Former Babysitter Liquidator x Reader pt. 2

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Twenty one years have passed. Still to this day, you have not forgiven Buddy Flood for him constantly sticking up for that bitch girlfriend of his Emily and taking her side when she was terrorizing you for months two decades back. But when he finally noticed her behavior and tried hard to apologize to you, you never forgave him. He left and you never saw him again.

You're twenty eight years old now and you live on your own. You live in a pretty big house there in St. Canard. You did go to live in Moscow, Russia for about seven years. From 2011 to 2018. You wanted to discover more about your mom's side and meet your family out there after years and years.

 You wanted to discover more about your mom's side and meet your family out there after years and years

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Your mom Svetlana is now forty eight years old. Your dad Frank would be sixty eight today, but he sadly passed away last year from kidney failure. You're doing great nonetheless. You have a younger brother.

 Your parents had him in 2002, so he's nineteen years old. Dustin is his name. He's a duck like your guys' mom. He's out on his own, too. He's in college studying Russian since you guys have a Russian mother and you yourself were born in Moscow.

 Dustin was born there in St. Canard. Despite Dustin already knowing Russian fluently like you since your mom is Russian and she taught you both, he still wanted to know more history behind it. Or even what happened in the Ukraine back in 1986 in Chernobyl. 

He wanted to learn the history of the Romanov family like Anastasia, the grand duchess. All of that. You yourself have a love for the duo pop band from Moscow Russia, t.A.T.u. You even had the opportunity to see them live one time while you were living in Russia. You love Origa as well. (Rest her soul. :( )

You've inherited the table company. Your dad got promoted to head manager a few years within working there and began to own the company. He became the head of the company and put it under your guys' last name. But now you own it after he died. He wanted you to have it.

You're at home right now in fact. You have just gotten off work an hour in a half ago. You're on your laptop right now and you're on facebook, talking to your best friend that you grew up with. Reginald Bushroot. 

Despite having not seeing him in over two in a half years, you'll still talk to each other. You'll ask each other how life is. He'll ask how it was with you living in Russia for the next seven years. You'll ask about his plant obsession. He'll give his sympathy to you about your late father but congratulate you on inheriting the company and having a big house now.

You type, "Hey, Reggie. How are you, man?" You send it. You get this, "Doing great. I kind of own a greenhouse now. You know how I love my plants." "Yeah. I would assume things are going pretty well for you." "Yeah. They're alright." "That's good. When can I see you again?" "If you do see me, I hope you won't freak out." "What happened? Did you get into a freak accident?" "Not exactly." "What is it? Reggie, you're my best friend. We grew up together for years and years. You can tell me." 

You get this, "I was doing an experiment on myself by connecting a tube from myself to a potted flower. I took myself up to the roof on a table like Frankenstein. And it was thundering that night. It worked the next day when I stepped outside... but it changed me. Now I'm this half plant monster." 

You say, "Holy shit." You type, "I see. Don't worry. You can come see me and we can talk again. Thanks for letting me know what happened. I promise you I won't be freaked out." "Alright. How does tomorrow sound?" "Great. Here's my address." You send the address. He says, "Right. In the rich neighborhoods since you inherited your dad's table company. I'll be there." "Cool. See you tomorrow." "You too." 

You get off and you say, "It's nice hearing from Reggie once in a while. I don't care if he is a mutated plant guy. He's my friend." You head out of your room and you head downstairs. You say, "I think I'll go out for a little bit." You grab your purse and your keys. You've got your phone as well. You head out and you get in your car. You start it and you pull out of the driveway. You drive off. 

(Time skip.)

The next day, you're off work. You took the day off and told your employees to just keep the place cleaned while you were out for the day. You're at home and you're expecting Reginald Bushroot to show up. You messaged him and told him you were home. He told you he was on his way, so you're sitting in your living room right now.

You suddenly hear a knock on the front door and you get up and say, "Must be him." You walk to the front door and you open it. There stands a green plant duck with purple foliage hair, leafy hands, etc. You recognize the eyes. You say, "Reggie!" You smile. He says, "Hi, (Y/N)." You say, "Come in. Please?" You let him in and he looks around. You shut the door. 

He says, "Wow. Nice place." You say, "Thanks. My dad wanted me to have the best things in life before he died. He wasn't doing well with his kidneys. That's how he died." He says, "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, (Y/N). He was a great guy." You say, "Yeah. He was. I loved him. My mom lives in a condo, now. She lives alone. I visit her as often as I can." 

He says, "I'm happy to see that you're doing well." You say, "Come sit down." You walk to the couch and he follows you. You both sit down. You say, "How have things been?" He says, "Alright. I met a woman while working at the university." You say, "Yeah? Who is she?" He says, "Her name's Rhoda Dendron. Lovely girl. She's the only one at the university who was ever nice to me. Everyone else pisses me off." 

You say, "Yeah, I get it. People are assholes. I'm glad she's at least nice to you. She better be nice to my best friend." He laughs a bit. He says, "Hey, I just remembered something. Or someone." You say, "Who?" He looks at you and says, "Didn't you have that one babysitter guy over twenty years back?" 

Your smile fades and you look away saying, "Oh... HIM." He has a worried expression and he says, "Should I have not mentioned him?" You look at him and you say, "Oh no, Reggie. It's not your fault. At all. I trusted the wrong person is all. He had always brought over that fucking bitch of a girlfriend of his. That Emily." He says, "Oh, I remember that girl. She was awful. I remember now. Buddy Flood. I can't believe he didn't stick up for you." 

You say, "He was blinded by love. He finally noticed her behavior a year in a half later. He tried to apologize to me, but... I never forgave him. Still to this day, I think about that and still hold a grudge. I liked him. I really did. I hated him for all of this because that Emily was such a cunt and he always took her side. She was... beelzebroad." He says, "I know. I've dealt with her, too." 

You say, "It's just good to see you again. I missed you, man." He says, "I didn't show up because I didn't want you to be alarmed with me being a half plant, half duck hybrid. It was due to my experiment gone awry." 

You say, "I don't care, Reggie. All I know is that you're okay. That matters to me." He smiles and says, "Thanks, (Y/N). And um... I hope this won't put you off." You say, "What is it?" He says, "I'm a super villain now." You say, "Really now." 

He says, "Yeah. I go by Bushroot. But don't worry. I won't hurt you. I've developed these powers to control all plant life. I have a telepathic link with them." You say, "Hey. That's awesome." He says, "Thanks. I'm with the Fearsome Four. I team up mainly with the Liquidator. He's a dog man made entirely out of water." You say, "A dog man? Sounds like Buddy Flood." You sigh and your smile fades saying, "That better not be him." 

He thinks about it and says, "Oh crap. I think you may be onto something. He does look and sound familiar, now that I think about it." You look at Reginald and you say, "Lead me to this Liquidator. I'm convinced now that that's him... I'm confronting him." He realizes it and he says, "Oh crap." 

(Not over yet.)

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