Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader

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(This was suggested by someone. A reader with autism... I know I've made more of Bushroot than anyone else, but I just freaking love him. He's also the most sympathetic villain in the entire show, imo.)

(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name.

You're a twenty five year old woman named (Y/N) (L/N). For the majority of your life, you've struggled with autism and aspergers syndrome. You were bullied in school a lot because of it. However, there was a one time in high school where you finally stood up for yourself.

A popular girl named Stacy Greenville was constantly calling you names like dummy or retard or whatever. You eventually snapped and pushed her down the stairs while the hallways were empty. She was disqualified from being a cheerleader and was disowned by her mother because she also couldn't participate in beauty pageants anymore with a bad leg.

Thing is, you didn't push her on purpose. Or at least you don't think you did. What happened was, she was standing by the stairs while she was verbally attacking you. You screamed and you pushed her, causing her to fall.

Her parents were threatening to send you to court for assault, but much to their dismay, your dad was a lawyer and threatened THEM not to do anything to you and not to mistreat an autistic girl, so they didn't. Stacy never messed with you again.

You're walking down the street right now and you suddenly spot the greenhouse. You look up at it and you smile saying, "I've never actually been in there. I wonder what it looks like. Something tells me... it's better than others I've seen. Prettier stuff." You walk up and you get to the door.

You open it and you go inside. You're the only one in there at the moment and you look around. You smile and you say, "It is pretty." You walk around and you're unaware of something watching you. It's a four foot tall flytrap with orange hair.

It runs off and runs into a shed. He gets to a green duck man who looks to be half plant. He has purple foliage hair, leafy hands, a tree like bottom half. His legs and feet. His tail are leaves. His beak however is just orange. He has bright blue eyes, too.

That man... is Reginald Bushroot. He hears grunting and he looks to see the flytrap. He says, "Hey, Spike. How's it going?" Spike points out the small window of the shed. Bushroot says, "Someone's here?" Spike nods. Bushroot says, "Oh no... It's not Darkwing Duck again, is it?"

Spike shakes his head for no. He does a little signal to give the plant man hints. Bushroot says, "Ooh... is it a lady?" Spike smiles and nods. Bushroot walks to the window and he looks out. He gasps as he sees a woman. You.

He sighs and he smiles saying, "Who is she?" He watches as you smell the flowers. You find one different from others and you walk over to it. You say, "Ooh. This is a pretty one. Whatever kind of flower this is." You smell it and you say, "Smells nice, too."

You hear this, "That is a lotus, my dear." You gasp and you shake a bit. You look over to see a green duck man that happens to be a plant. He says, "Oh crap. H-hey. I'm sorry I scared you, miss." You say, "Oh... It's... it's okay. It's not you... It's me. I do that all the time when I get startled."

He approaches you and you say, "Is this... your greenhouse?" He says, "Yes it is. I come here all the time. I live for plants. I myself am a plant." You giggle and you say, "I see that." He blushes and he thinks to himself, "Oh my god. She's cute.~"

He says, "What's your name, dear?" You look at him and you say, "(Y/N) (L/N)." He says, "I'm Reginald. Reginald Bushroot." He holds his leafy hand out and you take it. You shake hands and you say, "N-nice to meet you, Reginald. Wow... I gotta say. You have nice eyes."

He says, "Thank you. I never hear that. Most women are put off by me." You say, "But why? Is it... because of your appearance? As a plant?" He sighs and says, "Unfortunately, yes. They see me as a monster." You say, "You don't seem like a monster, Reginald. They're the monsters for bullying you... like they bullied me." He looks at you.

You say, "Oh and... forgive me for being startled. It happens to me, easily. I think differently, too. I have autism." He says, "That's alright. There's no need to be ashamed to being just that. You can't help with what you do." You say, "Do you... have it too?"

He says, "No, but I did get constantly bullied, even before I became a plant. I wasn't always a plant, (Y/N). I did an experiment on myself and it changed me." You say, "Wow. What did you use? A flower or what?" He says, "Yeah..." He tells you everything.

You say, "Wow. Well, I don't care if you're part plant, Reginald... you're nice to me so far. You're not treating me differently like most people have because of my disability. I'm highly functioned, though."

He says, "You're the nicest female I've met, so far. Well, person. Besides Liquidator." You say, "Who's that?" He says, "Friend of mine. His real name is actually Bud Flood. He too has a different appearance. He's a dog man who use to be a water bottle salesman, but an accident made him entirely out of water."

You say, "I can see why you're best friends. You're a plant and he's water. They... go good together." He says, "Yeah. You're absolutely right. They do. Hey um, (Y/N)." You say, "Yes, Reginald?" He looks at you and he says, "What do you say about coming to the greenhouse, tomorrow? Meet me here."

He looks at you with hope in his eyes. You smile and you say, "Sure, Reginald. I'd like to." He smiles and says, "R-really?" You nod and you say, "What time?" He says, "A-anytime you'd like to come over."

You say, "Okay. I'll be here at 2. If not, earlier." He sighs and smiles saying, "That's great. I could probably take you to get some ice cream or something. Would you like that?" You smile and you say, "S-sure, Reginald. I'd like that." He says, "Great."

You say, "I gotta get going though. I gotta get home and feed my dog, Pat." He says, "Understandable. I gotta feed Spike." You say, "You have a dog too?" He says, "No. He's a flytrap. But he seems like one." You smile and you say, "Oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Reginald." He says, "Have a good day, (Y/N)."

After you head out, Bushroot sighs and says, "Ooh, she's so beautiful. Maybe I should stick with her... in case anyone else tries to even flirt with her." Spike runs over and makes a sound. Bushroot says, "Spike... I've got a date. And my date, only." He grins and says, "I'll make it to where if I can't have her... nobody can."

(To be continued...)

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