House Guest Elmo x Reader pt. 2

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Later on, your mom's cooking dinner. You're at their house, visiting them. You're sitting on the couch with Elmo and Marcus. Kylie's upstairs dancing to music for her cheer or something. Elmo looks over at you as you watch TV. He thinks to himself, "Ooh, she's so hot.~"

You look over and you see Elmo looking at you. You look away, blushing. You think to yourself, "I can't believe I'm saying this... but I think I may be developing a crush on Megavolt, now. I never realized something about him until now. But... he's actually handsome." You hear this, "Hey." You look over at him.

You say, "Yeah, Elmo?" He says, "You're the eldest, right? Already out on your own and possibly in your mid twenties?" You nod and you say, "Yeah. I'm twenty five." He grins and says, "Nice." Marcus looks over with a raised brow, but he shrugs and sits back watching TV.

You look at Elmo and you say, "I'm aware of who you are, Elmo." He says, "That I'm Megavolt? Yes I am. Fools left me with no choice. I was forced to go into recovery from villainy. I had it made, (Y/N)." Marcus gets up and says, "I'm sorry, but this talk is boring. I'm gonna play my XBox." You say, "Okay, dear." He walks off.

Elmo says, "You seem more like a mom towards him than you do his sister. But I guess that makes sense, seeing that you're over twenty years old and you seem more motherly." You say, "I don't have any kids, though." He says, "Me either. And I'm thirty seven years old." You say, "Twelve years older than me. Not bad."

He says, "Then again, I could never stand kids unless I had some of my own." You say, "Sorry about how Kylie acts around you. She's not too fond of anyone she considers... below her." He says, "I've noticed. She seems to respect YOU though." You say, "I'm her sister." He smirks and says, "Obviously." You smile.

You look away, clearing your throat. He says, "I'll be here for a while. If you don't have to work., you could... come visit me while I'm here. What do you say, (Y/N)?~" You blush and you look at him. He looks at you and he smirks quietly saying, "I'm not gonna lie... I didn't expect these two to have a hot daughter in her twenties.~"

You blush and you smile saying, "I was gonna resent you at first, seeing that you're a major super villain. But now I realize that you yourself... don't look all that bad yourself, Elmo. If you'd like... I can stay the night. I'm not doing anything tomorrow, anyways.~" At that moment, you and Elmo seemed to be falling for each other.

You see your dad walking in and you and Elmo sit back, acting like nothing happened. He says, "Ah, Elmo. There you are. Still here. (Y/N), I hope you're getting along with him." You smile and you nod saying, "Sure am, daddy."

He says, "That's good. Your mom wanted me to tell you that dinner will be ready in ten minutes." You say, "Okay. I'll let Kylie and Marcus know." He says, "Thanks, sweetheart." He walks back into the kitchen.

You get up. Elmo says, "Where are you going?" You say, "To get Marcus and Kylie." He says, "Oh." You walk off. He watches and he whispers, "I'm falling for you each minute that goes by, (Y/N). Ooh, you're so pretty.~"

You come back down with your sister and brother. Kylie says, "Hope the villain isn't putting a dirty finger on you, sis." You smile and you say, "It's fine, Kylie. He's not doing anything." She says, "Good. No dirty villain's touching MY sister." Elmo flips her off. She sticks her tongue out at him.

You say, "Come on guys. Let's be ready to eat." Marcus grins and says, "Yeah. All the meat, too." You look at Elmo and you say, "Come on." He gets up and he follows all of you into the kitchen. Your mom and dad see you guys. She smiles and says, "Good. You're all here. We're gonna be ready to eat in a few minutes. I've got lemonade." You smile and you lead Elmo to the table.

You all sit down and your mom says, "It's so nice being able to be good Samaritans and taking in a villain about to recover." You say, "Samaritans? Mom, we're not even religious." She says, "True, dear. But I'm just saying. If we can reform a major super villain, that's amazing."

She gets dinner done and you all make your plates. You're sitting next to Elmo as you all eat. As he eats his food, he suddenly feels a hand on his leg. He blushes and looks over at you. You're eating your food and acting like nothing is happening to make your family not suspect anything. You do however start to rub his leg a bit. You peek over at him. He thinks to himself, "Ooh, Edison. What is she doing to me?~"

You smile and you say, "Dinner's good as always, mama." She smiles and says, "Thanks, sweetie. I'm glad you're here to join us. You know Kylie and Marcus miss you all the time." Your dad says, "Your mom's right, (Y/N). Since you've moved out, Kylie's been protective of your old room."

Kylie says, "Yet, we've got a villain about to sleep in there." She eats. Your mom says, "Now Kylie honey. I'm sure your sister doesn't mind. Right (Y/N)?" You say, "Not at all." Kylie says, "Hmph. Be lucky you have her approval... Elmo." Elmo says, "Yeah yeah." He eats and says, "Great food, by the way."

Your mom smiles and says, "Thank you." Marcus says, "I think it's pretty awesome having a villain stay in our house." He grins. Kylie says, "Says you, squirt." Your dad says, "Kylie. Be nice to your brother." Kylie says, "Fine. Sorry, Marcus." Marcus says, "It's cool." You all eat the rest of the time.

(Time skip.)

Later on at night, Elmo is sitting in the spare room upstairs. Your old room before you moved out. He's on the bed as he watches TV. He suddenly hears a knock on the bedroom door. He looks over and he raises a brow.

He gets up and he walks over saying, "Yeah? Who is it?" He hears this, "Elmo. It's me. (Y/N)." He smirks and opens the door. He lets you in and he shuts the door. You stand to face him and he faces you.

You say, "I wanted to come and see you, Elmo." He says, "Yeah?" You look at him and you say, "Truth be told... I can't get you off my mind." He says, "I can't get you off of mine, either. I've been thinking about you the moment you walked in that door and I saw you.~" You blush and you smile. He grins at you.

Turns out, you and Elmo start seeing each other a lot behind your family's back. But eventually, you get found out by Kylie. She's disgusted at first, but you told her that you've been in love with Elmo since the first day and having a talk with him on the couch. Your whole family finds out and your dad says that he suspected for a while.

Elmo doesn't change, though. He remains a villain. After leaving your family's house, he moves in with you. Lacey ends up with a villain, too. Quackerjack. You and Elmo live together and you end up with a son. He still goes about his days and nights as Megavolt.


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