Liquidator x Gosalyn's Dirty Friend Reader pt. 2

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Later on after eating pizza at Charley's, you and Gosalyn are at her house, up in her room. She's sitting at her computer desk in front of her laptop and you're sitting on her bed. You say, "Hey, Gos. Question, girl." She looks at you and says, "What?"

You say, "Hey. I won't say anything to anyone... but is your dad... Darkwing Duck?" She sighs and says, "Well... yeah." You say, "I thought so." She says, "I have something to tell you, too. About your dad." You say, "Don't tell me. He was one of the Fearsome Four, right?" She says, "Yeah. Quackerjack." You say, "I thought he sounded familiar. The voice sounded like his."

She says, "You don't sound too surprised by this." You shrug and you say, "It was obvious as to why he was out late at night a lot and sometimes even getting to jail a few times. And why he hates it when I play video games. Villain or not Gos, he's my dad." She says, "Well yeah. I understand."

You smirk and you say, "But that Liquidator. Ooh my god. He's sexy as hell.~" She says, "Ugh. Come on, (Y/N). He's twice your age." You say, "I don't care. He's hot for his age. And not just because he's made entirely out of water, which would explain why he didn't age a bit. I'd still let him do whatever he wants to me. Any fucking way he wants to. Whatever kind of kink he has, I'm down for it.~" You smirk. She rolls her eyes and she says, "Ugh. I wonder about you, sometimes."

You say, "And who was that one guy at school you've been texting, huh? Richie Draco? That dragon guy?" She blushes and says, "Hey. Come on. It's not what you think. We just both happen to be into Street Fighter is all." You smirk and you crawl over to the edge of the bed.

You say, "Bullshit. I've read yours and Draco's texts." She says, "Are you kidding me?" You say, "I shit you not, girl. I know your asses have been under the bleachers feeling each other up. Besides, I followed you guys one time and saw him putting his hand in your pants. Must've felt good, huh?~"

She blushes and looks away saying, "Sh-shut up." You smirk and you say, "Ah... I thought so. I knew you had that side to you, girl. Every girl does. Even the most naive ones have dirty sinful secrets of their own, Gos. You're not too naive... I know you well enough to know you're into a little... finger play.~"

She blushes and she looks away mumbling, "I bet you want that with the Liquidator." You say, "Damn right I do. And I haven't even met the guy, yet. Just saw him at Charley's earlier." She looks at you and says, "Well. Prom's coming up. I thought you were gonna take Joe Beakley."

You say, "Psh. Fuck that. He's too busy with that skank Emily Webbington. Besides, I'm not interested in guys at school anymore. Especially now that I've seen that watery villain, Liquidator. I'll just go with you. You'll have Draco with you, right?" She says, "Yeah. My dad doesn't even like him, though."

You say, "Hey. If some of his worst enemies are Liquidator, my dad and the other two, then he should be slightly okay with Draco." She says, "You actually have a point." You lay down and you smirk and say, "I can picture it right now, Gos. Liquidator over me on my bed right now. Giving me a..."

She says, "D-don't explain it. Please. I get it." You smirk and you sit up. You say, "Remember girl. Even the most naive or religious girls out there have some dirty kinks. Everyone thinks about it. Sin is the most powerful thing. I know this because I have a religious aunt and I came across handcuffs, whips and chains in her room when I was fifteen. That's where I got the realization. Nobody's fully pure, girl. Nobody. Welcome to life." 

You hear a knock and Gosalyn says, "Who is it?!" You hear this, "Charlotte!" You say, "Awe. Little Char's visiting you." Gosalyn says, "Come in." The door opens and there's Charlotte. She walks in and says, "What are you guys doing? I'm bored."

You say, "Come sit with me, kid. We'll talk." She walks over and sits on the bed. You say, "What were you up to, Char?" She says, "Watching Duck and Morty." Gosalyn says, "Thought so." You and Gosalyn talk, but careful not to mention anything too mature with Charlotte around.

(Time skip.)

Later on at night, you're at your dad's place. Your dad, Jacky. He's a duck man. In fact, you're living with him right now. You're sitting on the couch in the living room and he's standing up. His back is turned towards you. He sighs. Since you're eighteen now, he wanted to tell you the truth... about himself.

You say, "Daddy. Something's wrong. What's up?" He faces you and says, "Sweetheart. I think there's something you should know about me. It's time you knew." You say, "You're a super villain, aren't you?" He says, "I... Yes. I am." You say, "Quackerjack, right?" He says, "How did you found out?"

You say, "I suspected for a while when you went out at night. I had even bailed you out of jail a couple of times. And you hate the fact that I like to play video games. It's all kind of a dead giveaway if you think about it." He says, "You seem to be taking this pretty well, honey."

You say, "Well... You're my dad. Super villain or not. Doesn't stop me from loving you." You smile. He sighs and smiles saying, "That's a relief. My little girl. My only child. I'd hate to see you turn on me because you now know."

You say, "Daddy. Trust me. I'm fine with it. As long as I know you were there for me, I'm good. I guess that would explain all of the toys you'd get for me, huh? And labled Quackerjack toys." He says, "Yeah. Now you know. Your old man's a super villain. Let me tell you why I became a super villain, sweetheart."

You say, "What happened?" He tells you everything and you say, "Holy shit. Really?" He says, "Yeah. I was put out of my toy business by Whiffle Boy. That's why I hate seeing you play video games."

You say, "Well shit. Daddy, if you wanted me to stop playing video games, I wish you would've told me this stuff, sooner. I could've stopped." He sighs and says, "I didn't like the fact that you were especially playing Whiffle Boy... but I didn't wanna upset you by telling you to stop playing them. My weakness. I just wanna see you smiling." You get up and you say, "Awe, daddy." You hug him and he hugs you back.

You pull away and he says, "Hey. Now that you know, how about coming with me after I get my super villain suit on?" You smile and you say, "Sure. Okay." He says, "Great. The guys will know, now." He walks off. He comes back and he's Quackerjack. He says, "Ready?" You say, "Ready when you are." He says, "Let's go." He laughs a bit. You follow him.

(Time skip.)

After a little heist, you're at a warehouse near the bay with your dad and the rest of the Fearsome Four. Megavolt says, "So now she knows, huh?" Quackerjack says, "Yeah. She took it pretty well. Better than I thought she would." Bushroot signs, (And we finally get to see her.) He smirks. Liquidator says, "I'll say.~" Megavolt whispers, "She is hot.~"

Quackerjack gives them the stink eye and says, "Watch it, guys. That's my little girl." They gulp and Liquidator says, "Sorry." You look at Liquidator and you smirk. He sees you and he manages a smirk. Luckily your dad's not paying attention. You wave. He waves back. You lick your (lips/beak) He smirks.

You look away and you say, "I guess you've mentioned me to them, huh daddy?" Quackerjack says, "Yeah, honey. Of course I have. I don't keep my own kids a secret." You say, "Awe. All too kind." 

As your dad and Megavolt talk, you look over at them and at the Liquidator. He smirks and beckons you to come closer. Bushroot raises a brow. You walk over and you say, "Hey, Liquidator."

He grins and says, "Hey, yourself.~" You say, "Nice to meet you.~" He smirks and says "Same to you. Never did I expect Quackerjack to have a hot daughter. Ten out of ten will agree that you're quite a looker. And a keeper.~" You smile and you say, "Awe. That's so sweet of you to say.~" He grins. You blush. Turns out Liquidator is interested in you as well, much to your joy.

(Not over yet.)

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