Punished Megavolt x Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name. 

(By punished, I mean that Megavolt gets put on house arrest.)

Darkwing Duck and Launchpad are out and they're chasing down Megavolt who's surfing on a powerline. It's okay for him to do so because he's an electric powered villain. As they gain on him Launchpad says, "He's going that way, D.W.! Turn right on Verve Street!" Darkwing does so and drives the rat catcher to the right on Verve Street. 

They see Megavolt jumping down from the powerline and running into an apartment building. Darkwing parks near the building and he and Launchpad get off the rat catcher. Launchpad says, "Good thing Gosalyn's at home sleeping." Darkwing says, "Yeah. Or at least staying home like I asked her to. Especially this late." They run into the building.

Megavolt runs to the elevator and he gets in there. He presses a button to the 2nd floor and the doors close before Darkwing can get to him. He smirks and the elevator takes him up. He gets on the 2nd floor and the doors open. He walks out. 

He hears this, "There he is, D.W.!" Megavolt gets out a gun and he shoots at a wall. It creates some electrical portal type of thing. He goes through it. He ends up in an apartment of some middle aged bulldog man in a white tank top, looks like he has grease on his shirt, blue pants, etc. He's sitting on his couch watching TV.

Megavolt looks around and he sees the man in the living room. He looks around and mumbles, "Man, does this guy need to do his dishes or what? I can smell rotten food." He makes another portal into the wall and goes through it. The man looks in the kitchen and says, "What the hell was that?" He shrugs and faces the TV saying, "In this lifetime, I ain't even gonna question it." He drinks his beer.

The next apartment, Megavolt ends up in a bathroom and he sees a lady sitting in a tub. She's a heavy set chicken woman and she looks over. She screams and he does too. He shoots a portal into the wall and goes through it. He says, "I wish I could unsee that." He shivers.

He suddenly hears music. The apartment he's in now has a sort of gothic vibe to it. There's black light, some neon colors, metal band posters, movie posters, etc. The music he hears is the theme from the first Resident Evil movie. He says, "Hey. That's more like it. Where's that coming from?" He looks over to see a young gothic (favorite animal) woman. That would be you. 

He can't look away. You're sitting there in the living room at your computer desk, listening to the song and you're focused on your laptop. He whispers, "Ooh, Edison. Who is that? She's cute.~" He manages a smile. He hears this, "Come on out, Megavolt!" He says, "Shit." He shoots a portal through the wall, but looks back at you before jumping in. 

You raise a brow and you look in the kitchen. You say, "Huh. Sounded like some portal. I mean it's not Duck and Morty, but nothing surprises me, anymore." You face your laptop and you continue doing what you're doing. You say, "Oh hey. A rage guy comic." 

Megavolt leaves the apartment next door from yours and he suddenly gets tackled down. By police officers that is. He says, "Awe, come on!" The male police officer who's a chihuahua man says, "Megavolt. You are under arrest for robbery and breaking and entering." He cuffs Megavolt and brings him up. Megavolt just has that look as if he's been through this before. A look of annoyance or something.

They look back and the female police officer who's a duck says, "Thank you, Darkwing Duck." Darkwing Duck says, "Not a problem, officer." Launchpad says, "We caught him stealing the display lights from the jewelry store, officer." The male police officer says, "Well we're taking Megavolt here downtown and we'll let the court decide where he'll go."

Some others peek out of their apartments to see what all the commotion is. You're one of them. You look to see the super villain Megavolt being arrested and you say, "Oh my god. It's Megavolt. Is that who it was making those noises?" 

You watch as they take him out of there and you see Darkwing Duck and his sidekick Launchpad leaving as well. You say, "I guess they're taking him to court. Bummer... Hmm... I'll be there." You go back into your apartment and so do the neighbors.

(Time skip.)

Three days go by. You're at the courthouse. This is the day they were gonna decide Megavolt's punishment. Whether he should go to jail, do community service, etc. You see the police officers bringing him in. He's not in his super villain suit though. He's in just his regular civilian clothing. A white short sleeve buttoned shirt and blue jeans. He's wearing glasses. 

They bring him to the front and the judge says, "Court is now in session." She hits the gavel down. She says, "So. Elmo Sputterspark. It's been foretold that you were robbing a jewelry store, stealing the display lights and breaking in and entering an apartment building. Am I right?" Megavolt who is now Elmo says, "Yes, your honor. That's right. And I don't regret it." There's booing, but you don't do anything. You just look up.

The judge who is Judge Casey Andrews says, "No regrets for your actions. Well Mr. Sputterspark. We've gotten a call from one woman from the Mayfield Apartments that you got into her home." Elmo hears this, "That's right, your honor! This man broke in and got into my bathroom!" He looks over and notices it's the same fat lady who was taking a bath. 

He says, "I was running from Darkwing Duck, lady." She says, "You peeked at me!" He says, "Yeah! Accidentally! I didn't need to see some old lady taking a bath!" The others gasp. You just raise a brow. The lady gasps and says, "How dare you?!" She sits down.

After they go over what's been done the jury makes their decision and one of them stands up saying, "Your honor. We find the defendant... guilty! Take him to jail!" There's cheering. The judge says, "Very well. Elmo Sputterspark! You've been found guilty for your actions!" She's about to hit the gavel down but then hears this, "Your honor! Wait!" 

Elmo hears a feminine voice saying that and he looks back to see... you. He gasps and he whispers, "It's that hot girl from those apartments." He sighs and smiles. The judge says, "Yes, ma'am? You have something you'd like to say?" You stand up and you say, "Yeah. Actually, I do." She says, "Let's hear you out, young lady." 

You say, "I'm aware this guy's a super villain. A dangerous one at that. But is jail necessary?" Everyone looks at you. Elmo's surprised to hear this. You say, "There are a lot worse people in this city. And not to ruin his rep as a villain, but he's a saint compared to some of these other people who are downright sick. And I mean to the point where even super villains themselves wanna murder THEM. You see where I'm going with this, your honor?" 

Judge Andrews says, "Go on." You say, "Instead of putting him behind bars, wouldn't it be better if he was in the comfort of his own home for this? Despite being a super villain, he's still just a regular guy who works and pays his bills, isn't he?" Elmo's surprised to hear you saying this. The most beautiful woman he's ever seen and you're defending him. 

Judge Andrews says, "Very well Miss..." You say, "(Y/N) (L/N), your honor." She says, "Miss. (L/N). If that's what you wish, then so be it." She looks at Elmo and says, "Elmo Sputterspark. You're being sentenced to up to four months on house arrest. Starting tomorrow." 

She slams the gavel down and says, "Court is adjourned." There's some cheering, but the same big lady sitting down mumbles, "Little gothic freak neighbor of mine." Elmo looks over at you. You smirk and you wink. He smiles at you.

(To be continued...)

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