Honker x Reader pt. 2

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The next day, you're riding down the road with Courtney. She's driving to Tank's place. You're meeting him and his brother today. Her radio is playing the song Blood Brothers by Papa Roach. She's using her CD. (It's 2000. It was new at the time.)

She says, "Tank will be cool with you. It's just him and his brother." You say, "Okay. You think they got any booze?" Courtney says, "Oh I'm sure Tank has some in his fridge." You smirk and you say, "Sweet."

You get to an apartment complex and Courtney parks the car in a parking spot. You both get out and you walk towards the stairs nearby. You get up there and you follow her to a door. Apartment F7. She knocks and you both wait.

The door opens and there's a slightly big canary guy with red hair, a bit of a beard, Korn shirt on, etc. He says, "Hey, Court. What's up?" Courtney says, "Hey Tank. What's up? Listen man. This chick is a friend of mine. She's having issues with her mom's boyfriend at home and she's been staying with me. This is (Y/N) (L/N)." You say, "Hey."

Tank grins and says, "Hey. What's up? Get in here. Both of you. My brother's here." You and Courtney go in and Tank shuts the door. You walk with Tank and Courtney and he says, "I think Honker's in his room. He's still in the process of unpacking his shit."

You hear this, "Tank! Who's here?!" Tank looks back and says, "Unpack your shit later, Honker! Come out and visit someone!" "Who is it?!" "Two chicks!" You hear a door opening and you look to see a slimmer guy. Also a canary like Tank is. He's got hair that matches him, he has glasses, a green Nike shirt, blue pants, etc.

You and Courtney see him. Tank says, "There you are, man. Here they are." The younger brother looks over and he spots you. His eyes widen. You can't look away from him, either. You have somewhat a smile. He does too. He says, "Hey." You look at him and you say, "Hi." You blink your eyes a bit and he blushes. He thinks to himself, "Wow. This is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Courtney says, "So you're Honker, huh?" Honker says, "Huh?" He looks over and says, "Oh. Y-yeah. I am." She says, "I see you're wanting to get to know my friend here. This is (Y/N) (L/N)." Honker looks at you and whispers, "(Y/N)." You smile and you say, "Honker."

Courtney leans in and whispers, "I believe your little brother already likes my friend." Tank mumbles, "I see that. About time pipsqueak thought of girls instead of his stupid studies." You say, "So you've just moved out of home yesterday, huh?" He says, "Yeah. I'm getting my own apartment once I get to college. It won't be too far from here. Just in Duckburg. I can drive there and come back here to St. Canard."

You say, "That's good. At least you got out. I'm having problems with my mom's boyfriend." He says, "Who is your mom's boyfriend?" You say, "Reggie Bushroot." His eyes widen and he says, "B-Bushroot?"

You nod and you say, "Yeah. You know about him?" He says, "Yeah. My friend Gosalyn and I have faced him, before. He's a major..." You say, "Super villain?" He nods. You say, "I can't stand him. I don't know why my mom keeps him around."

Tank says, "Hoes will choose the man over their kid." You say, "Hey come on. That's my mom." Tank says, "I'm just saying. You think your mom's protective of you, but why the fuck does she keep that plant man around, huh? She's a toxic broad. You just don't realize it."

You say, "Psh. I hear her sayin' shit like 'Ooh, you better behave yourself Reggie. I'm giving you a chance here.' Ha! Whatever. She pulls that shit all the time and still keeps him around. If my ass were in her shoes, he wouldn't be living with us. He'd be in a shitty studio apartment above a bowling alley. No plants around for him to sing to or whatever shit he does with them."

Courtney says, "You stay at your mom's house any longer, he'll probably do worse to YOU." Honker says, "Oh god. That's... that's awful." He looks at you and says, "Is Bushroot really like that around you?"

You say, "Ch. Yeah. He acts really damn shady. Kinda rapey if you ask me." Honker says, "I'm sorry you have to put up with that." Courtney says, "That's why I'm having her move in with me. That Bushroot guy comes around and tries to come near her, I'll call the cops."

Honker says, "Anyone that acts like that towards a lady doesn't deserve a lady. You deserve better than that." You smile and you say, "Awe. You think so?" He says, "I know so. I've been single my whole life... but I know bad to good relationships when I see one. Tank's been in quite a few toxic ones himself." You look back at Tank. Tank says, "He ain't lying. Then again with my reputation, it's no doubt those are the kind of chicks I draw."

You look at Honker and you say, "It's nice to meet you, Honker." He says, "Yeah? It's nice to meet you too, (Y/N)." You smile at him and he smiles at you. Tank and Courtney look at each other and they smirk. They look at you and Honker and they sing, "(Y/N) and Honker sitting in a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" You and Honker blush and he says, "Guys. C-cut it out."

You look at Honker and he looks at you. You say, "So um... before you head for college, you got any big plans?" He says, "Um. Just mostly studying." You say, "Yeah?" Tank whispers, "Lay the girl, pipsqueak." Courtney stifles a laugh. You and Honker blush and Honker says, "Tank. I-I said cut it out."

(Time skip.)

It's been three weeks. You and Honker really took a liking to each other and now you're together as a couple. Your attitude had even gotten better since you moved out of your mom's house. Mostly to get away from Reginald Bushroot. He is the reason you were so moody and profane. You live with Courtney now, much to your joy.

Right now, you and Honker are out at an ice cream shop having ice cream. He's having the vanilla sundae with hot fudge and you've got a (favorite ice cream). You sigh and you smile saying, "I'm having a really great time with you, Honker. You're so sweet."

He smiles and says, "I really like you, (Y/N)." You say, "Believe me, sweetie. I like you too. As long as my mom's dating Bushroot, I'm staying the hell away from her house." He says, "Don't worry. We'll protect you." You smile.

You're unaware of a certain boyfriend of your mom's lurking by. It's Bushroot. He sees you and he gasps. He says, "Who... who is that with her? With the girl I want." He has somewhat an angry look on his face. He says, "I'll have you (Y/N). I'll take you away from your little boyfriend and I'll destroy him. You. Are. Mine." He leaves.

(Not over yet.)

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