Crush Elmo x Reader pt. 2

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The next day, you're at home and you're getting dressed. You have just finished a shower and now you're changing into something different. You thought about Elmo as you picked out your outfit for the day. A gray check mini skirt. Not too short, but short enough to get guys or girls whistling. And you have a white long sleeve buttoned shirt.

You get those on and you look at yourself in the vertical mirror hanging on your bedroom door in your room. You say, "I wonder if Elmo will notice me in this skirt. It's appropriate enough. I just need his attention. I want him to notice me. God I sound like a yandere, don't I?" You grab your keys, purse and phone and you head out of your apartment.

(Time skip.)

You get to work and you get to your cubicle. You sit down and Elmo looks over. His eyes widen as he sees you in the skirt. He whispers, "Wow. Nice legs.~" You didn't hear him, though. You get on your computer and you work on your project. It was due in three hours, but you're almost done.

But then something strikes your mind and you smirk. You peek over to see Elmo typing on his computer. As he does that, he suddenly hears this, "Hey, Elmo." He looks over at you and he says, "Yeah?"

You say, "Hey. I know I was told that I have good ideas about stuff I come up with. But I want YOUR opinion on it. If you wanna come over here and take a look." He looks at you. You cross your legs.

He says, "Why would you want MY opinion on it? I'm sure your project will be better than mine." You look at him and you say, "Please?" You toy with the collar of your shirt. He holds back a blush and he thinks to himself, "Holy Edison. Is this broad teasing me? Nah. I have a hard time getting chicks... Especially one that looks like she does.~"

He says, "Alright." He gets up and he walks over. He comes over and he leans over to look over your project. You smile as you look at him and you look at your computer. You say, "So... yeah. This is what I have so far." He says, "Oh look. I was right. Better than mine." You say, "Awe. I'm sure yours is great too, Elmo."

He steps back from looking at the computer and he says, "Yeah?" You smile and you say, "You just put your heart into it. Or do whatever comes to mind. A vivid imagination. Something like that." He says, "Huh. Never thought of it that way. Hardly anyone believes I have a heart. Well, I did commit crimes. And even get thrown in jail a few times. That's no lie."

You say, "It's okay. Like I said before... I won't judge you." He smiles and he sits in his chair. You sigh and you smile, looking away. Drake looks over with a raised brow. Elmo looks over at him and says, "What, Mallard?" Drake says, "Nothing." He faces his computer. Elmo says, "Yeah. That's what I thought." He faces his computer as well.

You hold back a giggle. Elmo looks over at you. You look away and you tuck your hair back. He thinks to himself, "I swear to Edison she's trying to woo me." You finish up your project and you say, "Done." Drake and Elmo look at you. You print out what you got and you get the papers ready. You get up and you say, "Be right back." You walk off, taking the papers with you.

(Time skip.)

A week goes by. Your crush on Elmo has increased throughout the week you've been there. Your project went well. The boss was impressed. Right now, you're on your break and you're sitting in the lounge. In there is a co-worker named Zoe Beakwallis.

You're both having your lunch and you're eating a Healthy Choice dinner. Zoe says, "Hey girl. Question." You say, "Shoot." You eat your food. She says, "Do you have a thing for Elmo Sputterspark?" You blush and you say, "Um. Y-yeah. So what if I do?" She says, "I was seeing signs."

You say, "He's the most attractive guy in this building that I've seen. I'll do anything to have him, Zoe." Zoe says, "Hey. Who knows? He may be thinking about YOU." You smile and you say, "I wish."

She smirks and says, "Yeah? Bet you want just the two of you alone having some nice office lovin', huh?~" You blush and you say, "I'd let him do way more than that, Zoe." She says, "Oooh, girl.~" You grin.

You're unaware that Elmo happened to have been right outside. He just showed up and heard everything. He blushes and whispers, "Holy crap. She does like me." He looks in and he watches and listens as you say, "Is it wrong of me to love someone with a high criminal record? No. I'll do anything to be with him, Zoe. I'd let him call me all sorts of pet names for honey or sweetheart. Hell, I'd even let him call me his dirty slut. I just wanna be his girl.~"

Elmo backs away and he leans against the wall. He says, "I did not expect this. Her of all people to like a guy like me. A simple guy with a criminal record... Villain out of work most of the time." He looks back and he looks in at you. He says, "You want me, (Y/N)?... You'll get me, baby.~" He grins and he walks off.

(Time skip.)

You're back at work the next day. You're having a talk with Mrs. Helga Freeley. She was impressed with your work. She says, "Miss. (L/N). I gotta tell you dear... you've got some of the best work I've ever seen. Maybe Sputterspark can learn something from this. Not with the way he does his stuff, but to make something better of him."

You say, "Thanks, Helga. I try." She says, "You succeeded. I've gotten good reviews about you from other companies." You smile and you say, "Really? That's great, Helga. I appreciate all of this." She says, "Oh and um... How is Elmo treating you?" You look away and you hold back a smile.

She raises a brow and she says, "I'm assuming it was alright." You nod and you look at her. She sees your reaction and she catches on. She says, "Oooh... I see." You say, "W-what?" She says, "Something tells me you've developed a crush on the man." You say, "Truth be told, Helga... I have. There's just something about him that draws me near him."

She says, "Boy. He'll love to hear about this. I won't say anything to him, but if he were to ever discover that you liked him... he'd be allover you." You blush and you smile saying, "This is only making you sound more like a matchmaker than a boss. N-nothing bad."

She says, "Hey. It's alright. I used to be one, actually." You look at her and you say, "You have?" She says, "Yeah. Back in 1987 when I was eighteen, I had my own talk show. I was known as Queen Matchmaker. It went on from then to about 2001. My talk show went on for fourteen years. So about twenty years ago is when I quit. I came to work here at Quackerworks Inc and I've been here since."

You say, "Wow. I know you haven't been the matchmaking chick in over two decades, but is there any advice you can give me?" She says, "I will say this. Just be yourself and don't ever change. I've had years of experience on that one. I myself tried to change for a rich man who did theater arts. A walrus man named Tuskernini. He and I are the same age."

You say, "I've heard about Tuskernini. The villain who has these penguins as his henchmen and uses his costumes to control people." She says, "Yeah. Turns out I fell for a super villain." Little do you know, you were about to do the same.

(Not over yet.)

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