Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader pt. 2

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The next day, you're walking down the sidewalk once again. You're on your way to the greenhouse to meet up with Bushroot. You've got on a red shirt, black skinny jeans, etc. You say, "Here we go. A date with that handsome plant man." You smile.

You get to the greenhouse and you go inside. You look around and you yell, "Reginald! I'm here!" Right inside the shed, Bushroot is working on something, but then he hears your voice. He gasps and he puts the stuff down.

He brushes himself off a bit and he grabs a black tuxedo shirt. He slips it on and he quickly combs through his hair. He says, "How do I look, Spike?" Spike gives a sort of thumbs up and nods. Bushroot smiles and says, "Here we go. My first real date and she's not put off by me." He walks out of the shed.

(Fluttershy: Stay out of my shed!)

You look around and you hear this, "Hello, (Y/N)." You smile and you turn around. You see Bushroot and he's in a black tuxedo shirt. You say, "Ooh. You look great." He says, "Thank you. I... Oh wow." He takes a good look at you.

He whispers, "Ooh, baby.~" You blush. His eyes widen and he shakes his head. He says, "I-I'm sorry. That slipped out." You giggle and you say, "It's okay, Reginald. It's really sweet you say that about me." He sighs and smiles saying, "Oh good. I don't wanna scare you." You giggle and you say, "You didn't."

He approaches you and he smiles. He says, "What do you say about ice cream? Just like I promised?" You smile and you say, "Sure, Reggie. D-do you go by Reggie, too?" He says, "Yes I do."

He holds a hand out and says, "Ma lady." You giggle and you take his hand. He says, "Spike. Take care of the greenhouse while I'm gone." Spike nods. You say, "Bye, Spike." He waves at you. You and Bushroot head out.

(Time skip.)

You and Bushroot are out. You're at an ice cream shop, having ice cream. You have an ice cream cone and so does he. You lick it and you say, "Mm. I love this flavor. So good." He says, "Yeah?" You lick the ice cream again and he's getting dirty thoughts. He thinks to himself, "Calm yourself, you sick minded plant man. It's only ice cream. Not your..." He clears his throat.

You look at him and you ask, "Are you okay, Reggie?" He says, "Y-yeah. I just... had thoughts." You say, "About what?" He says, "Umm... How badly drunk I was one night. Liquidator had to drive me home."

You say, "Ooh." You giggle and you say, "I see. It's okay. It happens to most of us." He sighs and smiles saying, "That's good. N-not the me being drunk part, but you caring." You say, "It's okay." He eats a bit of his ice cream when he suddenly hears this, "Bull crap. You... were having naughty thoughts, weren't you?~"

He nearly chokes on his ice cream and he looks at you saying, "W-what?! I... I would never..." You smirk and you say, "Come on. I... I'm not as innocent as you think. You were having those thoughts... just by watching me lick the ice cream, weren't you?~" You grin. He blushes. You giggle and you quietly say, "You're a naughty boy.~"

He says, "A-alright, alright. Enough of that. Can we..." You giggle and you say, "I'm only fooling with you. I'm not judging. We all think about things... like that, once in a while. It can't be helped. I don't mind... I really like you, too." He blushes and looks at you.

You look at him and you say, "Your eyes are so gorgeous.~" He says, "That's nice to hear. I never get that." You say, "But they are. Bitches be missing out." You grin. He chuckles a bit and you say, "It's true. They don't know what they're missing."

You clinch your legs and you say, "I hope you don't mind. I have to... pee real fast." He says, "Go right on ahead. I'll be here." You say, "Thanks." He says, "Here. I'll hold your ice cream." You say, "Awe. Thank you, Reggie." He takes it and you get up. You walk off.

He watches as you approach the restrooms when suddenly, a guy stumbles upon you. He's a tall goose guy with brown hair. A bit of a beard. You say, "Oh. H-hi. I was just... going over here to use the restroom." He grins and says, "Sure thing. Hey um... I know I just met you, but if you want..."

You say, "If this is a date... I already have one. I'm sorry." He says, "Who?" You look over at Bushroot and you point over. He looks over. Bushroot does not look too happy. The guy looks at you and says, "Him? That repulsive plant monster is your date? YOU?" You say, "That's not nice." He says, "Come on. Hottie like yourself?"

You say, "I'm no different... I'm autistic." He says, "Oh... Well... that um... changes everything. Hotties can be deceiving." You say, "Arrogant jerk." You walk down the hallway and into the womens restroom. The guy walks into the mens room. Bushroot growls a bit and he gets up. He sets the ice creams down and he whispers, "I'll take care of the prick." He approaches the restrooms.

The guy is in there. He looks at himself in the mirror. He gets his comb out and he fixes his hair a bit. He grins and says, "Look at you, Rodney. So good lookin'. Too bad that hot girl's special... and not in a good way." He laughs at his own joke.

He suddenly sees the door opening as he looks in the mirror. He sees the same green plant duck. He grins and says, "Well well. The freak show has arrived in St. Canard's ice cream store." Bushroot says nothing and approaches him.

Rodney faces him and says, "What do you want, you giant fucking stash of weed?" Bushroot says, "I don't appreciate you talking about MY woman like that." Rodney says, "Daww. I'm sorry. Did I offend you? I guess you two are perfect. The veggie and the gimp."

Bushroot growls and he uses is powers to make two vines grow out of the floor. Rodney's eyes widen and he says, "Yo! What the fuck?! You're a freak! Fucking freak!" Bushroot yells, "Hold him still!" The vines hold Rodney from arm to arm.

He tries to pry away and he says, "Get off me, you living hentais!" Bushroot grips the guy's chin harshly and has him look at him. He says, "That girl is mine... nobody else's." He holds his hand out and a vine drops a knife into his hand. He grips it.

Rodney's eyes widen in horror. He says, "No no... no. Come on man. I... I was just playing. I'm sorry." He looks at Bushroot. He says, "Please man?! I'm sorry!" Bushroot says, "No you're not... You're only begging for your life. I told you... nobody gets THAT girl but me."

You come out from the restrooms and you get back to your table. You don't see Bushroot, but you see your cones. You say, "Huh. I guess he had to use the restroom, too. Oh well... I'll wait for him." You sit down and you grab your nearly melting ice cream. You finish it.

You see Reggie coming out and he sees you sitting at the table. He smiles and says, "There's my girl." He walks over and he says, "Sorry it took me long, babe." You look over and you smile saying, "That's okay. Come sit down with me." He sits across from you and he says, "Sorry. I... had to go, too."

You say, "I figured you did. Man... that guy was really mean, wasn't he?" He says, "Don't worry about that, baby. He won't be a bother to you, now. He's gone." You say, "That's good." He thinks to himself, "By that, I mean he's dead. Stabbed the guy twenty two times and had the vines wrap him up and dispose of him. Bastard deserved it."

You look at Bushroot and you say, "Reggie." He says, "Yeah, (Y/N)?" You say, "I like you... I really like you." He says, "Yeah?" You grab his hand and he blushes. You look at him and you say, "If you'd like, you can kiss me when we get back to the greenhouse.~" He smiles and he says, "I'd love to feel your (lips/beak) against my own.~" You blush and you smile.

(Not over yet.) 

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