Chapter 78

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"He has barely touched me, he looks kind of afraid, Harry is not that way, so I will ask you one last time. What the hell did you do to him you little girl?" She asks with a frown but her words don't come out aggressively.

To be honest I need a moment, a moment to understand what is happening and what she is trying to ask me.

I honestly don't understand what this is all about. I don't know if she's trying to be nice but I don't like this conversation anymore. I don't know why she wants an explanation from me when I don't have the answer.

"Look, if you have problems with Harry is not my fault, I don't know what you're talking about so I can't help you," I am honest and get straight to the point. My words surprised me but this is what I think.

"There must be an answer, there always is."

"You know Harry, you should know what is going on," she glares at me and suddenly I'm nervous.

“There must be an answer, and I know you have it."

She is quite stubborn and I start to feel frustrated.

"As you say Harry is your problem, I can't help you."

"If I find out that you—"

"Are you threatening me?" I growled and I have no idea where came my words and my attitude.

"Just warning you," she smiles innocently. "Well, well," Emily closes her eyes and took a deep breath before looking at me again. "Let's change the subject; I have something to tell you."

Oh my God, I'm confused. Traces of anger or curiosity or her threat have disappeared completely.

Try to be nice and this will end sooner than you think.

"What Harry did was terrible and I am a feminist girl, so I did something."

"You did something?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes, a little joke," she smiles, and now she doesn't seem so bad. "Ask me what I did, ask me."

This is so weird.

"Ahm, what did you do Emily?"

"Let's just say Harry's wardrobe no longer exists," she replies, and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"What do you mean?"

"It disappeared along with all his clothes, a friend helped me."

"A friend? It was Eric?"

"Eric? Of course not,” she shakes her head. "Why do you think he did it?"

"He doesn't like Harry and you were talking to him."

"Oh, yes but it was not Eric. It was bones, I know it’s weird but we call him that way and he is a friend of mine. "

I need to rewind, Emily's attitude changed so fast I'm surprised. Harry and Gemma are just like her, how they do it?

"Wait a second," I say as my fingers pinched my nose. "So the wardrobe is not in his room, right? Harry's wardrobe no longer exists?" She shakes her head. "That means he has nothing."

"Nothing except what he is wearing right now."

"Does he know?"

"Not yet, I think," her smile grew. "I'm so excited."

"Excited? Why? Harry will be mad. "

"He deserves it."

Harry did wrong and I still don't know all the truth but I think Emily could have punished him otherwise. He will be mad; if someone did that to me I would be very angry.

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