Bushroot x Disgraced Weed Reader pt. 4

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You're at home right now. You're in your backyard. This time you have a podium. Sitting in front of you are your weeds who came to life. There's Bushroot with his control over plants. You with your control over weeds.

You say, "My weeds. I wanna thank you for having this violent but worth it protest slash riot. I don't intend on harming anyone else. Anyone that's left us weeds alone, that is. I'm just sick and tired of us all having to struggle. You understand?" They all say, "Yeah!"

You say, "It's a shame. It's a real shame to like someone up until they out you for being a weed. If even Reginald Bushroot, a man who gets shunned and chased out by the real world shuns me and all of us weed brothers and sisters... then that was a sign that we all needed to get together and put an end to being discriminated against by plants." They cheer.

You say, "I swear on my parents' grave... things will be better for us!" They cheer. You sigh and you look up whispering, "I'm sorry. I love you both so much." You look at the weeds and you say, "So anyways. On with my next plan for us... We're gonna take our own little protest into the middle of the city. I'm not gonna hide myself anymore. To hell with that. I am what I am. Bushroot sees this, let him. I'm doing this because of him. Are you all with me on this?"

They say, "Yeah!" You say, "Jimson weed. Protect yourself from any adolescence from using you as a hallucinogenic object." Jimson says, "Yay! No more of that!" You say, "This evening, we're taking our protest in downtown St. Canard." They cheer and applaud.


Meanwhile, Bushroot is at the greenhouse. He's healing all of his plants that your weeds bit out of your angry protest. He's healing Sunny right now and he says, "There you go, Sunny." Sunny sighs and says, "This is the least of my problems compared to how (Y/N) feels right now. I mean it, Bushroot sir... I feel really bad. The way she's taking it makes it worse."

Bushroot says, "I'll find her. I know she's not done with this whole weed rights protest thing. Believe me... I feel the worst. She feels that I'm the one who made her start this in the first place... and I'm gonna put a stop to it. She's not only gonna end up getting us hurt... but everyone else in the city. And I'm a villain saying this. But she's gonna be out of control. Guys... I'm gonna try and put a stop to this. Are you with me?"

They all say, "Yeah!" Bushroot says, "We're going into the city later. I know she's bound to be there." Spike grunts something and Bushroot says, "You're with me on this, right Spike?" Spike nods. Bushroot says, "Good. We're leaving later. All of us."

(Time skip.)

Later on in the evening, you and your weeds are in the middle of the city. People are around you as they stand in shock and question. You're having your protest. Some weeds are holding signs saying 'Weeds matter.' or 'Stop picking us out of your lawn.' or 'Plants are the devil.' An older woman says, "What the the hell is going on?"

You have a megaphone in your hand and you're talking into it saying, "Yes! I am a weed and happy about it! Anyone has a problem can just stay back! Those that are good with me... I'm good with you, too! I'm here because of plants discriminating against us weeds! I was kicked out of the greenhouse because of it! So I decided to take matters into my own hands! I'm standing up for my rights!"

Your weeds cheer. One guy who's probably in his twenties says, "Dude. Am I high right now?" You say, "My weeds have rights!" They say, "Yeah!" You say, "We will not be treated differently from plants! We are part of nature, too!"

The weeds cheer. You say, "My fellow weeds... attack the ones who tried to get rid of you! Find them! Show them you have feelings too and you can't take anymore pain! Get them!" They say, "Yeeeahh!!" They run around and people start to run away and scream.

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