Walking the Gallows

33 8 3

Username: @RogueSnow
Genre: Mystery
Chapters: 5 chapters
Specific: N/A

Your cover is simplistic, which isn't a bad thing if that's the look you're going for. I think it's because you have darker colours, making it stand out less. The stickers actually stand out more than the cover does.

Again, I suggest to include your stickers in a chapter in your book. It could be in a separate chapter at the start or end of your book. This is because sometimes placing stickers on your cover ruins the look and feel of you book cover.

Your blurb is great! I love how you talk about him before you introduce Andy in the second paragraph.

I would suggest to add all your achievements below your blurb. It's best to have your paragraphs above all the awards you've won as this will be the first thing your reader will see.

(Chapter One)

A typo here between it's and its. In this example, it should be "its."

Your example...
"It's exterior needed some work, too."

A suggestion could be...
"Its exterior needed some work, too."

This is because you're referring to something materialistic, the car.

(Chapter Three)

Your example...
"His garden was natural and that's the way he was wanted it to be."

You have a typo and a tense change in this sentence.

A suggestion could be...
"His garden was natural and that was the way he wanted it to be."

"To be" is passive voice, so you could always change it to - "His garden was natural and that was the way he liked it."

I couldn't find any mistakes. 👏🏼

Character Development/ Plot -

(Chapter One)
Andy breaks the stereotypical man that I see in most books. He isn't described as being highly gorgeous and is short for his age. I also like that you mentioned he has insecurities, making him relatable, and well, rather human.

I like how you instantly describe and show comparisons between the two brothers. The youngest cares for his alcoholic brother.

It would be nice if you could translate some of your sentences. I'm bad at foreign languages, but I think it's Spanish?
Some readers, like myself, probably won't know the meaning, so providing translations will help the reader to understand all dialogues. (You can insert translations beside dialogue or add it to the end of the chapter in the Author notes).

(Chapter Two)
I love how you describe the actions of the two brothers, showing how they react differently to their father's beatings.

I think it's a nice touch adding in Andy's love for art. Painting is his sense of escape, a part of his identity that I can reconnect with.

I'm a little confused about the dream-like memory. A traumatic event like his father beating them up is plausible, but I don't know how he can understand what his mother is thinking? Why would she wish Andy was never born? It confuses me even more when he says he is blessed to have such a wonderful mother.

(Chapter Three)
It's nice to see his relationship with Charlotte evolve throughout the chapter. Andy doesn't appear to be the type of man to encounter a woman first, so I'm surprised he manage to pluck the courage to ask her out on a date.

I can see by the way you ended the chapter with the mango that something isn't right. I like the subtle suspense.

(Chapter Four)
Andy is quite a loveable character. Well down to earth, and his insecurities and awkwardness makes me love him even more.

You add in some parts of his backstory, moulding to shape his personality and engages the reader to read on.

I'm really enjoying the mystery surrounding his date night and his amnesia. It's almost like you add in clues throughout, such as the radio station playing, and the fact he woke up naked the night after, and that the murdered female has a similar name to his love interest.

(Chapter Five)
With each chapter I read, it becomes more and more interesting. The murdered girl is an acquaintance with his brother, Vin. It's nice to see Vin react in an emotional way to somebody he lost. Andy's neighbour seems a little nosy and well informed. Things don't seem to add up, and I'm sure Andy won't be so sure of himself either. (It could be him).

Overall enjoyment-
I loved reading your book. The main reason is because I read a lot of mystery/ thriller books away from Wattpad. I love to read a book that has you thinking and second guessing yourself all the way through. Each character has a secret, and each one could be a suspect.

It's clear to say that your book is polished and well written. It's obvious you have edited due to few errors.
I did notice a few mistakes, which I have either commented above, or posted an inline comment.
Either way, I'm impressed.

Feel free to ask me any questions.

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