Darkwing Duck/DrakeMallard x Babysitter Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name. (F/A) Favorite Animal.

You're a twenty three year old woman named (Y/N) (L/N). You're a (F/A) woman who had just moved to the city of St. Canard not too long ago. About a month in a half. You haven't been there long. You're actually from California. On the other side of the continent.

Back in California, you were a rich supermodel. You had it all. But after an incident with another model, you were thrown out. You were falsely accused of stealing the manager's stuff when it was her that did it. They believed her and kicked you out. You lost your fortune. You thought to yourself, "Fuck it. I'll just leave."

You didn't feel it was worth it, so you moved over a thousand miles away. You had other issues, too. Your boyfriend of four years James Hartford cheated on you... with that girl that framed you. You had to get as far away as possible to avoid seeing them again.

You've got a new apartment in the urban area in St. Canard. Despite it being in a cruddy neighborhood, it wasn't that bad. And when you think of it, it's better to be poor and far away than to be rich and have to compete with some leech trying to ruin you and steal your boyfriend.

Right now, you're at Hamburger Hippo, eating a burger and fries. You're not a supermodel anymore anyways, so you're eating fattening foods. You didn't care. You missed it. It was delicious. You loved eating a burger once again instead of a salad or drinking whiskey to keep skinny as a model. Perhaps staying in St. Canard may do you good.

As you eat, you see a duck man and a little duck girl with red hair come by. You take a look at the man and you blush. You smirk and you think to yourself, "Ooh. Who's this handsome duck?~" You see him and the little girl sitting down and you look away. You eat your fries.

You hear this, "I'll take the double Hippo deluxe and fries with Coocoo Cola. She'll have the same but with a chocolate milkshake." The employee says, "You got it." You look over at the same man. He sees you and he says, "Hi." You smile and you say, "Hi. Cute kid." He says, "Thanks. My daughter. Gosalyn. I'm Drake Mallard."

You say, "(Y/N) (L/N)." He says, "I don't think I've seen you before." You say, "You probably haven't. I just moved here from California. Long story short... I had to leave." He says, "I see. It's nice to meet you, Miss... (L/N)." You smile and you say, "You too, Drake." You blink your eyes and he blushes. He looks away.

You turn around and you sip on your soda. You hear him saying, "You know, (Y/N)... I'm actually looking for someone to babysit Gosalyn for the weekend. Morgana and I are going out on our date and we need someone." You think to yourself, "Dammit. He's taken."

You look at him and you say, "You need someone to watch your kid?" He says, "Yeah. My neighbors, the Muddlefoots can't do it because they're on vacation." You say, "If you need me to watch her, I can." He smiles and says, "That's great." He turns around. The employee says, "That'll be nine twenty six, sir." Drake pays him and he gets his soda and his daughter's milkshake.

She looks over at you and says, "Hey." You smile and you say, "Hi, Gosalyn." They get their food and Gosalyn sips her milkshake. She says, "So. You're gonna be babysitting me, huh?" You say, "That's right." She says, "Cool." She shoves fries in her mouth and chews them. She eats them.

You giggle and you say, "Quite an appetite. Not so lady like, huh? I mean, I don't care." She says, "I don't do all the girlie stuff." Drake says, "That's no lie. She doesn't. She's into sports and her best friend is a boy. The neighbors' youngest son, Honker. He's a nice kid... but his older brother Tank?" He leans in and quietly says, "Little shit."

You say, "I've dealt with that, before. I don't have kids of my own." Gosalyn says, "I'm adopted." You say, "Well that's good. You seem to be doing well." Drake says, "Yeah. I do my best as a father. Recently though, Morgana's been a bit distant. I've decided that a date might help. At least she accepted."

You say, "Good luck with that. I was recently cheated on." He says, "Someone like you?" You blush and you look at him. He says, "S-sorry. That came out wrong, didn't it?" You say, "No. Not at all. I hope your date goes well." He says, "Thanks, (Y/N)." You, Drake and Gosalyn eat your food and talk the rest of the time.

(Time skip.)

The next evening, you're at Drake's house. It's in the suburbs. You're in there and he's standing next to a duck woman in a long red dress, has black hair up in a perfect 60s style beehive, etc. She looked to be some kind of witch, but she was beautiful. She seems nice at the moment, but something seems off about her. Not because she's a witch, but you suspect something and you're just now meeting her.

Drake says, "Morgana and I wanna thank you for watching Gosalyn." Morgana smiles and nods saying, "We appreciate this very much. We left money on the kitchen counter for you to order pizza." You smile and you say, "Alright. I'll do that."

Drake says, "Little reminder. Gosalyn loves her pizza with extra pepperoni." You say, "That's cool. I'll get her any pizza she wants." Morgana says, "That's nice. Mine or Drake's cell phone numbers are on the bulletin board in the kitchen if you need to get a hold of us." You say, "Alright. Thank you."

Drake says, "We should be back by midnight." You say, "Okay. You guys enjoy your date." Morgana says, "Thank you, dear. Gosalyn shouldn't be a problem." You smile and you nod. They leave the house. As they walk out, Morgana says, "Drake. Are you sure someone like her is okay to babysit Gosalyn?" Drake says, "What do you mean, Morgana?"

Morgana's smile fades and she looks back saying, "She's... How do I put it? She's awfully pretty. Too pretty." She looks at Drake and says, "You're not seeing her, are you?" Drake's eyes widen in shock and he says, "What?! No no. Morgana, why would you think that?" She sighs and says, "A-alright. I'm sorry. It's just... She looks to be a supermodel type is all. Girls like that... have always been my problem. A stuck up California girl nonetheless."

Drake says, "Hey. Don't worry. She's a nice woman. She told me she loves children." Morgana smiles and says, "Good. At least she won't ruin our date. Let's go, Dark darling.~" They get in the car and they take off.

Right back inside, you see Gosalyn come walking downstairs. You say, "Hey, Gosalyn. How are you?" She says, "Pretty good." You say, "Hey. I'm ordering pizza. Your daddy said you like extra pepperoni." She says, "Yeah. I do." You say, "Awesome. I'll call them."

She says, "Keen gear. You're a pretty cool babysitter so far." You grin and you say, "I'll be as cool as you want me to be, kiddo." She says, "I'm watching TV." You say, "Okay." She runs off. You whisper, "Gosalyn. I want your dad.~"

(To be continued...)

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