Chapter 15

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I imagine myself lying on my bed reading a book; I imagine watching Friends on TV and eating ice cream while I cry with some movie. I imagine being the real Lucinda, the quiet and reserved girl that I am.

The girl who loves to talk and laugh with her friend Marcel. I see us walking around the shops and buying comics or watching the new video games that have come out to the stores. I see us sitting in the library studying, as usual. That's where I belong, to all those places.

Not here with a bunch of drunken teenagers, not here with all those mean girls and where guys hit each other because they can.

I feel that I have betrayed myself, that I've lost my identity. How did I get here? Why me?

The sound of Harry's fist crashing violently against Ryan's face pulls me out of my thoughts. I flinch. The sound is scary, just like the first time I saw him fight that night at Caddie's party. Why is he doing this?

I didn't want to kiss Ryan but Harry doesn't have the right to interfere on this and less on this way.

My fingers touch my lips; I can't believe he has stolen my first kiss. I know I'm exaggerating but I feel...horrible.

My body reacts when Harry kicks Ryan's stomach.

"No," I scream desperate but before I can run towards them someone grabs my waist.

"Where are you thinking you're going babe?" The voice whispers in my ear.

"No, let me go, let me go!" I scream and I try to let go of his grip.

Ryan spits blood. Harry is about to hit him again but Ryan dodges rolling on the floor. Ryan quickly gets up and kicks Harry.

"Let her go!" I hear Cassie's voice. I turn my face towards my friend and see her with Matt.

"Come on, Zayn." Matt said, grabbing Zayn's elbow. The boy released my body and Cassie grabs my arm.

"What the fuck is going on?" She asks, looking into my eyes.

"Ryan ... Ryan kissed me and Harry ... he ..."

"Lucy, WHAT? YOUR FIRST KISS? WITH RYAN? But you can't kiss him if you're dating Harry. What is wrong with you? "

I'm so tired of Cassie saying or believing that I'm dating Harry. I'm so tired that she believes that Harry would go out with someone like me. Cassie is blinded by her thoughts, why she can't see that Harry and I are not together?

"I'm not dating Harry!" I scream desperately as I push her.

Cassie opens her eyes, surprised by my reaction. I think I will suffer a nervous breakdown, I can't stand this. My friend is being beaten and nobody does anything about it. All these people are crazy, just crazy. I'm so angry with Harry but at the same time I'm really scared. He is like a time bomb, he can't control himself. He threw a bottle towards me... he almost hurt me!

My breath is agitated and desperation runs through my veins and all I think is that I have to save Ryan. I turn my face to the fight, Harry and Ryan still hitting each other. Don't they get bored? What is their problem?

Harry manages to dodge a punch from Ryan and grabs the collar of his shirt.

The curly smiles and begins to beat Ryan. This is the end.

I run towards him. "Harry, Harry," I shout desperately, clutching his arm. "Harry please!" I scream, feeling the tears falling from my eyes. If I don't stop him he will kill Ryan or something.

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