Chapter 110

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The bus station is a little disconcerting place, all those buses, the colors, all the people and the big noise.

"I'll be fine," said Gemma through the phone line. "I'll go to my mother's house, I'll stay there for a few weeks, I think."

"Please take care."

"Your ankle is better?"

"Yes but I have a bruise," I sighed.

" I know I've said many times but thanks, really. Lucy, you were very brave and it was very risky but you did it for Charlie and I appreciate. Seriously. "

"I did it for both," I said with a slight smile.

"Are you nervous?"

"About what?"

"About your little trip, you'll be with my brother alone. Don't let him convince you unless you want to. "

I gulped and stammered a few unintelligible words.

"I can see you're nervous," Gemma laughed and I'm glad to hear her laugh.

"Hm, talking about anything else you could come with us. It's perfect for you. "

"No, she can't!" Harry stated and I rolled my eyes. "Bye, Gemma!”

"Lucinda, I'd never go, I don't want to ruin the fun. Enjoy it and forget your troubles, it'll be good to you. "

"Thanks, I will."

"Oh, and if you have any questions about sex you can call me, but don't call me when you guys are in the middle of the—"

"Okay, thanks. I have to go, okay? "I spoke quickly. Gemma laughed again at my reaction and then said goodbye.

I hung up the call and kept the phone in my pocket. I looked at my hands and I still feel his blood on my skin. I shook my head and deleted the morbid thought.

"Don't go!" Louis yelled for the tenth time. "What am I going to do without the two?" He sighed.

I can't believe the boys are here, it's pretty early.

Niall gave me a hug. His gesture seems a bit odd since we don't talk much. He kissed my cheek and my eyes widened. I felt Harry's hand grab mine a second later. I looked at him but he was on the phone.

"Lucy, put on your flower crown!" Louis ordered.

I didn't want to use it and I didn't understand the point of this. I put on my crown and smiled forcibly.

"You too, Liam!" Louis growled.

Payne placed the flower crown on his head and rolled his eyes. Just like me he found this nonsense, but when it comes to Louis nothing makes sense. We all were wearing those flower crowns, Harry wore his with no problem and I figured he did it to avoid a scolding from Louis.

I heard Harry calling my name. It was time to leave. We said goodbye to the boys and Louis pretended to cry.

We left our backpacks, we show our tickets and got on the bus. I crossed my legs and rubbed my hands on my jeans. They were sweating, it's embarrassing. I looked at Harry and he was watching me, I see a small smile on his lips. His face is extremely close to mine, is very intimidating and he's looking so good today. I want to recoil but didn't move.

I stared at my legs but from the corner of my eye I noticed he was watching me. I rubbed my face with one hand and I dropped my glasses due to the sudden move. Harry picked it up and handed them to me. I smiled and kept my mouth shut. I haven't said a word since we got into the bus, I'm mute like the old times.

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