Chapter 41

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L  U  C  Y


Half an hour later I'm in front of Harry's house. I knock the door softly and I hope someone to open.

 I hope we can go together, today I have desire to spend time with Harry, I hope he doesn't mind.

"What are you doing here?" The boy with dark hair and blue eyes ask me when he opens the door. What was his name?... Oh right, Louis!

"Ahm, came to see Harry" I said and took a step but he doesn't let me in.

"Should we let her come in, mate?" He said and Zayn poked his head over Louis' shoulder.

"Maybe," He replied and turned his eyes to me. "Password?"


"A clue is something that everyone in this house likes and its three things" Louis smiled.

I didn't have to think twice I already know the answer.

"Girls, drugs and alcohol" I responded.

"No!" Louis shouted and I got scared by his reaction. Zayn chuckled, Louis was clearly joking. "It was sex. Sorry, you can't come in, bye "he said and then closed the door.

"You're an idiot!" I listened to Niall and then a thud and someone let out a cry of pain, I think it was Louis. "Hey Lucy" Niall smiled when he opened the door.

"Hey, can I come in?" Niall nodded and let me in. 

Louis and Zayn were sitting on the couch with their feet on the coffee table and Liam was eating a banana. They are all here except for Harry.

"Where is Harry?"

"Well he is not here, where else would he be? Harry is still sleeping, "Louis replied, a bit rude in my opinion.

"Well he could be in the shower or in the kitchen, not necessarily sleeping," I replied.

"She has a point there mate, remember that she is smart "Zayn said with a smile. I don't know if he was teasing or just talking to Louis.

"It is impossible wake him" Niall said.

"Good luck with that, we tried but he is like a sleeping beauty" Liam spoke as he chewed his banana.

"Time to go," Louis said looking at his wrist, but there is no watch.

"You are leaving?"

"Are you deaf?" Louis raised an eyebrow at me and Zayn stifled another laugh.

"I'm sor-sorry, what I meant is that how? I've only seen Harry's car "

"I have a car, is in the garage" Zayn said.

"And Liam and I have motorcycles" Louis said heading for the door.

"I have a bike does that count?" The boys laughed and smiled. Niall's funny.

"Good luck little Lucy" Louis put his hand on my shoulder. "Harry is a heavy sleeper"

"Ahm, any advice to wake him up?"

"Um ..." Zayn and Louis exchanged glances, the blue-eyed boy smiled and nodded at his friend. "With sex!" Zayn exclaims a little strong and Louis laughs at my expression.

"Or you can just suck his dick, believe me, he will wake up" My mouth is almost on the ground and Louis and Zayn are laughing even harder.

"Idiots" Liam hits his two friends in the head but he's holding a smile on his face. "Let's go" Louis and Zayn obey and leave the house.

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