i recognize

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Kayla and Kerri were SO excited when Troye texted to set up a day to hang out. They planned on having breakfast at their favorite cafe, followed by hitting up the salon to get their nails done, Troye decided to go with a bright yellow color, they then swung by the mall for a few hours and were currently crowding Kerri's twin sized bed back at her parents' house.

So, ya, Troye was not that thrilled about hanging out with them because he didn't want to leave Jacob, but as soon as he found himself alone with his two best friends, it felt almost as if he had never left. The girls took turns playing with Troye's blond curls. They discussed what life in college was like and lamented about how soon they would have to start looking for real careers.

Troye sighed, "I think I want to go to college someday."

"You're nuts," Kayla answered.

"Seriously, Tok, you are so lucky. You have no idea," Kerri added.

"Ya but like, I still think it's yet another thing that I'm missing out on."

The girls laughed.

"I'm serious," Troye whined. "Like I bet there are some sick ragers complete with drugs, alcohol, dancing and hot boys like every week."

"And I bet that there are even better parties in LA," Kayla answered.

"Ya full of paparazzi and pretentious assholes who measure their worth by comparing what kind of cars they own. Would be fun just to let loose and chill, ya know?"

"Ya, I guess that makes sense," Kerri nodded. Suddenly Kayla squealed as she looked at her phone. Troye raised an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"It's your lucky day, Tok! There is this frat hosting a party on campus tonight and we are totally going!" Kayla exclaimed.

Troye's eyes went wide, "Wait, can we seriously?"

"If you can handle being without the boyfriend for the night then yes," Kayla smiled.

Troye clapped and smiled, "Let's do it! Am I dressed ok?"

"It's college, Troye, not The Grammys- you look perfect," Kerri nodded.

"Oh I'm so excited!" Troye exclaimed. And the three best friends continued to chat as they waited to leave for the party.

Back at Troye's House, Jacob was enjoying a lazy day. He was clad in sweats and snuggled under Troye's blankets. Every so often he turned to nuzzle his head into one of the pillows as they smelled of Troye. His laptop sat on his chest as he scrolled through random messages on Instagram on his phone. He then came across a name that he thought he recognized and clicked on it.

tommy.dorfman- hi Jacob!

Jacob looked through Tommy's followers and upon seeing Hari's name, he realized how he knew of Tommy.

jacobbix- oh hey, you're friends with Hari, right?

tommy.dorfman- I sent you that message like forever ago. Never thought you would respond. Lol

jacobbix- I'm so sorry!

tommy.dorfman- no need to apologize and yes, Hari is my girl!

jacobbix- so what do I owe the honor of making you acquaintance for

tommy.dorfman- what's that even suppose to mean lol

jacobbix- sounded better in my head

tommy.dorfman- well Jacob Bix, that pretty head of yours might need some coffee or something

jacobbix- Haha. Well I'm in Australia and my boyfriend is out with his friends so I'm just enjoying a lazy day

tommy.dorfman- Ah, yes- Troye, right?

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