Just in Time

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*Tris Pov*
Luckily we all put our stuff up in time and Mrs. Gulf comes back from la la land he suspects nothing

Other than crumbs and red mouths

"You guys are actually doing really good no complains. You guys can go to lunch now but be back to finish the last 2 hours of the day" Mr. Worm says and leaves

We all get up and walk into the Cafeteria

We all go through the line I grab Fries and a Chicken Sandwich because I still have my other food

While I go to the condiment station I notice that Four is also there

I go over there and we both reach for the ketchup and our hands touch I felt electricity when I touched him

I look for Christina and I saw here still in the line getting her food no her wow

Do I like him?

I feel Déjavu well most likely I will because this happens in like 36785483833484 movies so yes

I also notice that are hands are still touching I blush and grab some ketchup and walk over to the table before muttering an 'Sorry'

I see everyone their and Selena

"Hey" I say as I sit

I think I may like Four he is so different and perfect

*Tobias Pov*

For some reason all day I can't seem to get Tris out my head.

She is beautiful, Smart,Brave,Kind-when she wants to be,Selfless-when she wants to be,and Honest

When I touched her hand I felt a spark

I look to Christina and sure enough she was in line getting her food not paying attention at all.

When she left my hand immediately turned freezing cold and this time it was not the Cold Power People pulling a prank.

When she said sorry I wanted to pull her back and kiss her

"Woah dude you like Tris don't you the way you look at her is different and she likes you" Zeke says

"I don't know Zeke I really don't know" I say

"Well whatever dude I'm gonna make a fan club for yall and entitle it FourTris perfect right?"Zeke says and I roll my eyes and walk over to the table

She is different from any other girls and that's what I love about her
She does not try like the others because she does not have to

I like Tris Prior and I have to have her

I see a future with her. A long bright beautiful Future together forever.

Sorry for being short I got home from this party at like 12:46 and I was all like 46 yea I'm special uh huh and start doing a victory dance and my family was like uhh

Plus I got comments like telling me to update this is not the best more like a filler

Please don't hate me

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Ps: I smell Fourtris in the air do you?

Luv y'all stay dauntless!!

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