Creep Bushroot x Reader pt. 2

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Later on at the greenhouse in St. Canard, there is a green plant duck in there. That would be Reginald Bushroot. The man women were complaining about being a pervert. And it was true. He now has that reputation as not only a criminal, but a thirsty plant man drooling over women from eighteen years of age to their early thirties. He's twenty nine years old.

He's in there right now, working on an experiment. Standing by him is a four foot tall flytrap whose name is Spike. Bushroot says, "Alright, Spike. After this, what do you say about following me into the city to look for a new bride, huh? Just someone by my side." Spike makes a grunting sound.

Bushroot says, "Yeah, I know. So what if I've become such a perverted plant? How many girls have wanted to be with me before that? What choice did I have?" Spike makes a noise. Bushroot looks around and he smirks. He gets out a chrome book and he turns it on. He gets it on something that shows a picture and Spike's eyes widen. He whistles.

Bushroot says, "Yeah, Spike. It would be nice if there were more plant women who looked like this. Oh well. I can keep chasing regular women around. He he. Call me Pepe Le Plant." (XD Don't ask why I came up with that.) Spike groans at his master's bad joke.

Bushroot looks around and he smirks. He chuckles a bit and he says, "Nobody's around, so..." He faces his chrome book. Spike walks off as if not wanting to be around at this moment. Bushroot finds a video and moaning can be heard. He sighs and smiles saying, "She's cute.~"

He says, "Ooh, if only I could have something like this happen to ME. I long for it.~" He exits out of the link he was on and he says, "If I can't have Rhoda, I'll just find a relative of hers that's just as young and hot as her. I can't help it. That's my major goal. Getting with a woman. One that's especially alright with my perverted side. I'll stop at nothing until I've gotten the one."

He gets up and he says, "Welp. I'm going out for a bit. Spike! Take care of the greenhouse while I'm gone!" He heads out and he walks to his car. He gets in there and he shuts the door. He starts the car and he turns the radio on. He drives off.

(Time skip.)

About an hour or so later after having a drink at Jan's house, both you and she are out. You're at the gas station getting some stuff. You say, "What do you wanna get, Jan?" Jan says, "I don't know. We could get some chips." You say, "Want some subs?" She says, "Yeah. Sure. There's hardly any fucking food in my house right now."

You say, "Well, you know Rhoda makes damn good money where she works. We get food at our house all the time. But she did say she'd take me out later so we could eat at a restaurant." Jan says, "Can I come? Don't worry. I'll buy. I have a bit of money left." You say, "Okay."

You and Jan get what you need and you go up to the register. The clerk scans your stuff and says, "That'll be $8.95." You pay him and you get your change. He says, "Alright. You ladies have a wonderful day." You say, "You too." Jan nods. You and Jan head out with your stuff.

A certain plant man happens to be hiding in the bushes nearby. He sees people walking down the street. He sees three young women in short dresses and he smirks and whistles. They hear it and they stop and look around. One of them says, "Did you guys hear that whistling?" Another says, "Sounded very close."

They hear this, "Boo!" They all yelp and they look over to see a green plant duck with purple foliage hair standing out of the bushes. He smirks and says, "Ladies.~" He waves his leafy fingers over and he comes out.

He grins and says, "Here comes the plant man.~" They scream and one of them yells, "Gross! A perverted plant man!" He says, "Hey. I'm looking for my dog." He leans in and looks behind one of the girls.

He grabs her ass and she gasps. He points over and says, "Oh look! There he is!" She slaps him with her purse and yells, "Stay away from us, creep!" They walk off. Another yells, "Who would want to date a mutated plant guy, anyways! Pervert or not!"

He sighs and says, "All I want is love." He walks off. As he walks he says, "I can't help myself. So what if I grab women without their consent? It's not my fault people turned me down before I became this creepy mutant plant duck."

He hears this, "Alright, (Y/N). Let's go back to my place until your cousin gets off work." He smirks and says, "Ooh. More women." He looks up and says, "Let's see who.." He gasps as he sees one of them... You. He looks at you and you and Jan walk down the sidewalk. He sighs and smiles.

He says, "Ooh wow... I've seen some cute girls. Even on P-Hub. But that's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.~" Then he grins as he hatches an idea. He says, "Yeah. I'll just keep following HER. Forget all the others. Yeah. I'll follow her home and see where she lives." He hides and waits for you and Jan to walk by. He comes out and he smirks. He looks at you from behind and he whispers, "She's the fairest one of all. He follows you and Jan.

(Time skip.)

Later on at night, you're up in your room. Rhoda's in bed at the moment. You're on your laptop and you've got your headphones on. You've got it playing The Triumph Of King Freak by Rob Zombie. You're moving your head to the song a bit.

You're unaware that there's a certain plant man right outside your window on a vine that he made grow out of the ground with his powers. He's looking in at you and he smirks and says, "There you are, my sweet. Ooh, you're the prettiest thing I've ever lain my eyes on.~" He watches as you get up and you get your headphones off.

You get up and you start dancing. Bushroot hears the song playing, but he's focused on you. He sighs and smiles. He leans against the window sill and he says, "Ooh. So lovely to watch. Now let's see if she rubs her ass or not.~"

You look around and you smirk. You put your hands on your butt and Bushroot's eyes widen. He grins and says, "Bingo." He watches you dance and he sighs and smiles. He says, "Just you wait, (Y/N). I'm coming in there later to introduce myself. You just keep dancing. You look good, baby.~" He keeps watching you.

You get done and you plop down on your bed. He says, "Ooh, I wanna be in there right now. Standing right in front of her as she lays there. Mainly begging for me.~" He smirks. He lays on the vine and he says, "I'll lay down too. Just lay here and watch you until you go to sleep. You'll be my girl at some point, (Y/N).~" He grins.

(Not over yet.)

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