please don't leave me

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Troye woke up early the next morning and instantly recognized that he was not alone in bed. Slowly he turned his head and he saw Jacob resting soundly on his side of the bed. Troye sighed as he looked at Jacob because he was still so so so in love with the boy and he did honestly want to be with him and make things right, but he wasn't so sure that that is what Jacob wanted.

Slowly Troye slid out of bed, pulled on a t-shirt and headed downstairs. Again, Troye sighed as he surveyed the mess from the party. Truly, it wasn't as bad as he expected, but it would take some time to clean, so Troye grabbed a bag for garbage and began to go room to room and pick up the mess. After about two hours, Nash trotted into the kitchen, where Troye was washing dishes, so Troye paused from cleaning to take Nash out for a walk. It felt good to get out in the fresh air and stretch his legs and while Troye often liked to use exercise as a time to think things over, he decided today just to use it to clear his mind, that was until the two returned home to find Jacob in the kitchen and of course he wasn't alone.

Jacob was sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee, Hari was finishing the dishes, Jasper was wiping down a counter, another guy Troye didn't recognize was pouring himself a cup of coffee and of course Ryan had to be there sitting across from Jacob with his own cup in his hand. They all turned and looked at Troye as he and Nash entered the room. But, Troye willed himself not to return their gaze. Instead he headed towards the closet to hang up Nash's leash. He was two steps past the kitchen when he heard Jacob behind him.

"You didn't have to clean all that up, Hari and the others stayed to help with the mess this morning," Jacob spoke, his voice soft.

"It's fine," Troye replied as he took the final steps over to the broom closet and opened the door. He could feel Jacob's eyes on him as he hung up Nash's leash and then closed the door. With a deep breath he turned and was then facing Jacob.

"Troye," Jacob said biting his lip, "look, I'm sorry. I don't exactly remember what happened last night, but like... I didn't mean it."

Troye scoffed, "How can you say you didn't mean something when you don't even remember what you said?"

"You're apparently upset with me and I was drunk so like whatever I said, I didn't mean."

"Hmm I don't know, I've always heard alcohol was like a truth serum and that no one was as honest as a loose tongued drunk man," Troye said crossing his arms.

"Troye, please. I'm telling you that I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm trying to say I'm sorry. I, I love you, you know that," Jacob replied.

Troye rolled his eyes, "Sounds more like you really just want laid again, that's pretty much the only time you pay attention to me anymore."

"That's not true," Jacob countered.

"Hmm ok," Troye shrugged and started to move past Jacob.

"Where are you going?" Jacob said following him.

"I have to pack for Poland."

"When do you leave?"


"Of course," Jacob replied.

Troye paused and turned to look at him, "excuse me?"

"I'll miss you, that's all," Jacob sighed.

"You don't even talk to me when I'm home," Troye laughed.

"I know things have been hard, Troye, and I know that's like almost, sort of, my fault, but it's just hard on me adapting to you being here and then not being here and so on and so forth."

"And yet when you come on tour with me your fucking miserable," Troye retorted.

Jacob sighed, "Ya, I know."

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