.

I fighting everything not to throw up.

I grab his hands and put it on my waist and mines around his neck.

He kisses harder and I seriously want to throw up.

I kiss back and pull away.

"Done" I say sounding disgusted.

"How was it?" he asks.

"Considering I did not enjoy it 5 maybe for someone who likes you will like it" I say as I grab my stuff.

"How do I French?" he asks.

"I am not teaching you that she will. go with the flow" I say

"Thanks" Eric says while rubbing his lips and I do the same

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