Non-Verbal Bushroot x Reader pt. 3

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The next morning, Bushroot starts to wake up from the smell of something being cooked. He sits up from the couch and he rubs his eyes. He looks into the kitchen to see you facing the stove. He gets up and he walks over.

You hear the familiar slight screech. You smile and you say, "Morning, Reggie." You look over and you say, "Did you sleep well?" He nods. You say, "Good. I'm almost done. I'm making breakfast. We'll eat." He smiles and signs, (Sounds good.) You smile.

He signs, (What are you making? I smell bacon.) You say, "Pancakes and bacon. I know it's not much, but you know... I just got that job as a cleaning lady at the laboratory and I haven't gotten paid, yet."

He nods. He approaches you and he sighs and smiles. He signs, (I wanna thank you for letting me stay with you. I can feel that sunlight beaming through the window. That's good. I'm a plant. I need it.)

You say, "Not a problem, Reggie. I understand, completely. Is that... another reason you can't speak? Also due to the vitamin d deficiencies you possibly have? I'm just wondering." He sighs and nods.

You say, "Awe... So you would just need more sunlight and all, huh?" He signs, (And to get my pupils back. You've noticed my pure white eyes. Everyone has. I'm practically a living plant zombie right now, (Y/N). I look like I'm dead.)

You say, "It's not that bad, Reggie. Whether you can't speak or not... I don't mind keeping you here for a little while. I know you didn't have any other place to go. Especially with you hiding in that damn room." He looks at you and he signs, (I may need to leave after breakfast.) You say, "What? What for?"

He signs, (Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere else to stay. I'm a super villain. I'm due for a meeting with the others. I'm one of the Fearsome Four.) You say, "Shit. That's right. Alright, after you've eaten at least." He smiles.

You get the pancakes and bacon done and you make a couple of plates. You give one to Bushroot and he smiles. You both sit down at your small round table. You say, "Oh shoot." He looks at you and signs, (What?) You say, "You want milk? I have that."

He nods. You get up and you get a couple of glass cups out of the cabinet. You get some milk out of the fridge and you pour it in both glasses. You put the milk away and you come back. You hand him a glass and you say, "Here you go." He signs, (Thanks.) You say, "You're welcome."

He eats as if he hasn't eaten in weeks and you say, "Wow. You must've been hungry. I feel bad now." He looks at you and signs, (Why? Come on. Don't feel bad.) You smile. You eat your pancakes and you say, "Tell you what, Reggie." He looks at you. You look at him and you say, "Wherever your meeting with the rest of the Fearsome Four is, I'll drive you there. You shouldn't have to walk by yourself."

He signs, (But I'm a villainous plant duck. People are more afraid of ME.) You say, "Doesn't matter. I don't mind. Please?" He sighs and he signs, (Oh, okay. You can drive me there.) You smile and you say, "That's better." You drink your milk. He looks at you and he sighs and smiles dreamily.

You get done and you grab his empty plate and yours. The glasses, too. You put those in the sink and you wash them. You're unaware of Bushroot looking at your butt and smirking. You rinse them and Bushroot signs this without you looking, (I want you all to myself.~) He sits back and smiles.

You come back and you say, "Alright. Come on." He stands up and he follows you to the front door. He grabs the coat he was wearing off of the coat rack and he gets it on to hide himself. You say, "Come on." You grab his hand and he smiles. He takes yours. You head out of your apartment.

Moments later, you're driving down the road. Bushroot is on the passenger's side. Coat still on, but his hood's down. You say, "Just shoot me a text or something later, okay? Let me know when you're done with your meeting and I'll come and get you."

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