(Chapter One)

I like that you show the characters personalities through the girls' style and choices. Even their dialogue expresses their emotions and the type of person they are.

All three friends are different, and I can't help but smile at the bickering between Micah and Jenny.

Some conflict is mentioned early on, which is great for setting up the main plot. Emie is right to be curious because a teenage guy not having mentioned sex, especially after a five-year relationship can be strange.

(Chapter Two)

This chapter is almost heartbreaking in a way because you can clearly see what Sebastian means to Emie, but you can tell from his actions and Emie's narration that he doesn't feel the same way anymore.

Emie shouldn't be made to feel guilty for the way she feels, nor embarrassed.

(Chapter Three)

The true meaning of "best friends" really outshines the rest of the chapters so far when Jenny and Micah know something is wrong and comforts Emie. Micah talks a lot of sense and I love the way they stand with Emie regarding the situation.

(Chapter Four)

Finally, he comes out and says it. I respect Sebastian because it can't be easy coming out, especially when he can see how distraught Emie is about what's upsetting him. I can't even imagine how confusing it is for both of them.

You did a great job with your descriptions, and you really fleshed out your characters throughout the chapters I've read so far!

(Chapter Five)

I know I said I respected Seb in the previous chapter, but boy, his actions from when he was thirteen are a little harsh. If he suspected he liked boys, he shouldn't have asked Emie to be his girlfriend and potentially lie to her for five years. This builds up the fact that maybe because he comes from a rich background that his parents may not support him being gay.

My heart honestly bleeds for Emie because let's face it, poor Sebastian is confused, but given the circumstance, he should have told Emie sooner. He kinda used her.

I love how you describe Emie's emotions throughout this heartbreaking chapter.

(Chapter Six)

Emie's feelings are totally understandable, and it must be hard having to face Sebastian at school. I don't understand why she would think and slightly be happy about wanting him to be outside her house, picking her up for school after his revelation. I'm actually glad he didn't show up because if I was Emie, something like that would annoy me.

(Chapter Seven)

Wow is all I can say. Each chapter brings out mixed emotions for all your characters as the situations are relatable. Even the way they react is understandable.

I'm guessing Sebastian said the things he said to Micah because being gay himself probably had given him a sixth sense. He knows what it's like to carry a secret, and also probably wondered why she hasn't had a committed relationship up until now. I did dislike him for the way he treated her because it wasn't his place to say, especially in school.

Why didn't Jenny get involved, since she is supposed to be Emie's best friend?

(Chapter Eight)

Emie is so strong being able to push her own feelings aside to comfort Seb. I probably wouldn't act the same because of all the hurt, but that shows she is a strong-willed character. She truly cares about him.

I feel like the drama got resolved too quickly. Fair enough, Emie forgives him, but to say she overreacted is a no no.

She reacted like a normal being, and it was relatable. A lot of people would have the same questions running through their heads. So, I don't like the way Emie is dismissing her behaviour as if it wasn't called for.

I don't know how Sebastian can be so selfish. He used Emie for five years, lied to her and cheated on her and now he wants to use her as a cover-up for his sexuality. This shouldn't be okay.

(Chapter Nine)

Sebastian is confusing me because he keeps saying he loves Emie. That's unfair to say that too. He loves her as a friend, and he knows she loves him more, so why is he making it so much harder for her?

It's not her responsibility to keep his sexuality hidden while pretending that they are still in a relationship. It could break her even more because they are both lying to themselves.

It's clear that Sebastian is just confused and in denial about his feelings as it shows through his actions.

(Chapter Ten)

Is Micah upset with Emie because she is back with Sebastian after what he said to her? Or is it because Micah likes Emie more than a friend?

I think that's why there has always been a rift between Jenny and Micah because I still can't understand why they don't get along.

Jenny is supposed to be Emie's best friend and all, so maybe Micah is jealous, or I'm clutching at wrong straws.

Overall enjoyment-

I really enjoyed reading your book. It's not too cliche, and I've never heard the term before, but I'm glad I've had a chance to review your book.

It was a rollercoaster of emotions from feeling sorry for Emie to being annoyed by Sebastian, to pure what-the-hell-is-she-thinking.

The edited chapters were honestly great. I found no faults and nothing I could critique on. I'm a nit-picky reviewer at times, and with my own writing, but it's a joy to find a book with very few errors.

The unedited chapters need some work on the tenses, but that's a small detail that will be fixed by your editor.

You've done a great job so far, and I would love to continue reading your book as it piqued my interest.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Feel free not to take my suggestions, but if you do, I hope you find them useful.

Thank you for letting me review your book. Please check "The Beard" if you've got time.

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