Chapter 113

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My heart pounded desperate when Harry pushed Taylor and he fell on the cement driveway. My body shuddered and my skin lost all trace of heat. Harry walked down the small stairs and approached Taylor. He kicked him on the stomach and I instinctively set my hand on my stomach.

I stepped forward, wanting to stop this but someone grabbed my elbow and dragged me inside the house while I was yelling at Harry to stop.

I let out a scream but a hand was placed over my mouth, fingers had cigarette smell. While I was pulled I saw Niall walking towards me.

"Would you stop?" I heard Louis' voice and the hand disappeared from my mouth.

"What did you do, Lucy?" Niall asked worried.

"I didn't—We were just talking and-and—"

Louis cut me off by throwing more serpentine towards me. I shook my head, a little stunned by his reaction. Louis took my birthday girl hat and folded his arms.

"You ruined the party," he pouted.

"What? I know what you did!! "I shrieked. "The video."

Louis and Niall exchanged glances and nodded.

"Um, well, shit," Louis replied uncomfortable.

"We are sorry but we had--"

"I know," I cut him off.

"And I thought this was going to be a good night, my gift for you was a dance by the way," Louis winked and threw more serpentine towards.

"What's your problem with serpentine?" I took it off of my head and from my clothes.

I don't know how Louis is acting so calm at a time like this. Wait, is he trying to distract me?

You're so stupid, of course he is!

My mind and ears reconnected with the outside, Harry was still fighting and I could hear his screams. I shivered, it was heartbreaking.

"You idiots," I muttered the only words that came to my mind.

I couldn't let this go any further, this was too much. I walked back to the entrance, I went through the door and downstairs.

"Don't," Louis put his hand on my shoulder.

Don't? Don't?! Is he out of his mind!?

"Leave her alone!" Harry shouted, loud and clear. "Stay away from us, you piece of shit!" Harry shouted one more time, his voice tore my ears.

They were fighting. I see the way they kick and punch each other. I didn't care about Taylor, I care about Harry and his state. I didn't know who was winning but every hit was as painful as before. The two were fighting savagely and mercilessly on the other.

I turned around and the guests are only watching, no one dared to move. That reminded me of the night I met Harry and he got into a fight and nobody did anything about it. What is the problem with these people?

"That's enough," Liam whispered, his eyes met mine. Thanks, Liam!

I turned around and noticed that there was red drops on the gray cement. My heart jumped and my throat was dry. I started walking and Liam followed me.

"Enough, enough!" Liam shouted and tried to calm the situation.

Zayn joined and helped Liam. I stood still while his friends tried to separate them. It was hard to me, I wanted to do something about it but it was impossible because both were fighting with a violence I had never seen before. I swear I heard the blows clearly, bone against bone and it was frightening.

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