Bushroot x Disgraced Weed Reader pt. 3

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You're in your house right now. You're in your living room and you've got a bunch of living weeds all around. They're all facing you. You've got a small table in front of you. You don't have a podium, so you're using a small table and you're standing on your knees. You're having a little meeting with weeds like yourself.

You say, "My fellow weeds... I may have only been a weed for one day. But I've already been shunned by a plant for being one." They say, "Boo!" "Plants are evil!" "Down with them!" You say, "So I'm setting up this meeting for us weeds only. Are you all tired of being pulled out of the ground?" They shout, "Yeah!" You say, "Even cut out by a pair of scissors?" They shout, "Yeah!"

You say, "All the dandelions here. Aren't you tired of some of the weird people out there picking you and baking you in the oven for them to eat?" They say, "Yeah!" You say, "Things are gonna change for us around here. No more will we be disgraced and discriminated against. Plants think they're better than us. They always bring us down. I trusted one until he informed me that I was a weed."

They say, "Boo!" "Plants are monsters!" "Down with plants!" You say, "Thank you, my weeds. I swear to you as your boss... I won't let anyone pick you out of their front yard. Mow over you like you're nothing. Tell you you're not plants. We are plants. Just different! Weeds matter! Are you with me?! Nature brought us to this world!" They cheer and they say, "Yeah!"

You say, "I say we bring down Bushroot and his so called high quality plants and trees!" They say, "Yeah!" You yell, "Down with plants!" They cheer and applaud. You say, "Alright, my fellow weeds... Let's bring them down. Make them regret ever shunning us and chasing us out. Besides, a lot of plants this day and age get planted by people. We grow out by nature! We are nature's plants! Not them!" They say, "Yeah!!" You say, "Tonight at 9pm... we strike." They cheer. You smirk.

(Time skip.)

Later on at 8:56pm. Bushroot is in the greenhouse, watering his flowers. He sighs and says, "You know Spike. I feel kind of bad for calling (Y/N) a weed. Yeah she is one... but I think I upset her. I didn't mean for you guys to chase her out like that." They look at him.

He sighs and says, "But she is a weed. Not a plant like the rest of us." They say, "Yeah!" Spike nods. Bushroot sighs and says, "Anyways, onto planting my flowers." He plants his flowers, but he suddenly sees a tiny little weed grow out and he says, "What the? What's a weed doing growing in my flower's pot?"

Bushroot hears yelling from a distance and he says, "What's going on?" He runs to the door of the greenhouse and he looks out. He sees a bunch of little things approaching the greenhouse. He realizes they're weeds. He says, "Oh no. W-we're being under attack by weeds! My plants! Hide!" They all run around and they panic. They yell, "Oh no!" "The weeds!" "They're angry!" "Ahh! Help!" And so on.

Spike panics and runs in circles. Bushroot says, "Spike. I need you for this. I need to see what's going on." Spike stops and groans. Bushroot says, "Spike. Please? I can't do this alone." Spike sighs and nods. Bushroot says, "Good. Now I..."

Suddenly, the door gets busted down and Bushroot gets knocked down along with it. All the weeds run in. They find some plants and they attack them. The plants yelp and scream as the weeds attack and bite some of them.

Bushroot gasps and says, "Oh no! Fern! Douglass! Daisy! Marigold! Bradford!" He runs outside and he hears this, "Take that, plant man!" He says, "Wait a minute. I know that voice from earlier." He looks and he gasps. He sees... you. You and a few weeds around you. You look mad. He says, "(Y-Y/N)!"

You say, "You plants think you're better than us weeds! Well no longer are we gonna be outed and discriminated against by high quality plants like you!" He says, "(Y/N)! What are you talking about? You gotta stop this!" You say, "Why should I? You disgraced me, earlier. You outed me as a weed, yourself. You brought this on, Reginald! You're the reason I'm protesting against plants like you right now!"

