Crush Elmo x Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name.

You're a young (favorite animal) woman named (Y/N) (L/N). You live in the city of St. Canard. You have just moved there not too long ago. Like a week ago. You come from Wichita, Kansas. You found a two bedroom apartment in a tall thirty story building.

You live on the highest floor and you live alone. You're twenty six and still single. No children of your own, either. You're about to get a job at a place called Quackerworks Inc where you'll be doing paperwork and working in your own office cubicle. But you got the job and you start today.

You're on your way to work right now in fact. You're taking a bus since you can't afford a great car right now. You have one, but it broke down and you're struggling to fix it. Turns out you can't, so you're taking the bus to work until you can pay for a new car. It's a good thing your rent's cheap. You don't live in a fancy neighborhood, but it's not bad.

You get to Quackerworks Inc and the bus stops. You get up and you get off. The doors close behind you and the bus takes off. You say, "Alright. Here we go. First day at my new job in St. Canard." You walk to the building and you get inside the revolving doors.

You see a middle aged chicken woman approaching you. She's of sort of heavy set, has red hair pinned up in a bun, a dark blue dress on, etc. She says, "Hello there. You must be the new employee here at Quackerworks Inc. Are you (Y/N) (L/N) by any chance?"

You smile and you say, "Yes I am. I'm from Kansas." She says, "I've heard about you. I hear you have a good reputation. That's very rare for us. Well besides Drake Mallard, Joanna Lumber and Clint Beakway. Come with me." You say, "Okay."

You follow her and she says, "I'm the boss by the way. I'm Helga Freeley. I'll show you to your assigned cubicle." You say, "I thank you." She smiles and says, "I'm glad you can join us here at Quackerworks Inc. But um... reminder."

You say, "What's up?" She stops and you look at her. She looks at you and says, "Your cubicle partner seated across the aisle from you is a man named Elmo Sputterspark." You say, "What about him?" She says, "He has a bad reputation. A very bad one."

You say, "Oh? What did he do? Crimes?" She says, "Yes. Elmo has robbed over twenty places. He's stolen electronic devices from those stores. He's lucky we're keeping him here. He really needs the job. Nobody else will take him."

You say, "Wow. That's tough." She says, "Yeah. But that's okay. He's not the only one here with a bad rep. In fact, half of our employees here have a criminal record. He just has the biggest." You say, "I see. It's okay. I don't judge." She says, "Well that's good. Come with me." You follow her.

You follow her to an elevator and you go inside. She presses the button to the fifth floor and the doors close. The elevator takes you up and it stops. The doors open and you follow her out. You see a bunch of people at their cubicles. She says, "Right this way. You're on the fifth floor."

You follow her and you look around. Some people look over and they say, "Hi." "Hey. "Hey. How's it going?" You smile at them and you say hi to them. You get to a cubicle and she says, "Here you are. See that cubicle across from you?"

You look over at a cubicle with two batteries sitting by the computer. You say, "Yeah." She says, "That's Elmo's cubicle. Hmm... he's not here right now. Drake." A duck man looks over. His cubicle is right next to Elmo's. Like he's seated behind him.

He says, "Yes, Mrs. Freeley?" Helga says, "Do you know where Elmo is?" He says, "Hmm. Not sure. I think the restroom or on break having coffee." She says, "Figures so. Thanks, Drake." He says, "No problem."

He sees you and says, "Hi there." You smile and you say, "Hi, Drake. I'm (Y/N). I'm your new co-worker." He says, "Hi, (Y/N). Welcome to Quackerworks Inc." You say, "Thank you." He gets back to work.

Helga says, "Go ahead and have a seat. Feel free to observe your stuff for today. You can start on your new project tomorrow. I hear you come up with good ideas. I saw your work." You smile and you say, "Thanks, Mrs. Freeley." You sit down and she says, "I'll see you in a little while, dear. I must get back." You say, "Okay. Thank you." She nods and walks off.

You take a look at your things and you look at your computer. You find Mahjong and you grin and says, "Ooh. Mahjong." You play some of it. You suddenly hear this, "Ugh. Can't wait to get off and get home. Rest a bit." It's a raspy male voice.

You raise a brow and you look across your cubicle to see a rat man in a yellow shirt, blue pants, has brown hair, glasses, etc. You blush and you look away, managing an almost smile. The man sits in his chair at his computer and he looks over at you.

You hear this, "Hey." You look over at the rat man. You say, "Um. H-hi. Are you... Elmo Sputterspark?" He says, "Yes I am. I guess the big boss lady told you about me, huh?" You nod and you say, "Yeah. She did." He says, "I wouldn't be surprised if she gave away my rep. I mean I am the biggest criminal here."

You say, "It's... it's okay. I won't judge." He looks at you. You look at him and you say, "I guess you like electronic stuff considering you've stolen them, huh?" He grins and says, "Yeah. I live for those. Anything that runs on electricity. Love it." You blush as he grins at you.

There's something about Elmo that you liked. The fact that he looked kind of nerdy but may have a dark side to him. His voice. And so on. He says, "What's your name?" You say, "(Y/N)  (L/N)." He says, "Nice name." You blush and you smile.

You look away and you peek at him saying, "It's nice to meet you... Elmo." He says, "Yeah. You too." You face your computer and you look stuff up online. Elmo turns to face his computer and he thinks to himself, "Damn. New girl's a hottie.~" He smirks and peeks over. You seem to be trying not to look back at him. He looks at his computer and he gets back to work.

(Time skip.)

The next day, you're back at work. This time, you're at your computer working on your project. Your computer suddenly freezes a bit and you whisper, "Goddammit." Elmo looks at you and says, "What's up?"

You say, "I'm trying to work on my project and my fucking computer froze up. Pardon my french." He says, "Here. I'll help you on that." You smile and you say, "Would you?" He says, "Yeah." He stands up and he walks over.

He says, "Hmm..." You look at him. He leans in as he looks at the computer and you blush at the closeness he has with you as he checks out the problem. He says, "Ah. I see. Try turning it off and back on. If that don't work, I'll give it a little zap." You say, "Thanks, Elmo."

He looks at you and says, "Yeah. Don't mention it." You turn the computer off and you turn it back on. It freezes a bit again. You say, "Ugh. Freaking thing." He smirks and says, "I got this." He hides his hand behind his back and he makes a spark with his finger. He covers that up by getting out what looks to be a small taser, but is actually a pocket knife. He says, "Here we go. Watch out." You back up a bit in your chair and he zaps the computer a bit.

Sure enough, it works and you gasp. You smile and you say, "Oh man. You're awesome. Thanks, Elmo." He smirks and says, "Don't mention it." Drake had seen the whole thing and he thinks to himself, "Little is she aware of who Elmo really is." Elmo puts the pocket knife back in his back pocket and he backs away.

You say, "Thank you so much." He sits in his chair and he says, "Yeah. You're welcome." He looks at you. You face your computer and blush and you look away, tucking your hair back. He raises a brow. But he shrugs and faces his computer. Drake had peeked over to see this for himself and he thinks to himself, "Oh god. She's falling for him. She's falling for Megavolt, unbeknown to her."

(Time skip.)

You're back home after work. You met Elmo and you were pretty happy about what you saw. In fact, you're in your room right now as you lay back on your bed. You've got your laptop playing a Smile Empty Soul song on youtube. The song Don't Ever Leave.

You say, "Oh man. I did not expect someone like him. He's just so interesting. I feel like I've seen him somewhere. Like I've seen four super villains and one of them looks just like him." You sit up and you say, "I like him already. No... I've got a crush on him."

(To be in love...)

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