Yandere Megavolt x Reader pt. 3

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The next day, you're at home after an eight hour shift at the nursing home. The day went well and an old lady told you a story about her past. When she was a little girl during World War II and that her father was in combat and all. It was interesting to you and sad because the old lady revealed that her dad died in combat and she was only ten years old at the time. 

An old man told you about his time in 1969 when he went to Woodstock with his wife when they first dated. They were in their late twenties then. He had even told you about the drug parts. Like when they took LSD to make things look more... trippy. His wife passed away a decade ago. You thought that story was also interesting, but sorry his wife passed.

Right now, you've got your friend Christie Moreno over. She's a duck woman with long black hair, a few tattoos, busty boobs, has on short green shorts, a black and green striped short sleeve shirt showing her belly button, etc. She's a bit on the raunchy side.

She says, "So, who was it you went on a date with, huh (Y/N)? It was about time you got with someone." You say, "He's great. His name's Elmo Sputterspark." She says, "Cool. I know we're supposed to avoid super villains. You know, like the Fearsome Four?" You say, "What about it?" 

She smirks and says, "I actually got with one of them, recently. And I brought him to my place last night for a few drinks." You say, "Which one?" She says, "Bushroot. Reginald Bushroot. Oh my god, he's good with sweet talk.~" You say, "You mean you guys..." She smirks and says, "Uh huh. We had fun last night. Woo! And fuck, was he good? He got his vines out and shit. Ooh, he was kinky.~" 

You say, "I see." She says, "Get some music on, girl. I wanna dance and you should, too." You say, "I suck at dancing." She says, "So what? Just go with the flow. Just sample some moves from watching me or something." You say, "Okay." 

You get your TV on and you get on YouTube. You get it on the song Obey by Bring Me The Horizon & YUNGBLUD. She smirks and says, "Here we go! Woo!" She dances. You shrug and you dance as well. You actually start dancing pretty good without watching Christie's moves. She grins and says, "There you go! See? You don't suck at dancing." 

She looks at you and says, "Do you think Reggie would like it if I just... dance like this for him?~" She moves a bit like some sultry floozy. You say, "Maybe. Who knows? He may want you to dance in front of him if anything." 

She says, "Hell yeah. You need to get your man over here. That Elmo guy. Go further than that cute date. You know? You need some action, girl. Reach MY level.~" She dances. You say, "I think I'll stay on my level." She say, "Okay. Just do it at least once or twice. You're a pretty woman. You deserve it." 

You say, "Well, Elmo did buy me wine at Mario's." She smirks and says, "I feel like that guy likes you so much. And I mean so much to the point where he'd kill for you. And I mean like literally murder someone for you. Some guys could do that for the girl they love." You say, "Weird you say that. There was actually a murder last night." 

She says, "Oh shit. I've heard about that. Some guy that was stabbed and had an eye gouged out. That sucks." You say, "I saw that guy at the restaurant yesterday, too. He was trying to talk to me, but I had to tell him I was on a date already." She says, "Sucks he had to get rejected his last days of life. But that's not YOUR fault. Still... a murder in St. Canard."

You say, "Wanna go to the store with me? I gotta get more food." She says, "Sure. Let's go." The song ends and you turn the TV off. You say, "Come on, Christie." You and Christie grab your stuff and you head out of the apartment. You get to your car, but you suddenly feel something pull you back. Christie gets pulled back too. You feel a cloth covering your mouth and you pass out. Same happens to Christie.

(Time skip.)

You begin to wake up after having possibly been chloroformed by someone. You wake up to find yourself in a dimly lit room. You say, "What the fuck?" You look over to see Christie waking up. You say, "Christie!" 

She says, "W-what happened? Did we... get knocked out or something?" You say, "Christie. I think we've been chloroformed and kidnapped." She says, "By who?" She sighs and says, "Where's Reggie when I need him?"

You hear this, "Awe, baby. I'm right here.~" It's a deep voice. You hear a familiar raspy voice saying, "And so am I... (Y/N)." You say, "Wait. That voice. Is that?" You look over to see two of the Fearsome Four. Megavolt and Bushroot. Christie sees Bushroot and says, "Babe!" 

He grins and says, "Hello, my dear Christie.~" Megavolt walks over to you and says, "(Y/N). I guess you don't realize who I am, yet." You say, "Your voice. I know it. You sound a lot like..." You look at him. He grins and says, "Enjoy your moscato?" Your eyes widen and you yell, "Elmo!"

He says, "Correct. I'm Megavolt, baby. I'm the one who chloroformed you. Bushroot got Christie." You say, "Elmo. What's going on?" He says, "My heart lead me right to you, (Y/N). You light up my life. No pun intended because I'm Megavolt."

Bushroot approaches Christie and gets her up saying, "So sorry I had to put the cloth to your beak, baby. But I can't risk losing you to someone else." Christie smiles and says, "Awe.~" You say, "Wait... risk?" You look at Megavolt. He says, "Take Christie elsewhere, Bushroot. I need to talk to (Y/N) alone." Bushroot says, "You got it." He takes Christie out of the room. 

Megavolt says, "Good. Now that it's just me and you... I have something I'd like to say to you. Remember that jerk off at Mario's who tried to take you from me?" You say, "Take me from you? I... Wait..." You look at Megavolt and you say, "Elmo. Did you... was it YOU that killed him?" 

He smirks and says, "Well... yeah." Your eyes widen and you say, "Holy shit! I-I now know you're a super villain. That part doesn't surprise me. But you actually murdered someone in cold blood! What the fuck?! Why?!"

(Little trigger warning pass this point with what Megavolt's about to say.)

He looks at you and says, "You're the reason, baby. I spotted you and needed to have you for myself. The date was perfect. Ooh, if I had the chance, I would have taken you into that restaurant, put you upon one of those booths and just take you right there. Hearing you moan.~" He chuckles.

You say, "Oh my god, dude! What?!" He says, "Didn't expect this, did you (Y/N)? Doesn't matter now, beautiful. I'll do it all again and again just to have you. Have you all to myself. Be lucky I won't kill your friend there because Bushroot likes her. Ooh (Y/N). You drive me insane. More insane than I already am. I've never had the urge to actually wanna brutally murder someone until I met you. All for you, baby." 

You look at the door and he says, "Don't think about trying to get away. I don't wanna have to shock you, but I could if you try. I'm more dangerous than you think. Then again, I won't kill YOU... just everyone else around you." You look at him. 

He gives you the half lidded eyes and says, "I could have you in here with me right now. Feeling you inside. Making you moan and cry for me. Stalking you isn't enough, (Y/N). I want more... Much much more. You drive me wild. I could even murder your dad to have you." You shake your head. He cups your chin and you gulp. 

He leans in and he whispers, "God, I could fuck you up against this wall right now. I love you so much, (Y/N). I'll do anything to have you to myself.~" He's about to lean in but he hears this, "Megavolt! Get out here!" Megavolt sighs and moves away. 

He says, "Hold on. I gotta see what Quackerjack wants... Dammit all. Getting cock blocked by my friend. He's lucky I'll spare him. I'll be back for you.~" He gives you a peck on the (lips/beak) and he heads out of the room. You say, "What the fuck? I... I just went on a date with not only a super villain... but a psychopath."

(Still not over.)

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