He says, "P-protesting?" You say, "That's right. A little protest slash riot. Don't forget who's the most natural thing around here. Weeds! Weeds come here by nature. The majority of YOU get planted by humans. Even by something synthetic!" He gasps.

You say, "You've outed weeds long enough. Sure, I said something about you not being a weed yesterday and that being a good thing. But now look at ME... I'm a weed. Disgusted by me now because I'm very poor quality and disgusting? You plants make me sick." Bushroot says, "(Y-Y/N). I..." You say, "Save it, plant man... My fellow weeds! Let's go!" You whistle.

Bushroot looks to see all the weeds come running out of the greenhouse and to you. You say, "Let's go home. We've done enough for tonight. But remember this, Reginald Bushroot... We the weeds matter. Weeds matter as much as plants do. We have feelings. We breathe. We feel. We have emotions like you do... This isn't over, Reginald. This is far from over. We'll be back for you." You turn away and you walk off. Your weeds follow you.

He says, "Oh my god. She's so angry at me." He hears Spike yelling for him in panic. He looks back to see Spike telling him to come into the greenhouse, now. Bushroot runs in and he gasps.

He's shocked and horrified by what he sees. The greenhouse is destroyed. The plants and stuff are knocked down. His living flowers and plants have scratch marks and bites on them from your weeds. He says, "Oh no. She's really mad at me. L-look at my greenhouse! My plants!"

He suddenly hears this, "Um, Bushroot sir." It's a high pitched feminine voice. He looks down at a sunflower who has one of her pedals chewed into by a weed. She looks up and says, "I think I get what's going on." He says, "Tell me, Sunny. What is it?"

She sighs and says, "How do I put this? With the way she's protesting and rioting against us like that... I think she took how we kicked her out, the wrong way. Like... she's being discriminated against. Do you see where I'm going with this, Mr. Bushroot?"

Bushroot looks away and he says, "Oh my god. Is... is that how she sees us? As... prejudice towards weeds? Is that why she's doing all of this?" He has a sad look on his face and he sighs. Sunny says, "I believe so. I can see why she's mad, now. I don't blame her. I should have stopped after I saw her running out of here, earlier."

He say, "Oh god. What have I done?" He puts his hands up to his face and he feels tears stinging his eyes. He says, "A-a-and I really liked her before her transformation." Sunny says, "There there, Bushroot. I know that's not what you were meaning to do. At all. None of us, now that we believe she sees it that way."

The other plants who are damaged but still standing look down in shame and sadness. Bushroot says, "I... I'm gonna go home and lay down. I'll be back, tomorrow to take care of all of you." He leaves and Spike follows him. One tree in there says, "We're assholes, aren't we?" An elephant plant says, "Yeah. Poor girl."

Bushroot gets in his car and he starts it. He drives down the road until he gets to his house. He parks in the driveway and he gets out of his car. He walks to the front door and he opens it. Spike follows him inside and Bushroot shuts the door behind them. He sighs.

Spike looks up at him with worry. Bushroot says, "Spike. I'm going to bed." He sounded more depressed. Spike makes a bit of a whiny sound. More of a sympathetic one. Even he regrets chasing you out, now too.

Bushroot walks down the hallway and he goes into his room. He turns the light on, shuts the door and says, "What have I done?" His beak quivers and he puts his hand up to his face. He grits his teeth. He drops down his knees and tears form in his eyes.

His own words he said to you start to echo in head, "You're not a plant like us, (Y/N)... You're a common weed." He sighs shakily and his other voice says, "(Y/N). In the plant world, you're different." He suddenly starts to burst into tears and he sobs saying, "I'm sorry. I'm s-so sorry, (Y/N)."

He looks towards his window and he yells, "I get that your mad and you have every right to be! I shouldn't have had my plants chase you out so remorselessly like that! I'm so sorry!" He looks down and he says, "You're the most beautiful thing in the world, (Y/N). Please forgive me?" He puts his hands up to his face and he sobs.

(Not over yet.)

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