Chapter 84

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"You said this place was not so big."

"I just assumed it," I sighed. "Can I buy a beer?"

"If you buy one for me."

"Of course, Lucy. Let's go."

"No, stop!" I obeyed and looked at her face.  "I was joking, I don't want to drink with you," she furrowed her brows.

I gently hit my forehead with the palm of my hand repeatedly and Lucy grabbed my hand to stop me.

"What is wrong with you Harry?" She said, and her eyes were full of concern.

"It was weird, right?" She nodded in response. "I'm sorry, Lucy."

"It's weird that a tough guy full of tattoos is hitting himself on the forehead," she half smiled and pulled me by the hand. "We haven't seen the restrooms."

We walked to the restrooms and Lucy got into the women and I entered towards the men doors, only to check but Cassie was not there. We got out of the restrooms area, Lucy grabbed my hand and I didn't even have to ask.

"Do you think she has left?"

"Why would she do that? She can't leave you here," I looked at her worried. "And where the hell is Cameron?"

"Not your problem."

"Once he starts looking for you I'll break his fucking face."

"No way, Styles," Lucy stopped and my eyes never left her face. "Cassie!" She waved and her friend that was standing between the people. "I was looking for you."

"Wow, what the hell?" It's first thing Cassie said, her gaze on our hands.

Lucinda got rid of my grasp and clapped her hands.

"I was worried, where were you?"

"In the restroom, I didn't feel very well," Cassie shrugged.

"I called you; you should check your phone."

"Okay, mom," Cassie rolled her eyes and I stifled a giggle. "I'll leave you two alone, I'll go back with Cameron."

“Let me talk to Cameron"

"No, go away."

"No way—"

"This moment of peace is over, now go, Harry, please," she sighed.

I rolled my eyes and started walking.

"Are you really going to do this? Are you going to act this way? How dare you?" She questioned following me.

"I just want to protect you!" I replied frustrated and turned towards her. She stepped back and I hope she can see the intensity of my gaze and how angry I am.

I acted peacefully because she needed to find her friend but I never forgot the fact that Cameron is here and he invited her to this place. Lucinda doesn't belong here and he knows that. His intentions are not good and I know it, but how can I make her understand? It's Lucinda, she is a good person and so naive, I bet she doesn't even suspect about him.

"Lucy, Taylor is dangerous, Cameron's dangerous, Kevin is dangerous, remember Kevin?" She nodded. "Cameron used to harass my sister."


"Like he was obsessed with her, he used to follow her."

"You're lying, no way. Gemma saw him the other day and said nothing about it."

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