Steelbeak x Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name. (F/A) Favorite Animal.

You're a young woman who had just moved into St. Canard last year from Cancun, Mexico. Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). You're twenty years old and you're a (F/A). Since you moved to St. Canard, you've dated over six guys.

But unfortunately, none of them interested you. They bored you to tears. Most of them were too good. Too sensitive. You craved more. You wanted a guy with a slightly sleazy, dark side to him. A villainous type. But where were you going to get him?

Well, you found out that St. Canard is riddled with super villains. There are four villains that dub themselves the Fearsome Four. Megavolt, Quackerjack, Liquidator and Bushroot. You heard there was a fifth one, but nowhere to be seen again. Negaduck. So they were once the Fearsome Five.

And there's a villainous organization they call F.O.W.L. It stood for Fiendish Organization for World Larceny. This sounded interesting to you. You thought to yourself, "Maybe there's an attractive guy there. A sleazy type. Sort of a mafia type." Or whatever.

And you were right. There's a rooster man. He's buff. Has a beak made of steel. Wears a suit, etc. He's the chief agent of F.O.W.L. Something about the man interests you. You've seen him on TV, had kind of the New Yorker accent and you could already tell there was something shady about him. Like he'd hire a bunch of thugs to rob a place or sell weapons for money or something.

You had to meet this guy. His name... Steelbeak. And you found him extremely attractive. And despite not actually meeting Steelbeak in person... you have a big crush on him. You wanted to at least stumble upon him.

You're at home right now. You live on your own in a one bedroom apartment. At least the place is decent, despite it being in a bad neighborhood. You're sitting back on the couch watching TV and eating chow mein out of a carryout.

As you watch TV, you're watching the news and you're seeing what's going on. The news reporter, Tom Lockjaw says, "Yes. This just in, the villainous organization F.O.W.L. strikes again." You listen in. He says, "That's right. Steelbeak is definitely up to something and it isn't good."

You grin and you say, "Ooh, that sexy rooster man? Me gusta.~" You listen to more of the news and you smile saying, "I wish I could at least be on a three day date with that Steelbeak. Something about that man draws me to him. It's not just the fact that he's a super villain. He's got that charm that will attract any woman he wants."

You see the picture of Steelbeak on TV and you smirk. You blow a kiss and you say, "One of these days, Steely, baby. One of these days I'll be lucky enough to be with you.~" You finish your chow mein and you get up. You discard the empty carryout in the trashcan in the kitchen.

You grab your jacket and your car keys. You say, "I'm going out for a bit. See what I can find to do. Ah, got it. I'll see what Gloria's doing." You head out of your apartment and you get in the hallway.

You get in the elevator and you press the button to go down. The doors close and the elevator takes you down. You get down and the doors open. You walk out and you get outside. You get to your car and you get in. You start it and you drive off.

(Time skip.)

Moments later, you're out at a tavern with your best friend Gloria Bockman. She's a chicken woman with black hair up in a ponytail, a white shirt, gray pants, etc. You're both having a beer and playing pool.

You hit a solid ball into the hole. Gloria says, "Any luck finding someone interesting?" You say, "No luck, chicka. Nobody's been interesting. I need to see that bad side. You know?" Gloria says, "Yeah. I know what you mean, girl."

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