Non-Verbal Bushroot x Reader pt. 2

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You're at home after your first day at work and stumbling upon Bushroot. He seemed to really like you. You were lucky he knew sign language because you do too, due to your father being deaf. But Bushroot's not deaf. He's just not a verbal person. He can hear perfectly.

You're thinking back to that moment at work when you saw him. Part of you feels bad for having to leave and leaving him in that room. You sigh and you say, "I'm gonna try and get him out of there." You smile and you say, "Ah. Got it. I'll take one of my grandpa's old coats with me to work, tomorrow. Rest his soul. Bushroot's getting out of there." You continue watching TV.

(Time skip.)

The next day, you're back at work. You're wiping some windows in the vacant rooms while some of the scientists from those rooms are on break or done with that room for the day. You hear screeching and you look up.

You realize it now. You're on the second floor. The room you're in at the moment is just right below the room Bushroot is in. That also explains some of the roots going through the ceiling. And he sounds close because he's right above you in that room.

You say, "It's a good thing I have the coat with me. When I leave, I'm taking him with me. Good thing I'm the last one to leave tonight." You hear the door opening and you see another worker there. A scientists, actually. His name is Dr. Harold Lopes. He's a pelican man.

He says, "You hear that?" You say, "Yeah. Look at the ceiling." He looks and he says, "Holy shit. That thing is right above us." You say, "Bushroot, you mean?" He says, "Wait. Bushroot? You mean Reginald Bushroot?" You nod. He says, "Oh man. I went to school with that dude." You say, "You did?"

He says, "Yeah. He was a nice guy. He had so much going for him. Poor guy was bullied pretty badly though. I wish I could've stopped it." This makes you feel bad and you say, "Go on." He says, "He had shown me his stuff and I was pretty damn impressed. A year or so later though, I never saw him again. It's like he vanished. Like he was driven out of here."

You say, "He used to work here?" He says, "Yeah. And that plant man is him, huh?" You nod. He says, "Did he say anything to you?" You say, "No. He can't speak." He says, "He what? He used to be able to." You look at Dr. Lopes. He says, "Yeah. He had a deep voice. He was nice to everyone. He was damn smart, too. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

You say, "Wow. And you went to school with him?" He says, "Yeah. He didn't deserve what he went through. He was bullied non stop. It was bad enough his parents abandoned him at the age of seven." You gasp and you put your hand over your (mouth/beak). He says, "Yeah. Luckily, his grandma had custody of him and took care of him until he was eighteen and moved out."

You say, "My god. Poor Bushroot." He sighs and says, "Most kids that were in his shoes would've taken their own lives. He didn't though. He pulled through with that. I guess he's still struggling a little bit with him being that half plant and duck hybrid."

You say, "I brought my late granddad's coat with me. I'm getting him out of that damn room." He says, "Please do? Not only are you doing him a favor... you're doing all of us a favor. People will stop storming out because of the so called 'plant monster'." You say, "He's no monster. He's obviously been through hell." He says, "He has. I knew him for years."

He looks at the door and back at you. He says, "I'll let you get back to your thing. I just wanted to see if you were okay. The noise was coming from this room." You say, "It's above me." He nods and he says, "See you later, (Y/N)." You say, "You too, Dr. Lopes." He walks out of there. You get back to cleaning.

(Time skip.)

Later on at night, you're still at work. It's 9pm and you're about to get off work. You're getting to the third floor and you get upstairs. You have the coat with you. But as you get up there, you gasp. The room Bushroot's in... the door is opened and roots are hanging out. You say, "Oh shit. Bushroot!"

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